Traffic studies definition

Traffic studies means 9-1-1 call studies performed by a telecommunications provider.
Traffic studies means 9-1-1 call studies per- formed by a telecommunications provider.

Examples of Traffic studies in a sentence

  • Traffic studies for the entire network will be conducted at least annually with reports provided to the State 911 Program Manager and the PSAP coordinator as requested.

  • Traffic studies for the entire network will be conducted at least annually with reports given to the PSAPs and the county’s 911 system coordinator.

  • Traffic studies will be conducted only within the boundaries indicated.

  • Traffic studies and other additional supplementary materials for site-specific amendments are available to the public on the PBC Planning web page at: II.

  • Traffic studies and other additional supplementary materials for site-specific amendments are available to the public on the PBC Planning web page at:

  • Traffic studies should include, at a minimum: (1) an explanation of the sampling and estimation methods employed and (2) an explanation as to why the study results in an unbiased estimate with the accuracy specified above.

  • Traffic studies area available for public review from the application general file.

  • Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental relationships; Traffic signs; Signal design by Webster’s method; Types of intersections; Highway capacity.

  • Traffic studies may be required by the City in order to adequately assess the impacts of a development proposal on the existing and/or planned street system.

  • Traffic studies shall be reviewed on behalf of the County by a traffic engineering or transportation planning consultant with similar qualifications.