Examples of Traffic studies in a sentence
Traffic studies for the entire network will be conducted at least annually with reports provided to the State 911 Program Manager and the PSAP coordinator as requested.
Traffic studies for the entire network will be conducted at least annually with reports given to the PSAPs and the county’s 911 system coordinator.
Traffic studies will be conducted only within the boundaries indicated.
Traffic studies and other additional supplementary materials for site-specific amendments are available to the public on the PBC Planning web page at: http://www.pbcgov.com/pzb/planning/activeamend/ II.
Traffic studies and other additional supplementary materials for site-specific amendments are available to the public on the PBC Planning web page at: http://www.pbcgov.com/pzb/planning/amendments/index.htm.
Traffic studies should include, at a minimum: (1) an explanation of the sampling and estimation methods employed and (2) an explanation as to why the study results in an unbiased estimate with the accuracy specified above.
Traffic studies area available for public review from the application general file.
Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental relationships; Traffic signs; Signal design by Webster’s method; Types of intersections; Highway capacity.
Traffic studies may be required by the City in order to adequately assess the impacts of a development proposal on the existing and/or planned street system.
Traffic studies shall be reviewed on behalf of the County by a traffic engineering or transportation planning consultant with similar qualifications.