Visa Europe definition
Examples of Visa Europe in a sentence
We'll do this at the rate of exchange provided by Visa Europe on the date they process the transaction which may differ from the actual transaction date.
We’ll do this at the rate of exchange provided by Visa Europe on the date they process the transaction which may differ from the actual transaction date.
Examples include Visa USA, Visa Europe, and the other Visa regions; Mastercard International Incorporated; American Express Company and similar organisations.
On 28 May 2012 the participant to the proceedings, Visa Europe Ltd, and on 29 May 2012 the plaintiffs’ attorney, including PKO Bank Polski SA, filed a complaint against the decision of SOKiK dated 8 May 2012.
This Commercial Entity Agreement for PayPal Payment Card Funded Processing Services (“Commercial Entity Agreement” or "CEA") is agreed with all PayPal Users that are Commercial Entities (as defined by Visa Europe, Visa Inc, Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide, UK Maestro, Solo and/or International Maestro (together the "Associations")).
The difference arises primarily because the Preferred Stock is considered “purchase consideration” for Visa’s acquisition of Visa Europe, while the Class B Common Stock was not purchase consideration when it was issued in 2007 upon completion of our reorganization.
Examples include (where applicable) Visa USA, Visa Europe, and the other Visa regions; MasterCard International Incorporated; American Express Company and similar organisations.
This Commercial Entity User Agreement for PayPal Payment Card Funded Processing Services (“Commercial Entity Agreement” or "CEA") is provided to all PayPal Users that are Commercial Entities (as defined by Visa Europe, Visa Inc, Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide, UK Maestro, Solo and/or International Maestro (together the "Associations")) and open a Premier or Business Account (such use of such accounts collectively termed the “Premier/Business Service”).
NIS 162 million), plus an increase in tax expenses in the present period, as a result of the profits from the sale of Bank Leumi shares and Visa Europe net of a decrease in the adjustment of the fair value of investment properties and net of a decrease in the tax expense deriving from a decrease in the current tax rate.
These fees shall also apply to Visa Europe Transactions and Domestic Transactions where a Member's domestic operating regulations do not provide for an equivalent fee.