Examples of Transportation organization in a sentence
This program is organized by Office according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation organization structure.
The DTNA Company Transportation organization can provide the contact information for the forwarder serving your location.
Steve discussed the amendments to the budget, specifically the Transportation organization chart and job descriptions as well as the Transportation salary schedule (monitors and drivers are subject to collective bargaining).Motion: Liz Legault made a motion to approve the FY20 NRC Budget.
Low income service and advocacy partners include community action programs.28 Transportation organization partners include Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association (WURTA), the Wisconsin Bike Federation and non-profit taxis.29 PrivatePrivate partners include for-profit companies, such as Land’s End,30 as well as health care providers, such as hospitals.31 PublicPublic partners include governmental departments and divisions, schools and transit agencies.
The ATP makes substantial contributions to the student and employee Transportation Access Program, vanpools, support of the student Alternative Transportation organization, compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District regulations and many other programs and activities.
Approved Vote 5-0 The Adams County Transportation organization would like to meet with the Township to discuss the long-range transportation plan.
Due to staff turnover in ITD management and in the Public Transportation organization, CTAI’s contract has been extended six months while ITD does the reorganization and reassignment of management duties/responsibilities.8. Other Businessa.
The Gover- nor shall appoint members of the commission in compliance with all of the following:184.615 Department of Transportation; organization; duties; director; managers.
Transportation organization, including tactical functions such as carrier selection (own account or for hire carrier) and mode/vehicle type selection, as well as decisions of an operational nature such as routing and scheduling.
If shipment of CERCLA remediation waste is necessary during the project, WGS and Packaging and Transportation organization personnel will be responsible for performing those activities.