Examples of Upper Basin in a sentence
Counsel is participating in negotiations regarding a contingency plan that could be implemented in the event of continued drought conditions that could threaten Lake Powell elevations and Upper Basin releases from Lake Powell.
It identifies specific actions and time frames currently believed to be required to recover the endangered fishes in the most expeditious manner in the Upper Basin.
George, UT, is technically within the Lower Colorado River Basin’s drainage, as previously discussed, Utah’s state allocation comes out of waters available to the Upper Basin.
For example, the states in the Upper Basin (Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and New Mexico), where the majority of the river’s runoff originates, feared that a storage facility making water available downstream might form a basis for claims by Lower Basin states (California, Arizona, and Nevada) under prior appropriation doctrine before Upper Basin states could develop means to access their share.
The Section 7 Agreement (including Section 7 Consultation, Sufficient Progress, and Historic Projects Agreement) was developed by Recovery Program participants to clarify how Section 7 consultations will be conducted on water depletion impacts related to new projects and impacts associated with historic projects (existing projects requiring a new Federal action) in the Upper Basin.
The Colorado Squawfish [Pikeminnow] Recovery Plan (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1991) listed the Green River as the highest priority area for recovery of the species, and the recovery goals (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c) consider the Green River subbasin as the center of the Upper Basin Colorado pikeminnow metapopulation.
A number of potentially harmful contaminants (including selenium, petroleum derivatives, heavy metals, ammonia, and uranium) and suspected contaminant "hot spots" have been identified in the Upper Basin.
Blockage of Colorado pikeminnow movement by dams and water-diversion structures has been suggested as an important cause of the decline of this species in the Upper Basin (Xxxx 1984; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1991).
Tributary and mainstem flow recommendations will be carefully coordinated to address recovery needs from an Upper Basin wide perspective.
To the extent permissible under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and other applicable Federal authority, venue for adjudication of any disputes under this Demand Management Storage Agreement shall be in an appropriate Federal court within the Upper Basin.