Water boundary definition

Water boundary means the shore or margin of lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, streams, drainage ditches, or swamps, which forms a boundary of or within the plat.
Water boundary means that term as defined by rules made by the Surveyor General by notice in the Gazette, pursuant to section 49 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002;
Water boundary means the shore or margin of lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, streams, drainage ditches, or swamps.

Examples of Water boundary in a sentence

  • As such the restrictive SIL and LSIS industrial land designations within the Meridian Water boundary are not compatible with either the economic and employment objectives, or the wider aims of transformational change.

  • To adopt a revised 20 year servicing plan and financing strategy for new growth infrastructure within the City as projected in the OCP to year 2020; approve expanding DCC Sector boundaries at Kelowna Springs Golf Course and at Country Rhodes and changing the Sector B Water boundary at Arbor View Drive and Steele Court; advance a bylaw to amend Development Cost Charges for reading consideration by Council, and receive stakeholder input.

  • Thus, if Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project water were used directly on the Bergstrom property, C-BT Project return flows must be protected from the Brunson property boundary to the Northern Water boundary downstream to assure that C-BT Project benefits accrue only within Northern Water boundaries and not to outside entities either directly, indirectly, or by exchange.

  • Ms. Thompson recommended the Board approve the Howe property for inclusion, provided the property includes a condition prohibiting allocation through an allotment contract of C-BT Project water to any use on the property until the Northern Water boundary is contiguous with the Howe property.

  • Thus, if Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project water were used directly on the Morkunas property, C-BT Project return flows must be protected from the Morkunas property boundary to the Northern Water boundary downstream to assure that C-BT Project benefits accrue only within Northern Water boundaries and not to outside entities either directly, indirectly, or by exchange.

  • The latter states that “Development within the Meridian Water boundary will be subject to financial contributions towards infrastructure requirements secured on all developments liable for CIL or section 106 planning obligations.

  • Thus, if Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project water were used directly on the Jones property, C-BT Project return flows must be protected from the Jones property boundary to the Northern Water boundary downstream to assure that C-BT Project benefits accrue only within Northern Water boundaries and not to outside entities either directly, indirectly, or by exchange.

  • Thus, if Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project water were used directly on the Howe property, C-BT Project return flows must be protected from the Howe property boundary to the Northern Water boundary downstream to assure that C-BT Project benefits accrue only within Northern Water boundaries and not to outside entities either directly, indirectly, or by exchange.

  • Ms. Thompson recommended the Board approve the Brunson property for inclusion, provided the property includes a condition prohibiting allocation through an allotment contract of C-BT Project water to any use on the property until the Northern Water boundary is contiguous with the Brunson property.

  • These sites are directly adjacent to the Mean Low Water boundary of the WHS designation and are designated for features which are given more recognition and weight in the proposed Partnership Plan than in previous Management Plans (see Section 3.3 below).

More Definitions of Water boundary

Water boundary means the shore or margin of lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, streams, drainage

Related to Water boundary

  • Site boundary means that line beyond which the land or property is not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the licensee or registrant.

  • Natural Boundary means the visible high water mark, or bankfull width, of any lake, river, stream or other body of water where the presence and action of the water are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark on the soil of the bed of the body of water a character distinct from that of its banks, in vegetation, as well as in the nature of the soil itself;

  • boundary means any lateral or street boundary of a site;

  • Urban growth boundary means an acknowledged urban growth boundary contained in a

  • Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM means an official map of a community, issued by the FEMA, on which the Special Flood Hazard Areas and the floodways are delineated. This official map is a supplement to and shall be used in conjunction with the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).

  • Surface waters means water on the surface of the ground where water does not usually accumulate in ordinary watercourses, lakes, or ponds. This includes any waterborne objects.

  • Perimeter means the fenced or walled area of the institution that restrains the movement of the inmates.

  • Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.

  • Surface waters of the state means perennial and seasonal streams, lakes, ponds, and tidal waters within the jurisdiction of the state, including all streams, lakes, or ponds bordering on the state, marshes, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial.

  • townsite in relation to the townsite to be established near the harbour means a townsite (whether or not constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act) primarily to facilitate the Company’s operations in and near the harbour and for employees of the Company and in relation to the mining areas means such a townsite or townsites or any other townsite or townsites which is or are established by the Company for the purposes of its operations and employees on or near the mining areas in lieu of a townsite constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act;

  • Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.

  • Coastal high hazard area means a Special Flood Hazard Area extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on a FIRM, or other adopted flood map as determined in Article 3, Section B of this ordinance, as Zone VE.

  • Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.

  • Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.

  • Navigable waters ’ means the waters of the United States, including the territorial sea;

  • Drainage means the movement of water to a place of disposal, whether by way of the natural characteristics of the ground surface or by artificial means;

  • Conservation easement means a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.

  • Stormwater system means both the constructed and natural facilities, including pipes, culverts, watercourses and their associated floodplains, whether over or under public or privately owned land, used or required for the management, collection, conveyance, temporary storage, control, monitoring, treatment, use and disposal of stormwater;

  • Stormwater means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.

  • Roads means streets, roads, and highways.

  • Mine drainage means any drainage, and any water pumped or siphoned, from an active mining area or a post-mining area. The abbreviation “ml/l” means milliliters per liter.

  • Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.

  • footpath means a road over which there is a public right of way for pedestrians only, not being a footway;