Examples of Authorized Signature in a sentence
Xxxxx Date: 2020.12.14 16:47:38 -05'00' Xxxxx Xxxxxx Printed Name Buyer Title 12/9/2020 Date · Authorized Signature Xxxxxx X.
Number of pages attached deemed confidential: Authorized Signature: OPTION 2 – WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY – NO, VENDOR HAS NOT ATTACHED CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS (Confirm each bullet point and sign below) By signing for Option 2 below, Vendor expressly waives any confidentiality claim for all Vendor Data submitted in relation to this proposal and resulting contract.
Number of pages attached deemed confidential: 91 _____________________ Authorized Signature: (Confirm each bullet point and sig bel ) ( Confirm each bullet point and sign below By signing for Option 2 below, Vendor expressly waives any confidentiality claim for all Vendor Data submitted in relation to this proposal and resulting contract.
Number of pages attached deemed confidential: Authorized Signature: (Confirm each bullet point and sig bel ) ( Confirm each bullet point and sign below By signing for Option 2 below, Vendor expressly waives any confidentiality claim for all Vendor Data submitted in relation to this proposal and resulting contract.
PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES CZ, S.R.O. By / Podepsal: Authorised Signature / Podpis zmocněného zástupce Name / Xxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Title / Funkce: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date / Datum: FAKULTNÍ NEMOCNICE OLOMOUC By/Podepsal: Authorized Signature / Podpis zmocněného zástupce Name/Xxxxx: Prof.