Examples of Transportation network services in a sentence
Transportation network services shall mean transportation of a passenger between points chosen by the passenger and that is prearranged by a transportation network application company.
H.B. No. 1733 1 (5) "Transportation network services" means 2 transportation of a passenger between points chosen by the 3 passenger and prearranged with a participating driver through the 4 use of a transportation network company ’s online-enabled 5 application or platform.
Transportation network company shall mean an individual, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity that uses an online application program to connect drivers to passengers for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire or for carpooling/ride-sharing services for a fee, including but not limited to Third-party transportation app company, Transportation network application company, Transportation network services, Transportation network operator.
Transportation network services or TNC services means for-hire transportation offered or provided for compensation by a TNC that uses a digital network or TNC app to connect a passenger with a TNC Driver with a personal vehicle for a prearranged ride.
Transportation network services are the transportation of a passenger between points chosen by the passenger and arranged with the driver using the company’s digital network or software application.