Tractor with Trailer definition

Tractor with Trailer means a Tractor with an attached vehicle used for carrying goods;
Tractor with Trailer means a Tractor with an attached vehicle laden with goods other than agricultural produce or agricultural equipment; Traffic Aid Post” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 20.2
Tractor with Trailer means a Tractor with an attached vehicle laden with goods other than agricultural produce or  To be deleted in case Xxxxx is not envisaged  To be deleted in case Xxxxx is not envisaged 16 This amount may be indicated on the basis of project-specific cost estimates, including financing charges; and this amount shall, after bidding, be reduced by a sum equivalent to the Equity Support. In determining this amount, the estimated cost of construction shall be increased by 25% thereof to account for contingencies, risk premia and financing costs. These costs should be reviewed and firmed up during pre-bid consultations. agricultural equipment;

Examples of Tractor with Trailer in a sentence

  • Traffic counts were classified into the following vehicle categories: i) Motorized vehicle comprising of Auto-rickshaw/Tempo/Nasimon, Jeep/Car Taxi , Microbus/Pickup, Motor-cycle, Bus/Minibus, which are passenger-vehicles, and cargo vehicles composed of Truck, Tractor with Trailer, and Covered van/ (Light Truck) with goods; and ii) Non- motorized vehicles comprising of Rickshaw, Rickshaw-van, Bicycle, Bullock Cart and Push cart.

  • The estimate then grew by almost another $5 billion, leading NASA (at White House direction) to cancel or indefinitely defer some hardware to stay within the cap.

  • SCOPE OF WORK:-Supply of 1 No. Tractor with Trailer for Internal Movement of materials from any place to any other place within BHEL Trichy-14 Complex including Unit-II on Hire Basis 02.

  • Tractor with Trailer: minimum Qty TwelveForm C: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form‌ Name of Bidder:[Insert Name of Bidder]Date:Select dateITB reference:ITB-012/19 Cash for Work for Crushing and Recycling of Rubble in Al Mazen Site-West Mosul-Ninawa Governorate - IraqTo be completed and returned with your Bid if the Bid is submitted as a Joint Venture/Consortium/Association.

  • SCOPE : Supply of 1 No. Tractor with Trailer for Internal Movement of materials from any place to any other place within BHEL Trichy-14 Complex including Phase-II for a period of One Year on Hire Basis 02.

  • Must have a Tractor with Trailer driving license and First Aid Certificate.

  • Tractor with Trailer: minimum Qty TwelveForm C: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form Name of Bidder:[Insert Name of Bidder]Date:Select dateITB reference:[ITB-169/18 Rubble Removal and Cleaning of the Public Spaces in Ramadi City ]To be completed and returned with your Bid if the Bid is submitted as a Joint Venture/Consortium/Association.

  • A Power Tiller or Walking Tractor with Trailer is often available in rice growing plains and is considered very fuel efficient.

  • Note: For the post of Heavy Equipment Operator, License to drive vehicles in the categories of Loader, Excavator, Crane, Fork Lift, Trailer, Agriculture Tractor with Trailer is desired.

Related to Tractor with Trailer

  • Tractor truck means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles

  • Tractor means every vehicle designed, constructed

  • The Site, where applicable, means the designated project place(s) named in the bidding document.

  • Generator Owner means the Person that owns the Generating Facility and has registered with the NERC as the Person responsible for complying with all NERC Reliability Standards applicable to the owner of the Generating Facility.

  • Generator Operator means the Person that Operates the Generating Facility and performs the functions of supplying electric energy and interconnected operations services within the meaning of the NERC Reliability Standards.

  • Contractor Software means software which is proprietary to the Contractor, including software which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • Tight-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete seal with the face.

  • Bicycle lane means that portion of a roadway designated by signs and/or pavement markings for

  • Road tractor means every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn.

  • Generator means a device that produces electricity.

  • Contractor information system means an information system belonging to, or operated by or for, the Contractor.

  • Tank means an enclosed space which is formed by the permanent structure of a ship and which is designed for the carriage of liquid in bulk.

  • Loose-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that is designed to form a partial seal with the face.

  • Access Tandem Switch is a Switch used to connect End Office Switches to interexchange Carrier Switches. Qwest's Access Tandem Switches are also used to connect and switch traffic between and among Central Office Switches within the same LATA and may be used for the exchange of local traffic.

  • Fire fighter means any person employed by the state or any political subdivision as a member or officer of a fire depart- ment or a member of a volunteer department, including the state fire marshal and deputies.

  • Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.

  • Storm water or wastewater collection system means piping, pumps, conduits, and any other equipment necessary to collect and transport the flow of surface water run-off resulting from precipitation, or domestic, commercial, or industrial wastewater to and from retention areas or any areas where treatment is designated to occur. The collection of storm water and wastewater does not include treatment except where incidental to conveyance.

  • Generator Maintenance Outage means the scheduled removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit in order to perform necessary repairs on specific components of the facility, if removal of the facility meets the guidelines specified in the PJM Manuals.

  • Covered contractor information system means an information system that is owned or operated by a contractor that processes, stores, or transmits Federal contract information.

  • Impact surface means an interior or exterior surface that is subject to damage by repeated sudden force such as certain parts of door frames.

  • Accessible surface means surface of equipment or of an equipment part that can be easily or accidentally touched by persons without the use of a tool.

  • Accessible route means a continuous, unobstructed path connecting accessible elements and spaces in a building or within a site that can be negotiated by a person with a severe disability using a wheelchair and that is also safe for and usable by people with other disabilities. Interior accessible routes may include corridors, floors, ramps, elevators, and lifts. Exterior accessible routes may include parking access aisles, curb ramps, walks, ramps, and lifts. A route that complies with the appropriate requirements of ANSI A117.1 or a comparable standard is an accessible route.

  • Individual generation site means the contiguous site at or on which one or more hazardous wastes are generated. An individual generation site, such as a large manufacturing plant, may have one or more sources of hazardous waste but is considered a single or individual generation site if the site or property is contiguous.

  • Coordinated licensure information system means an integrated process for collecting, storing, and sharing information on nurse licensure and enforcement activities related to nurse licensure laws that is administered by a nonprofit organization composed of and controlled by licensing boards.

  • Customer Site means the site owned or leased by the Customer or any other site used to provide the Service, which is directly connected to a PoP managed by Liquid Telecom, as set out in the COF;

  • Trailer means a vehicle designed to be pulled by a: