Examples of WHB Shareholders in a sentence
WHB Shareholders, OCBC Shareholders, WHB Optionholders and potential investors should therefore exercise caution when dealing in the securities in WHB or OCBC.
Independent Board Committee and independent financial adviser The Independent Board Committee has been established for the purpose of making a recommendation to the Qualifying WHB Shareholders as to whether the Offers are fair and reasonable and as to acceptance.
Overseas Qualifying WHB Shareholders and WHB OptionholdersIf you are an overseas WHB Shareholder or WHB Optionholder, please see the important information in the section headed “Overseas Qualifying WHB Shareholders and WHB Optionholders” in Appendix I to this Composite Document.
For each WHB Share HK$125 in cash The Share Offer will be extended to all Qualifying WHB Shareholders in accordance with the Code.
On 1 April 2014, OCBC, the Offeror and WHB jointly announced that BofAML, on behalf of the Offeror, firmly intends, subject only to the satisfaction or waiver of the Pre-Conditions, to make a voluntary conditional cash offer (i) to acquire all of the issued WHB Shares held by Qualifying WHB Shareholders at an offer price in cash of HK$125 per WHB Share (the Share Offer) and (ii) to cancel all outstanding Options and all unvested Awards (the Option Offer).
Accordingly, WHB Shareholders, OCBC Shareholders, WHB Optionholders and prospective investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of WHB or OCBC.
WHB Shareholders that appear on the register of members of WHB on the Final Dividend Record Date and/or the 2014 Interim Dividend Record Date and receive the Final Dividend and/or, as applicable the 2014 Interim Dividend in respect of any WHB Shares will not be entitled to receive any additional amount from the Offeror under the Offers or otherwise in respect of such WHB Shares.
All documents and remittances to be sent to Qualifying WHB Shareholders and WHB Optionholders will be sent to them by ordinary post at their own risk.
In the latter case, at least 14 days’ notice in writing must be given to Qualifying WHB Shareholders and WHB Optionholders before the Offers are closed.
Accordingly, we recommend the Independent Board Committee to advise, and we ourselves advise, the Qualifying WHB Shareholders and the WHB Optionholders to accept the Offers.