Examples of Pollution prevention in a sentence
Pollution prevention measures may be particularly appropriate for persistent bioaccumulative priority pollutants where there is evidence that beneficial uses are being impacted.
Pollution prevention practices can provide greater environmental protection with greater efficiency because they can result in significant cost savings to facilities that permanently achieve or move beyond compliance.
Pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices are a requirement of this permit.Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been prepared for all activities conducted as part of the City’s Municipal Operations that have the potential to impact ‘waters of the state.
Pollution prevention measures may be particularly appropriate for persistent bioaccumulative priority pollutants where there is evidence that beneficial uses are being impacted.The San Diego Water Board may consider cost effectiveness when establishing the requirements of a PMP.
Upon approval of the Control Authority, these Pollution prevention plan initiatives or BMPs, shall be made an enforceable part of the Wastewater discharge permit.