Violence definition

Violence means the unjustified infliction of physical force by a student with the intent to cause injury to another student or damage to the property of another student.
Violence means an action (oral, written or physical) which causes, is intended to cause, could reasonably be interpreted as a threat to cause, or is capable of causing death or bodily injury to oneself or others, or property damage.
Violence means the attempted or actual exercise by a person, other than a worker, of any physical force so as to cause injury to a worker, and includes any threatening statement or behaviour which gives a worker reasonable cause to believe that he or she is at risk of injury.

Examples of Violence in a sentence

  • Upon notification to the Employer, employees shall be entitled to a paid leave for a maximum of five (5) days per fiscal year and an unpaid leave for a maximum of a further five (5) days per fiscal year for Interpersonal Violence Leave as provided for in the Interpersonal Violence Leave in the Saskatchewan Employment Act, Section 2-56.1. Employees will ensure the Employer is notified as soon as possible as to the expected duration of the leave.

  • Employees shall be entitled to up to ten (10) days’ of Domestic Violence Leave.

  • Section 8 To comply with the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, the HA has implemented policies protecting victims of domestic violence from discrimination.

  • Public Housing Program To comply with the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, the HA has implemented policies protecting victims of domestic violence from discrimination.

  • The Section 8 Shelter Plus Care (S+C) program maintains several grants; one of them being Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council (ADVDC).

More Definitions of Violence

Violence means any violent conduct, so that—
Violence means abuse committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.
Violence means physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, abusing or injuring. or abusing another person.
Violence means all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.
Violence in the workplace generally means the exercise of physical force by a person against an Employee that cause or could cause harm, physical injuries or illness. It includes an attempt to exercise physical force against an Employee that could cause harm, physical injuries or illness; and a statement or behaviour that an Employee could reasonably interpret as a threath that could cause harm, physical injuries or illness.
Violence. ’ means bodily harm.
Violence means physical harm or attempted physical harm to persons or property.