Examples of Waste Rock in a sentence
Table 2 – Inventory of potential pollutants during mining operations *808,660 tonnes of pyrite rich waste rock are encapsulated in the 22.7Ha Waste Rock Emplacement.
Soil and Waste Rock ManagementMillipede and Lake MaitlandSurface soil cover would be stripped and stockpiled separately to be placed over the areas of backfilled pits as part of ongoing rehabilitation.
The initial Temporary Waste Rock and Ore Storage Facility was constructed in 2005 (Phase 1) and extended in fall 2007 (Phase 2) to accommodate test mine and pre-production development rock generated in 2005 and 2009, respectively.
GOLIATH MINE SCREENING LEVEL RISK ASSESSMENTFILE: ENVMIN03018-01.003 | FEBRUARY 2015 | ISSUED FOR USE Waste Rock Approximately 25 million tonnes of waste rock and 4-6 million tonnes of overburden will be produced during the life of the mine.
The following is extracted from the 2005 Waste Rock Storage Area Seepage and Waste Rock Survey Report – January 2006.