Examples of Veterinary professional in a sentence
Veterinary professional and paraprofessional organisations should participate in the training programmes as defined in point 131) of Article 6.10.3. It is recommended that veterinary professional and paraprofessional organisations develop for their members species-specific clinical practice recommendations on the responsible and prudent use of VMP veterinary medicinal products containing antimicrobial agents.Article 6.10.87.Responsibilities of animal feed manufacturers 1.
Dr. Linda McFall, Assistant Commissioner for Finance and Administration, noted that fees were not included in the original tuition increase request for the MSU Veterinary professional school; therefore, today’s request amount is different from the one presented at the May 2007 Board meeting.
Bona fide, reliable, and resourceful Organization/ Agencies/ Society/ Co-operative Society/ Person having experience in dealing animals or similar type of work or, having at least one Veterinary professional in the management or having similar activity in the objective in MOA/Byelaws mayparticipate in this Expression of Interest (EOI)Intending Bidder may download the Tender Documents from the website http://wbtenders.gov.in.
Veterinary professional organisations should participate in the training programmes as defined in point 11 of Article 6.10.3. It is recommended that veterinary professional organisations develop for their members species-specific clinical practice recommendations on the responsible and prudent use of VMP containing antimicrobial agents.
Veterinary professional associations and statutory bodiesengaged in the licensing of veterinarians should provide specific training for veterinary practitioners on AMR and the prudent use of antimicrobials, as a core component of continuing professional education.
Veterinary (professional studies) .......................................................4369,830,25581,818,2Veterinary assistant ...........................................................................12100,00,014100,00,0Norwegian College of Agriculture ..............................................
Veterinary professional organisations should participate in the training programmes as defined in point 11) of Article 6.10.3. It is recommended that veterinary professional organisations develop for their members species-specific clinical practice recommendations on the responsible and prudent use of VMP containing antimicrobial agents.
The following services were performed against set rates: · Veterinary professional and laboratory diagnostic and analytical services; · Veterinary inspections and the issue of certificates and permits; · Soil and water analysis performed at Glen; and · Formal training.
Veterinary professional associations and should continue developing guidelines for the prudent use of antimicrobials and promoting their implementation.