Examples of Under execution in a sentence
Under execution consistency, a new program element may only be visible to some execu- tion paths but not others.
Under execution accuracy, the equivalence between a model-generated query and a reference query is established if they both produce the same results on all possible databases instances (Yu et al., 2018a).
Details of all contracts (b) Under execution Sl. No.Name of Contract & LocationName of ClientType of Org.Industries/Govt./oth ersAnnual Cost of contractPeriod of contractTotal DurationLitigation Arbitratio n pending/ in progress with detailsName, Address & Tele No. of officer to whom reference may be madePerforman ce Rating given by the Organizati onFromToYrsMonths (Signature of the applicant) Date: Name: Seal:Form: 2c 2.
Under execution threads are grouped into a three level hierarchy, as illustrated in Figure 2.8. Every kernel executes as a grid of thread blocks, where each thread block is an array of threads that has a unique coordinate in the kernel grid.
Under- execution of capital investments remains an issue, partly due to over-budgeting.
Sl.no.Name of StationsPositionRemarks0108 nos ‘A’ i.e PPTA, ARA, BXR, PNC, BKP, MKA, KIUL, JMUTender for 01 years has been done at the cost of Rs. 21,47,590.5/- Through GEM.Under execution02PNBE, RGD, DNR & RJPBTender for Pest & rodent control of these four stations has been included withCoaching Depots of PNBE, DNR, RNCC &Under execution RGD and has been done at the cost of Rs.42689334.45 for 04 years.
Under execution remain industrial, logistic, commercial and service objects along with full outdoor infrastructure (roads, squares, car parks).
Details of all contracts (b) Under execution Sl. No.Name of Contract & LocationName of ClientType of Org.Industries/Govt./oth ersAnnual Cost of contractPeriod of contractTotal DurationLitiga tion Arbitr ation pendi ng / in progr ess with detailsName, Address & Tele No. of officer to whom referenc e may be madePerfor mance Rating given by the Organiz ationFromToYrsMonths (Signature of the applicant) Date: Name: Seal: Form: 2c 2.
Under execution proceedings, documents may be served only by them.
Under- execution was perceived as poor management or an indication of over-funding.