WITNESS BY definition
Examples of WITNESS BY in a sentence
OR WITNESS BY KEY EMPLOYEESubscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this dayof , 20 , By ,personally known to me OR proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.
OR WITNESS BY KEY EMPLOYEESubscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day of , 20 , By ,personally known to me OR proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.
CONTRACTOR: WITNESS: BY: Signature Print Name ATTEST: OKALOOSA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: J.D. Peacock II, Clerk of Courts Carolyn N.
THE COUNTY OF MESA, COLORADO ATTESTBY: BY: , Chair , Clerk to the BoardMesa County Commissioners SECOND PARTY WITNESS: BY: BY: NOTICE OF AWARD Project: To: The County has considered the Bid submitted by you for the above-described work in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated You are hereby notified that your Bid has been accepted for items in the amount of $ contingent upon an acceptable contract signed by the Contractor and final approval by the Board of County Commissioners for Mesa County.
MAJOR ELEMENTS OF THE FINANCIAL STRATEGY TO BE FOLLOWED BY DVGL The implications of the financial strategy for organization structure, financial stability, management processes, and on-going planning will be highlighted.