Examples of Violent offense in a sentence
In order to convert these infectable numbers of cells into a density of target cells, we divide by the mouse blood volume (3 mL, based on blood volume of 95 mL/kg of body mass [52] and 30 gram mass of C57BL/6J mice [53]), giving a density on the order of 106/mL.
Cases with a Violent offense were most likely to complete a trial.
For each category of Violent offense, the mean sentence included some unsuspended incarceration.
Compare FRCP 73(b), which impliedly authorizes such an appeal.The sixth sentence authorizes an attorney of record for the deceased to take an appeal on behalf of succes- sors in interest if the deceased has no representative.
Within the Violent offense category, robbery was the most frequent offense, accounting for 35% of cases and 38% of Violent offense counts sentenced in 2015.