Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by:
Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from
Cannabinoid concentrate means a concentrate or extract obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by a mechanical, chemical, or other process.
Examples of Cannabinoid concentrate in a sentence
Cannabinoid concentrate in solid form; and (B) Cannabinoid concentrate in liquid form.
Cannabinoid concentrate or extract in liquid form; and (B) Cannabinoid concentrate or extract in solid form.
More Definitions of Cannabinoid concentrate
Cannabinoid concentrate means a concentrate or extract obtained by separating
Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating
Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by sep-
Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by sepa-
Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by a mechanical extraction process; a chemical extraction process using a nonhydrocarbon-based or other solvent, such as water, vegetable glycerin, vegetable oils, animal fats, isopropyl alcohol, or ethanol; a chemical extraction process using the hydrocarbon-based solvent carbon dioxide, provided that the process does not involve the use of high heat or pressure; or any other process identified by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, in consultation with the Oregon Health Authority, by rule.
Cannabinoid concentrate means a sub- stance obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by:
Cannabinoid concentrate means the product of any chemical or physical process applied to naturally occurring biomass that concentrates or isolates the cannabinoids contained in the biomass.