In Force definition
Examples of In Force in a sentence
Each Policy Owner or payor will receive a premium reminder notice or list bill on either an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly basis (or monthly (list bill only)), at the option of the Policy Owner or payor; however, the Policy Owner or payor is not required to pay planned periodic premiums.Payment of the planned periodic premium will not guarantee that a Policy will remain In Force.
A permanent status employee who, as a result of contracting out, loses his/her job will be deemed to have been reduced in force under the Reduction In Force Article.
The Policy will remain In Force through the grace period, but if no payment is forthcoming, it will terminate at the end of the grace period.
The owner may repay all or a part of the loan at any time while the Policy is In Force.
The Policy provides lifetime insurance protection on the life of the insured named in the Policy, with a death benefit payable when the insured dies while the Policy is In Force.