Examples of Total Phosphorous in a sentence
If yes to d and the receiving water is listed on the most current 303(d) List of Impaired Waters for a sediment or a sediment-related parameter, BIO (macroinvertebrate), turbidity, Total Phosphorous, Total Nitrogen, Chlorophyll-a, or Fecal coliform in Shellfish Harvesting Waters in the SCCZ.
This method is used for the determination of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous in seawater and is applicable to many ranges.
EXTRA STRENGTH WASTEWATER SURCHARGE SCHEDULE PARAMETERBASESURCHARGEBOD-5220 MG/L$0.11/pound in excess of baseTSS300 MG/L$0.17/pound in excess of baseTP10 MG/L$1.50/pound in excess of baseNH3-N20 MG/L$0.80/pound in excess of base (Note: BOD-5 = Biochemical Oxygen Demand; TSS = Total Suspended Solids; TP = Total Phosphorous; NH3-N = Ammonia Nitrogen; MG/L = Milligrams per Liter)." Motion supported by Mayor Pro-Tem Osika.
Samples for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous shall be collected at five depths, i.e., 1 meter below the water surface, at bottom depth (defined as the depth of the diffuser, or 1 meter above the seabed if shallower than the diffuser), and three equally spaced depths between those ‘surface’ and ‘bottom’ depths.
Total Phosphorous limits will be established where applicable and will be based on Colorado Regulation Nos.
Twice per week monitoring frequency for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous is based on collection of two, 24-hour composite samples on production days during each 7-day period.
Identifies how well the practice addresses various objectives of SWM (e.g., Runoff Reduction, Total Phosphorous and Nitrogen Removal, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Removal, Channel Protection, and Flood Mitigation).
Persulfate Digestion for Determination of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous in Low-Nutrient Waters.
Below is a summary of the bay conditions analysis for Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, and Total Phosphorous.
Standard Operating Procedure 016: Total Phosphorous and Nitrogen Analysis.