Zone Independent Tribunal definition

Zone Independent Tribunal means the Tribunal appointed by each Zone Advisory Council appointed under Regulation 4.2.5 of these Regulations;
Zone Independent Tribunal means the Tribunal appointed by each Zone Advisory Council appointed under

Examples of Zone Independent Tribunal in a sentence

  • An Affiliated League may report to the Zone Independent Tribunal of the Zone of which that Affiliated League forms part, any player of an Affiliated League Club of that Affiliated League who is selected to play for a team representing that Affiliated League either alone or in combination with another Affiliated League or Leagues who makes himself unavailable to play in that team without reasonable cause or excuse.

  • The Regional Football Advisory Council must be notified by no later than one week after the Annual Meeting of an Affiliated League and a Zone Advisory Council respectively of the names of the persons appointed to positions of the League Independent Tribunal and the Zone Independent Tribunal.

  • The member of the Regional Football Advisory Council appointed by a Zone must appoint the three (3) persons to sit at any hearing conducted by the Zone Independent Tribunal of that Zone.

  • To this purpose we consider the LTL3 semantics, an adaptation of the standard semantics of LTL formulas expressly introduced to take into account the limitations of RV due to its inability to check infinite traces.

  • The local community will benefit economically from its proximity to the construction activities and later to powerhouse operations.

  • The United Nations country team recommended that Thailand explicitly prohibit in law any form of corporal punishment or other cruel or degrading punishment of children in all settings, and also recommended that the State educate the public on that legislation.86 56.

  • A Zone Independent Tribunal will be constituted at any one time by three (3) persons each of whom must be a person appointed to the panel of persons referred to in Regulation4.2.5.

  • The Regional Director of a Zone must appoint the three (3) persons to sit at any hearing conducted by the Zone Independent Tribunal of that Zone.

  • The Regional Football Council must be notified by no later than one week after the Annual Meeting of an Affiliated League and a Zone Council respectively of the names of the persons appointed to positions of the League Independent Tribunal and the Zone Independent Tribunal.

  • An appeal to the League Independent Tribunal under Regulation10.1 or Zone Independent Tribunal under Regulation 10.2 must be heard within seven (7) clear days of notice of the appeal being lodged with the relevant Affiliated League Secretary or member of the Regional Football Advisory Council as the case may be.

Related to Zone Independent Tribunal

  • Initiating tribunal means the tribunal of a state or foreign country from which a petition or comparable pleading is forwarded or in which a petition or comparable pleading is filed for forwarding to another state or foreign country.

  • Independent review organization means an entity that is accredited to conduct independent external reviews of adverse benefit determinations.

  • Independent Party means, with respect to a BDC Downstream Fund, (i) if the BDC Downstream Fund has a board of directors (or the equivalent), the board or (ii) if the BDC Downstream Fund does not have a board of directors (or the equivalent), a transaction committee or advisory committee of the BDC Downstream Fund.

  • Appeal Tribunal means the all-citizen Tribunal duly appointed by Council to conduct hearings under this By-law; (191-08)

  • Supervised financial organization means a person, other than an insurance company or other organization primarily engaged in an insurance business:

  • Responding tribunal means the authorized tribunal in a responding state or foreign country.

  • Independent Person means a person appointed under section 28(7) of the 2011 Act;

  • Independent Expert means a Person or entity with no material current or prior business or personal relationship with the Advisor or the Directors and who is engaged to a substantial extent in the business of rendering opinions regarding the value of assets of the type held by the Company.

  • Appraisal Subcommittee means the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.

  • independent review committee means the independent review committee of the investment fund established under National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds;

  • Independent candidate means any candidate who claims not to be affiliated with a political party, and whose name has been certified on the office-type ballot at a general or special election through the filing of a statement of candidacy and nominating petition, as prescribed in section 3513.257 of the Revised Code.

  • Appellate Tribunal means the Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal referred to in section 109;

  • Independent Third Party means any Person who, immediately prior to a contemplated transaction, does not own in excess of 5% of the Company’s Common Units on a fully-diluted basis (a “5% Owner”), who is not controlling, controlled by or under common control with any such 5% Owner and who is not the spouse or descendant (by birth or adoption) of any such 5% Owner or a trust for the benefit of such 5% Owner and/or such other Persons.

  • Review organization means a disability insurer regulated