COVID-19 emergency means the emergencies declared in the Declaration of Public Emergency (Mayor's Order 2020-045) together with the Declaration of Public Health Emergency (Mayor's Order 2020-046), declared on March 11, 2020, including any extension of those declared emergencies.
environmental emergency means any situation that has caused or may cause serious harm to human health or damage to the environment, irrespective of whether the potential for harm or damage is immediate or delayed;
Eligible Crisis or Emergency means an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact to the Recipient, associated with a natural or man-made crisis or disaster.
Maximum Emergency means the designation of all or part of the output of a generating unit for which the designated output levels may require extraordinary procedures and therefore are available to the Office of the Interconnection only when the Office of the Interconnection declares a Maximum Generation Emergency and requests generation designated as Maximum Emergency to run. The Office of the Interconnection shall post on the PJM website the aggregate amount of megawatts that are classified as Maximum Emergency.
Minimum Generation Emergency means an Emergency declared by the Office of the Interconnection in which the Office of the Interconnection anticipates requesting one or more generating resources to operate at or below Normal Minimum Generation, in order to manage, alleviate, or end the Emergency.
the National Emergencies Trust means the registered charity of that name (number 1182809) established on 28th March 2019;
Maximum Generation Emergency means an Emergency declared by the Office of the Interconnection to address either a generation or transmission emergency in which the Office of the Interconnection anticipates requesting one or more Generation Capacity Resources, or Non- Retail Behind The Meter Generation resources to operate at its maximum net or gross electrical power output, subject to the equipment stress limits for such Generation Capacity Resource or Non-Retail Behind The Meter resource in order to manage, alleviate, or end the Emergency.
Emergency means natural calamities, disasters, accidents, war and breakdown of operational equipment, plant, machinery or engineering infrastructures, which may give rise to abnormal situation requiring prompt and immediate action to limit or avoid damage to person(s), property or the environment;