Upland game definition

Upland game means pheasant, quail, partridge, grouse, ptarmigan, mourning dove, band-tailed pigeon, turkey, cottontail rabbit, or snowshoe hare.
Upland game means pheasant, quail, partridge, grouse, ptarmigan, mourning
Upland game means dusky grouse, Eurasian collared-dove, all protected squirrel species, all quail species, chukar and pheasant.

Examples of Upland game in a sentence

  • Upland game is limited to gray squirrels, eastern cottontail rabbits, and woodchuck on the North Tract.

  • Upland game hunting by lot Purchasers is strictly prohibited in said development.

  • Upland game hunting for raccoon, opossum, fox, and coyote would be allowed in the Northern and Archery Only Hunt Zones.

  • Upland game hunting would include raccoon, opossum, fox, coyote, rabbit, and squirrel from September 16 to March 14.

  • We allow migratory game bird hunting on designated areas of the district subject to the following condition: You must remove boats, decoys, portable blinds, other personal property, and any materials brought onto the area for blind construction by the end of each day’s hunt (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).(2) Upland game hunting.

More Definitions of Upland game

Upland game means pheasant, quail, Chukar Partridge, Hungarian Partridge, Sage-grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Blue Grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, White-tailed Ptarmigan, wild turkey, and the following migratory game birds: Mourning Dove, Band-tailed Pigeon, and Sandhill Crane.
Upland game means Wild Turkey, Tree Squirrel, Prairie Dog, Cottontail Rabbit, and Jack Rabbit.
Upland game means pheasant, quail, chukar partridge, gray partridge, greater sage-grouse, ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, white-tailed ptarmigan, and the following migratory game birds: American crow, mourning dove, white-winged dove, band-tailed pigeon, and Sandhill crane.
Upland game means pheasant, quail, chukar partridge, accepted, but will be processed and drawn individually. Hungarian partridge, sage grouse, ruffed grouse, blue grouse, sharp- ](4)(a) A person may obtain only one sandhill crane permit tailed grouse, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, white-tailed each year.
Upland game means pheasant, California quail, Gambel's Quail, chukar partridge, gray partridge, greater sage- grouse, ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, white-tailed ptarmigan, American crow, mourning dove, white-winged dove, band-tailed pigeon, and Sandhill crane.
Upland game means Tree Squirrel, Prairie Dog, Cottontail Rabbit and Jack Rabbit.
Upland game means all species of chukar, dove, quail, grouse, pheasant, rabbit or hare, turkey, rock-chuck, and prairie dog.