Examples of Vice Chairman of the Council in a sentence
The Vice Chairman of the Council shall serve as the Chairman of the Council in the absence of the Chairman.
Neither the Chairman nor Vice- Chairman of the Council may be appointed to the Executive and members of the Executive (including the Leader) may not be members of an overview and scrutiny committee.
The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council shall not be members of the Executive.
The President shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman of the Council and shall designate another member to serve as Vice Chairman of the Council.
The Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- quency Prevention shall serve as Vice Chairman of the Council.
If there is no Chairman of the relevant Scrutiny Committee, or if the Chairman of the relevant Scrutiny Committee is unwilling or unable to act, then the agreement of the Chairman of the Council, or in his absence the Vice Chairman of the Council will suffice.
The Vice Chairman of the Council shall be selected by the Council from among its mem- bers.
Where contracts are completed by each side adding their formal seal, the affixing of the Council's seal will be attested by the Monitoring Officer together with the Chairman or in their absence, the Vice- Chairman of the Council, or in their absence, another Councillor.
Membership comprises: seven members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council a total of nine members.
Membership comprises: three or four members plus the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council a total of five or six members.