White shark definition

White shark means Archarodon carcharias. "Winter flounder" means Pleuronectes americanus.
White shark means Archarodon carcharias.
White shark means the species Carcharodon carcharias;

Examples of White shark in a sentence

  • White shark Carcharodon carcharias estimated life history parameters (from Francis 1996, 1997, Malcolm et al.

  • In Nel DC & Peschak TP (eds) Finding a balance: White shark conservation and recreational safety in the inshore waters of Cape Town, South Africa; proceedings of a specialist workshop.

  • White shark cage diving involves a range of operations and generates a variety of stimuli to which sharks may respond including actively chumming (= berleying), the presentation and consumption of tethered (= throw) baits, schools of finfish attracted to chum, in-water cages with divers, the general presence of the vessel and the associated physical, electrochemical and acoustic signatures of all of these components combined.

  • White shark cage diving is a relatively new industry in New Zealand waters where, similar to the early days of the industry’s progress in other jurisdictions it initially developed with little formal regulation.

  • White shark cage diving has been authorised in terms of exemptions issued under section 81 of the MLRA.

  • White shark cage diving occurs in areas where this species naturally aggregates and all current operations are focussed around pinniped (seal/sealion) colonies.

  • White shark cage diving in Australian waters is currently only permitted within the Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park in South Australia.

  • Being a rare apex predator, the great White shark has been mythically portrayed and sensationalised in the media as a vicious man-eating killer.

  • White shark “hotspots” are where there are globally significant concentrations of white sharks.

  • He reported on Keith’s close encounter with a Great White shark in the sanctuary during one of his underwater photography expeditions.

Related to White shark

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