Examples of Tribal governing body in a sentence
Native American land is frequently held in trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or a Tribal governing body and leased to operators.
Native American land is frequently held in trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or Tribal governing body and leased to operators.
Where such requirements are waived, the Tribal governing body or school board shall, within 60 days, submit to the Secretary of the Interior a proposal for alternative standards, assessments, and an accountability system, if applicable, consistent with ESEA Section 1111.
The regulations also provide that after consultation with the Tribal governing body or bodies on those reservations included within the PRC Service Delivery Area, the Secretary may from time to time, re-designate areas within the United States for inclusion in or exclusion from a PRC Service Delivery Area.
In addition to no- tices published in the FEDERAL REG- ISTER under this paragraph (g), the Ad- ministrator will, to the extent prac- ticable, publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the area subject to the part 71 program effec- tiveness or delegation, and will send a letter to the Tribal governing body for an Indian Tribe or the Governor (or his or her designee) of the affected area to provide notice of such effectiveness or delegation.