Examples of Total Calls in a sentence
Total Calls Commission Intralata/ Interstate Revenue Intralata/ Interstate Mins.
Calculated: Voice Drop Call Rate (%) = # of Drop Calls / Total Calls (Network based metric)3) Congestion: Measures the % of congested areas in a network where customers may experience voice/data issues during periods of high network loada.
Customers can ask questions, learn which REPs are serving their areas, and request educational materials.▪ Total Calls: 325,000 (Feb.
The Company agrees to ensure DIRECTV Care Labor Agreement Calls are no less than 5.50% of the Total Calls by the end of 2022, 5.75% of the Total Calls by the end of 2023, 6.00% of the Total Calls by the end of 2024, and 6.25% of the Total Calls by the end of 2025.
CALCULATION Count of inbound calls answered by a live rep - If phone queue is purely live rep and no IVR, this metric should not be reported, default to Total Calls Answered metric which is categorized as a Top KPI.
The Average Speed of Answer (ASA) would be the Total Speed of Answer Time, in seconds, for all Calls Handled by Live Agents divided by the Total Calls Handled by Live Agents.
In Wisconsin, the Percent of Total Calls Handled by the Spanish-speaking eligibility worker identifies which times of day and days of week are busiest.
Total Calls to Attendants is the number of callers attempting to talk to an attendant.
Foreningen kan tilby slik forsikring på grunnlag av (a) Estimated Total Calls som er undergitt plikt til tilskudd (“supplementary calls”), katastrofetilskudd (“overspill calls”) og opphørstilskudd (“release calls”), eller (b) på grunnlag av fast premie uten forpliktelse til tilskudd, katastrofetilskudd eller opphørstilskudd og uten rett til et eventuelt overskudd.
In call centers, measures such as the Average Call Duration, Percent of Total Calls Handled, and Average Answer Speed help staff to monitor workflow and make adjustments as needed.