Total effective dose equivalent definition
Examples of Total effective dose equivalent in a sentence
Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE)--The sum of the effective dose equivalent for external exposures and the committed effective dose equivalent for internal exposures.
Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) equals the effective dose equivalent (for external exposures) plus the committed effective dose equivalent (for internal exposures).
The following equation was used to calculate the radiological consequences: Dose (TEDE) = Release * E/Q * Breathing Rate * DCF where: TEDE = Total effective dose equivalent (rem) Release = Release quantity (curies)E/Q = Time-integrated atmospheric dispersion where the receptor is located (seconds per cubic meter)Breathing rate = 0.00033 cubic meter per secondRELEASE BY TORNADOIt is recognized that tornados have occurred in Eddy County (TPO 2000).
Total effective dose equivalent is determined by summing the committed effective dose equivalent and the deep dose equivalent.