Written Confirmation of Entry definition

Written Confirmation of Entry means a written confirmation issued by the ICAV pursuant to Clause 24 hereof; Reference to enactments and to articles of enactments shall include reference to any modifications or re-enactments thereof for the time being in force. 2. In this Instrument of Incorporation, unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent with such construction:-
Written Confirmation of Entry means a written confirmation issued by the Company pursuant to Articles 27 to 32 hereof.
Written Confirmation of Entry means a written confirmation issued by the Company pursuant to Articles 25 to 30 hereof.

Examples of Written Confirmation of Entry in a sentence

  • If a Written Confirmation of Entry be defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be renewed on such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity as the Directors think fit.

  • On the redemption of part only of the Shares referred to in any Written Confirmation of Entry the Directors shall procure the issue of a further Written Confirmation of Entry in respect of such Shares or such other evidence as to title as the Applicant may agree with the Directors to be sent to the Applicant.

  • The ICAV shall not be bound to register more than four persons as the joint holders of any Share or Shares and in the case of a Share held jointly by several persons, the ICAV shall not be bound to issue more than one Written Confirmation of Entry therefor, and delivery of a Written Confirmation of Entry for a Share to one of several joint holders shall be sufficient delivery to all.

  • Where a Member has transferred or redeemed part of the Shares comprised in his holding he shall be entitled to a further Written Confirmation of Entry for the balance without charge.

  • In case of loss or destruction, the Member to whom such renewed Written Confirmation of Entry is given shall also bear and pay to the ICAV all expenses incidental to the investigation by the ICAV of the evidence of such loss or destruction.

  • On any Dealing Day on which the Applicant's right to have them redeemed is so suspended he may withdraw his Realisation Request and his Written Confirmation of Entry, or other evidence as to title.

  • Any unclaimed proceeds or other cash held by the ICAV hereunder may at the expiration of twelve months from the date upon which the same were payable shall be deposited by the ICAV into a segregated bank account established for this purpose pending production of Written Confirmation of Entry or other evidence of title relating to the relevant Share of Shares subject to the right of the ICAV to deduct therefrom any expenses it may incur in making such payment.

  • Subject as hereinafter provided the Applicant shall not without the consent of the ICAV be entitled to withdraw his Realisation Request once given or his Written Confirmation of Entry, or other evidence as to title.

  • Every such distribution shall be made in such manner as the Directors shall at their discretion determine but shall be made only against production of Written Confirmation of Entry or other evidence of title relating to the Shares of the relevant Class, Classes or Series in respect of which the same is made and upon delivery to the ICAV of such form of request for payment as the ICAV shall in its absolute discretion require.

  • Every Written Confirmation of Entry shall be issued within six weeks after allotment.

More Definitions of Written Confirmation of Entry

Written Confirmation of Entry means a written confirmation issued by the Company pursuant to Articles 28 to 33 hereof.

Related to Written Confirmation of Entry

  • Written certification means a statement signed by a treating physician or referral physician that

  • Confirmation means the entry of the Confirmation Order on the docket of the Chapter 11 Cases.

  • port of entry means a port of entry in the United States, as defined by part 101 of the customs regulations (19 CFR part 101), or a user fee airport authorized under 19 U.S.C. 58b and list- ed in part 122 of the customs regula- tions (19 CFR part 122).

  • Order Confirmation All TIPS Member Agreement orders are approved daily by TIPS and sent to vendor. The Vendor should confirm receipt of orders to the TIPS Member (customer) within 3 business days. • Vendor custom website for TIPS: If Vendor is hosting a custom TIPS website, updated pricing when effective. TIPS shall be notified when prices change in accordance with the award.

  • Date of Entry means the date this Consent Decree is approved or signed by the United States District Court Judge.

  • Dispatch Instruction has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Entry means admission to a Department-funded developmental disability service.

  • Support order means a judgment, decree, order, decision, or directive, whether temporary, final, or subject to modification, issued in a state or foreign country for the benefit of a child, a spouse, or a former spouse, that provides for monetary support, health care, arrearages, retroactive support, or reimbursement for financial assistance provided to an individual obligee in place of child support. Support order may include related costs and fees, interest, income withholding, automatic adjustment, reasonable attorney's fees, and other relief.

  • public notice means publication in the media including one or more of the following:

  • Child support order means a support order for a child, including a child who has attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing state or foreign country.

  • Security Certificate Has the meaning given such term in Section 8-102(a)(16) of the New York UCC.

  • Rating Agency Confirmation means, with respect to any Securitization, a confirmation in writing (which may be in electronic form) by each of the applicable Rating Agencies for such Securitization that the occurrence of the event with respect to which such Rating Agency Confirmation is sought shall not result in a downgrade, qualification or withdrawal of the applicable rating or ratings ascribed by such Rating Agency to any of the securities issued pursuant to such Securitization that are then outstanding. If no such securities are outstanding with respect to any Securitization, any action that would otherwise require a Rating Agency Confirmation shall instead require the consent of the Controlling Note Holder, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. For the purposes of this Agreement, if any Rating Agency shall waive, decline or refuse to review or otherwise engage any request for Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder, such waiver, declination, or refusal shall be deemed to eliminate, for such request only, the condition that a Rating Agency Confirmation by such Rating Agency (only) be obtained for purposes of this Agreement, and any requirement hereunder to obtain a Rating Agency Confirmation from any Rating Agency may be satisfied or deemed in the same manner that a Rating Agency Confirmation requirement may be satisfied or deemed satisfied under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement. For purposes of clarity, any such waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in any request for a Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in any subsequent request for a Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder and the condition for Rating Agency Confirmation pursuant to this Agreement for any subsequent request shall apply regardless of any previous waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in such prior request.