Pollution prevention means any activity that through process changes, product reformulation or redesign, or substitution of less polluting raw materials, eliminates or reduces the release of air pollutants (including fugitive emissions) and other pollutants to the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; it does not mean recycling (other than certain “in-process recycling” practices), energy recovery, treatment, or disposal.
Pollution prevention means any activity that through process changes, product reformulation or redesign, or substitution of less polluting raw ma- terials, eliminates or reduces the re- lease of air pollutants (including fugi- tive emissions) and other pollutants to the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; it does not mean recycling (other than certain ‘‘in-process recycling’’ practices), en- ergy recovery, treatment, or disposal.
Pollution prevention means any practice that—
Examples of Pollution prevention in a sentence
Pollution prevention measures have been considered and incorporated in the model procedures.
More Definitions of Pollution prevention
Pollution prevention means the use of source reduction techniques in order to reduce risk to public health, safety, and welfare, and the environment and, as a second preference, the use of environmentally sound recycling to achieve these same goals. Pollution prevention avoids cross-media transfers of waste or pollutants and is multi-media in scope. Pollution prevention addresses all types of waste and environmental releases to the air, water, and land.
Pollution prevention means the following:
Pollution prevention means taking measures to elimi- nate or reduce pollution.
Pollution prevention means any practice which results in a lesser quantity of emissions released or discharged prior to out-of-process recycling, treatment or control, as measured on a per-unit-of-production basis.
Pollution prevention means all of the following:
Pollution prevention means the practice of minimizing the generation of waste at the source and, when wastes cannot be prevented, utilizing environmentally sound on-site or off-site reuse and recycling. The term includes equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, product reformulation or redesign, and raw material substitutions. Waste treatment, control, management, and disposal are not considered pollution prevention, per the definitions under Part 143, Waste Minimization, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA), 1994 PA 451, as amended. Work in Progress means a Deliverable that has been partially prepared, but has not been presented to the State for Approval. Work Product refers to any data compilations, reports, and other media, materials, or other objects or works of authorship created or produced by the Contractor as a result of an in furtherance of performing the services required by the Contract.
Pollution prevention means source reduction and other practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through changes within the production process, including process modifications, feedstock substitutions, improvements in feedstock purity, shipping and packing modifications, housekeeping and management practices, increases in the efficiency of machinery, and recycling within a process. The term does not include out-of-process recycling, treatment, and safe disposal. {effective July 10, 2003}