Examples of Type Np Water in a sentence
These are seasonal, nonfish habitat streams in which surface flow is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall and are not located downstream from any stream reach that is a Type Np Water.
If the percentage is not met by protecting sensitive sites listed in (b)(i) through (vii) of this subsection, then additional buffers are required on the Type Np Water to meet the requirements listed in the table.
If an operating area is located more than ((500)) five hundred feet upstream from the confluence of a Type S or F Water and the Type Np Water is more than ((1,000)) one thousand feet in length, then buffer the Type Np Water according to the following table.
Answer ‘yes’ if you will be harvesting within 29 feet on a Type Np Water on an exempt 20-acre parcel.
If an operating area is located more than 500 feet upstream from the confluence of a Type S or F Water and the Type Np Water is more than 1,000 feet in length, then buffer the Type Np Water according to the following table.
Enter one of the following:• Headwall seep• Side-slope seeps• Type Np Water intersection or confluence• Headwater spring• Alluvial fansDescribe how you marked sensitive sites on the ground: List the colors and types of markers used to mark the features in the field.
No timber harvest is permitted within a 56-foot radius buffer patch centered on a headwater spring or, in the absence of a headwater spring, on a point at the upper most extent of a Type Np Water as defined in WAC 222-16-030(3) and 222-16-031.
A 50-foot, no-harvest buffer, measured horizontally from the outer edge of bankfull width, will be established along each side of the Type Np Water as follows: Required no-harvest, 50-foot buffers on Type Np Waters.
Trees may be felled into Type Np Water if logs are removed as soon thereafter as practical.
The proposed water typing rules include Type S Water, Type F Water, Type Np Water, and Type Ns Water.