Examples of Water set in a sentence
Subject to clause 4.7, The Department may, in consultation with the Licensee and the Advisory Committee for the Purity of Water, set additional drinking water quality requirements for the Licensee to comply with, or make interpretations, where the Guidelines are considered by the Department to lack relevant specificity.
The maximum quantity of Local System Water set forth in this subsection is subject to reduction in response to (1) changes in long-term hydrology or (2) environmental water requirements that may be imposed by or negotiated with state and federal resource agencies in order to comply with state or federal law or to secure applicable permits for construction of Regional Water System facilities.
San Francisco shall notify California Water Service Company of any anticipated reduction of the quantity of Local System Water set forth in this subsection, along with an explanation of the basis for the reduction.
The maximum annual quantity of Local System Water set forth in this subsection is intended to be a limitation on the total quantity of water that may be allocated to California Water Service Company, and is not an Individual Supply Guarantee for purposes of Section 3.02.
All such Take Points shall be provided with all Take Point Facilities (including any Measurement Facilities) necessary to take volumes of Fresh Water set forth for each such Take Point on Exhibit C (with all expansions of capacity at such Take Point Facilities being at Producer’s sole, cost, risk, and expense).
For all purposes of this Compact, volumes of Diversions, Consumptive Uses, or Withdrawals of Water set forth in the list(s) prepared by each Party in accordance with this Section, shall constitute the baseline volume.
Wins and losses are not conducive to team building and compromises lead to banality and boredom in the product.
EPA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) also recommended that the Office of Water set milestones for finalizing this streamlining rule as part of a broader effort to improve the effectiveness of the National Pretreatment Program.
Until that notification to the District occurs by the developer, billing for all consumption at the rate for Metered Construction Water set forth in Section 8 through all meters remains the responsibility of the developer (applicant).
From 1995 Sydney Water set in train some of the largest water efficiency programs in the world, mobilising their customers to actively participate in water efficiency programs and to observe water restrictions and Water Wise Rules.