Examples of Surface impoundment in a sentence
Surface impoundment, including placement of liquid or sludgediscards into pits, ponds or lagoons.
Surface impoundment, including placement of liquid or sludgediscards into pits, ponds or lagoons.X4.
D4 Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, ponds, or lagoons, etc).
Taking into consideration ESM of mercury waste, the following disposal operations which do not lead to the possibility of resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses) in Annex IV of the Basel Convention are considered: D1: Deposit into or onto land; D2: Land treatment; D3: Deep injection; D4: Surface impoundment; D5: Specially engineering landfill; D11 Permanent storage; and D15: Storage pending any of the operation in Section A.
Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or sludgy discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc).D5.