Examples of Urban redevelopment in a sentence
Urban redevelopment revenue is recognized at a point in time, when the customer obtains control of the assets and the Group has present right to payment and the collection of the consideration is probable.
Introduction: Research Questions and Theoretical Background Urban redevelopment processes involve the transformation of land use, social activities, and economic flow.
Alabamians age 18–29 are less likely to contact elected officials and boycott/buycott products than those 30 or older.
Urban redevelopment of the area will create new roads and parks as well as additional public facilities such as satellite offices of neighboring districts, a kindergarten for commuters, a health care center, and a tourist information office, thereby improving the quality of public services.
Urban redevelopment council, East Port of Spain social survey report.
Urban redevelopment causes changes to urban form, performed by neighbourhood improvements through replacing or modifying neighbourhood morphological features (Ellis, 2002; Thompson- Fawcett & Bond, 2003).
An example of this is the set of visual simulations prepared for the Escondido Village Graduate Student Residences Project along Serra Street and Campus Drive (see Figures BCR.22 and BCR.23).
Gist of Public Presentations Presentation 1Topic: Urban redevelopment arrangement Speaker:Mr. Leung Yat Wing ( 梁 日 榮 ) The speaker quoted some of the proposals made in the meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Planning, Lands and Works on 2nd March, 2001, including the proposal to the URA that the number of units available for allocation under the “flat for flat” exchange scheme should not be less than 1.2 times of the number of property owners who participated in the scheme.
Urban redevelopment projectis utilized for redevelopment of buildings by land owners.
Urban redevelopment is essentially another name for gentri- fication and it has worked perfectly as a form of “new- build gentrification”(Davidson and Lee, 2005, 2010) in Korea.