Examples of Zambia Environmental Management Agency in a sentence
The key players on issues relating to environmental management in the mining sector are the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, the Zambia Environmental Management Agency and the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines-Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH) through the Copperbelt Environmental Project (CEP).
The legislative responsibility of environmental impact assessment is vested in the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) which administers the Environmental Management Act (EMA) No. 12 of 2011, Statutory Instrument No. 28 of 1997 – The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations.
This will also allow for identification of any unforeseen impacts that might arise from project implementation.ICWMP implementation monitoring will be undertaken by the ZNPHI’s Environmental Health Officers and Laboratory Systems and Networks, in conjunction with the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) that is mandated to safeguard the environment in accordance with the 2011 Environmental Management Act (EMA) N0.
Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) regulates and monitors the operations of the landfill.
The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) is the umbrella environmental institution in Zambia and the main lead agency on matters pertaining to EIAs. ZEMA falls under the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, and was previously known as the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ).
Therefore they require licences, permits and approvals from Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and the subordinate Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and Meteorological Department, which is a resource for weather and climatic information to power projects during design and operations.
The Environmental Management Act establishes the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA).
This document will be submitted to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) for clearance through issuance of a “No Objection” and also for World Bank review and issue of no objection and disclosure both in country and at the World Bank’s InfoShop, in accordance with Bank Disclosure policy.
The ERB collaborates with other regulatory agencies such as the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA), the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and the National Heritage Conservation Commission (NHCC), among others .
In addition to this an agreement between the UNEP Zambia Green Jobs Programme and the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) for the development of Construction Sector Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines has been signed.