Wetlands Restoration definition

Wetlands Restoration means the reestablishment, through human intervention, of wetlands at a site where wetlands historically existed but were subsequently lost.
Wetlands Restoration. Reestablishing the natural hydrology and plant communities in wetland areas to enhance biodiversity and water purification. • Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands: Restoring lands affected by mining, deforestation, or other disruptive activities.

Examples of Wetlands Restoration in a sentence

  • Special Procedures for Department of Environment and Natural Resources: For Division of Water Quality projects under the Wetlands Restoration Program, the Funded Agency may require the services of multiple designer(s) or consultant(s) for design and construction management of wetland, stream and riparian buffer restoration projects on a routine basis.

  • Support the California Coastal Conservancy in seeking additional federal appropriations to the ACOE for the Hamilton Wetlands Restoration Project, as well as to the Corte Madera Creek watershed and Bothin Marsh.

  • Todd Road serves as the only access point to the Hamilton Airfield Wetlands Restoration Project, and is located just feet from a housing development.

  • Wenn sich die Musik „durch die Rede auch bis auf den Organismus der Sprache selbst [hätte; Einfügung durch Autor] durchdringen können, so hätte sie allerdings sich vollkommen umgestalten müssen.“ (SSD, 3, 294) Dies sei bei Gluck nicht der Fall gewesen.

  • Current state of preparation of the projects in the pipeline suggests that US$ 17.65 million of the first tranche of the Investment Fund, US$ 20 million, will be used to fund the Romania Agricultural Pollution Control, Bulgaria Wetlands Restoration and Nutrient Reduction, and Moldova Agricultural Pollution Control Projects.

  • Reducing peak flood flows will promote bank stabilization and prevent mobilization of sediment and other pollutants.• Wetlands Restoration and Creation of Wildlife and Waterfowl Habitat.

  • Bulgaria Wetlands Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project is first in the portfolio to be prepared in this sector.

  • Coastal Louisiana Wetlands Restoration and Protection.7 Coastal wetlands in Louisiana have been disappearing at a high rate, and those losses are forecast to continue if no actions are taken to reverse current trends.

  • Membership Warehouse Store, Wetlands Restoration and Site Remediation and Fill Activities.

  • It will also send you notifications when your email is read and the recipient isn't aware that this happens, nor can they stop it.

Related to Wetlands Restoration

  • Wetland or "wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands.

  • Restoration means the repair and restoration of an Individual Property after a Casualty or Condemnation as nearly as possible to the condition the Individual Property was in immediately prior to such Casualty or Condemnation, with such alterations as may be reasonably approved by Lender.

  • Transportation project means any project that the department is authorized by law to undertake including but not limited to a highway, tollway, bridge, mass transit, intelligent transportation system, traffic management, traveler information services, or any other project for transportation purposes.

  • Soil means all unconsolidated mineral and organic material of any origin.

  • Environmental Contamination means each of the following and their consequences:

  • Pollution prevention means any activity that through process changes, product reformulation or redesign, or substitution of less polluting raw materials, eliminates or reduces the release of air pollutants (including fugitive emissions) and other pollutants to the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; it does not mean recycling (other than certain “in-process recycling” practices), energy recovery, treatment, or disposal.

  • Environment means soil, land surface or subsurface strata, surface waters (including navigable waters, ocean waters, streams, ponds, drainage basins and wetlands), groundwaters, drinking water supply, stream sediments, ambient air (including indoor air), plant and animal life and any other environmental medium or natural resource.