Examples of Unit Reservoirs in a sentence
A single Sunrise Joint Venturer shall be appointed by agreement between the Sunrise Joint Venturers as their agent for the purposes of exploiting the Unit Reservoirs in accordance with this Agreement (“the Unit Operator”).
Production of Petroleum from the Unit Reservoirs shall be apportioned between the JPDA and Australia according to the Apportionment Ratio 20.1:79.9, with 20.1% apportioned to the JPDA and 79.9% apportioned to Australia.
Bluehead sucker have been extirpated in the Gunnison River, Colorado above the Aspinall Unit Reservoirs (Xxxxxxxx 1978).
The exploitation of the Unit Reservoirs shall be undertaken in an integrated manner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
For the purposes of exploiting the Unit Reservoirs and subject to article 22 and to the requirements of safety, neither Government shall hinder the free movement of personnel and materials between structures located in the Unit Area and landing facilities on those structures shall be freely available to vessels and aircraft of Australia and Timor-Leste.
Australia and Timor-Leste recognize that, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 below, the exploitation of Petroleum other than Petroleum from the Unit Reservoirs is a legitimate use of Unit Property.
Australia and Timor-Leste shall require Sunrise Joint Venturers, as comprised at the date on which this Agreement enters into force, to conclude Joint Venturers' Agreements to regulate the exploitation of the Unit Reservoirs in accordance with this Agreement.
Production of Petroleum from the Unit Reservoirs shall be apportioned between the JPDA and Australia according to the Apportionment Ratio 20.1:79.9, with 20.1 per cent apportioned to the JPDA and 79.9 per cent apportioned to Australia.
Article 7: Apportionment of Unit PetroleumProduction of Petroleum from Unit Reservoirs shall be apportioned between the JPDA and Australia according to the Apportionment Ratio 20.1 :79.9 with 20.1 % apportioned to the JPDA and 79.9% apportioned to Australia.
UNITISATION OF THE SUNRISE AND TROUBADOUR FIELDS (2003)• PRODUCTION FROM GREATER SUNRISE IS APPORTIONED 79.9% TO AUSTRALIA AND 20.1% TO THE JPDA: Production of Petroleum from the Unit Reservoirs shall be apportioned between the JPDA and Australia according to the Apportionment Ratio 20.1:79.9, with 20.1% apportioned to the JPDA and 79.9% apportioned to Australia.