Tank definition
Examples of Tank in a sentence
This alleged non-discharge violation could have been avoided if proactive efforts had taken place to address the small branch pipeline, rather than relying solely on automatic detection systems that did not effectively catch the discharge (because the small branch pipe is located after the Fresh Water Tank, the Fresh Water Tank remained at capacity, and did not alert Lehigh staff to a problem in the remote location).
Prior efforts were made to prevent or quickly detect overflows from the Fresh Water Tank.
The Fresh Water Tank (the source of the discharge) is in a remote part of the Lehigh facility, and not inspected daily.
Because of the location of this leak, the operable water level sensors did not alert Lehigh to its existence; the Fresh Water Tank never lost volume given additional potable water consumption.
In addition, Lehigh had implemented some detection measures for the Fresh Water Tank of the potable water system, indicating that the requirements have been somewhat effective.