VAV definition
Examples of VAV in a sentence
Condition that is created for the purpose of testing the response of a system (e.g., applying a hair blower to a space sensor to see the response in a VAV box).
Tri-State outputs may be used to provide analog output control in zone control and terminal unit control applications such as VAV terminal units, duct-mounted heating coils, and zone dampers.
Central HVAC systems shall be installed and operational, including, as appropriate, main and branch lines, VAV boxes, dampers, flex ducts, and diffusers, for an open office layout, including all building common areas.
The scope of work shall include all the items listed above, and include operating controls, sensors and controls that must be calibrated, inspection of air handlers, pumps, valves, condensate drain lines, condensate pans, coils, ductwork, dampers, VAV boxes, cooling towers, or anything that has a relationship to the air conveyance or operating control system.
Use of three-point floating devices shall be limited to zone control and terminal unit control applications (VAV terminal units, duct-mounted heating coils, zone dampers, radiation, etc.).
VAV zone boxes shall maintain a minimum air flow (circulation) of a least 25% after the zone temperature reaches its set point (if applicable).
Contractor shall analyze the VAV system from the front end to ensure that the spaces served by the VAV boxes are controlled within tolerance while maintaining a comfortable environment for building occupants.
X Supply air duct distribution, VAV terminals, equipment connections, insulation, air terminals, dampers, hangers, etc.
Furthermore, AKWarm is unable to model complex HVAC systems such as variable frequency motors, variable air volume (VAV) systems, those with significant digital or pneumatic controls or significant heat recovery capacity.
This measure should apply to all existing VAV air handlers except in laboratories or other areas where static pressure control of the spaces is critical.