Type Np stream definition
Examples of Type Np stream in a sentence
Along Type Np streams, reductions in shade are likely to occur and water temperature may increase over limited distances as a result of the unbuffered Type Np stream reaches.
However, road crossing still have the ability to contribute to take of kokanee.Incidental take of kokanee is estimated in number of stream crossings over a 50 year permit term.• Type S stream crossings: 729• Type F stream crossings: 5,880• Type Np stream crossings: 4,144The third activity that can be estimated, and would also cause take, are roads located within the Riparian Zone.
Additionally, removal of cover (primarily aquatic vegetation) in association with stream crossing projects, would contribute to take as follows.• Type S stream crossings: 357• Type F stream crossings: 4,268• Type Np stream crossings: 1,283Incidental take of Olympic mudminnow is estimated from roads in the riparian areas of Type S, F, and Np streams.
Three-spine stickleback mortality may also occur from culvert installation/replacement projects.• Type S stream crossings: 1,387• Type F stream crossings: 13,665• Type Np stream crossings: 6,679Incidental Take of three-spine stickleback is estimated from roads in the riparian areas of Type S, F, and Np streams.
In addition, instream work associated with culvert and other road crossing projects may cause mortality with capture and re-location efforts.Incidental take of peamouth is estimated in number of stream crossings over a 50 year permit term.• Type S stream crossings: 956• Type F stream crossings: 8,359• Type Np stream crossings: 5,806 ConclusionIn this Opinion, we determined that this level of anticipated take is not likely to result in jeopardy to peamouth.
This area would lose the potential to deliver LWD and would also increase sunlight reaching the stream.Incidental take of speckled dace as estimated in number of stream crossings, over a 50 year permit term.• Type S stream crossings: 1,474• Type F stream crossings: 13,074• Type Np stream crossings: 7,705The third activity that can be estimated, and would contribute to take, are roads located within the riparian management zone.
Therefore, it is estimated that culvert and bridge maintenance and installation would result in take of Van Dyke’s salamanders for up to 4,794 Type Np stream crossings and 62,693 Type Ns stream crossings over the life of the proposed 50- year Permit term.
Fingerprints for commissioned and civilian applicants should be taken using the Livescan machine.
Therefore, it is estimated that culvert and bridge maintenance and installation, and sediment from hydrologically-connected roads, would result in take of Coastal tailed frogs for up to 7,575 Type Np stream crossings and 89,837 Type Ns stream crossings, and 872 miles of Type Np stream-adjacent roads, over the life of the proposed 50-year Permit term.
However, thecommenter expressed concern regarding the need for expeditious handling ofrequests for recoupments in excess of the limitation.