Riitojen ratkaisu Sample Clauses

Riitojen ratkaisu. Mikäli tästä sopimuksesta syntyy erimielisyyksiä tai korvausvaatimuksia, osapuolet suostuvat neuvottelemaan keskenään ja pyrkimään molempien intressit huomioivan ratkaisun saavuttamiseen. Jos he eivät saavuta sovintoa 60 päivän kuluessa, tämän jälkeen jommankumman osapuolen ilmoituksesta toiselle osapuolelle, ratkaisemattomat kiistat tai vaateet ratkaistaan lopullisesti välimiesmenettelyllä (a), jos Yhdysvalloissa, se tapahtuu Clevelandissa, Ohiossa, American Arbitration Association -yhdistyksen Commercial Arbitration Rules - sääntöjen ja Ohion osavaltion lakien mukaisesti, ja (b) jos Yhdysvaltain ulkopuolella, se tapahtuu PPT:n lähimmässä päätoimipaikassa, kansainvälisen kauppakamarin välimiesmenettelysääntöjen mukaisesti, kummassakin tapauksessa yhden sovittelijan toimesta sovellettavien sääntöjen mukaisesti. Välimiesmenettelyn kieli on englanti. Välimiehen antama päätös on sitova, ja se voidaan viedä mihin tahansa toimeenpanovaltaiseen tuomioistuimeen.
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  • Dienste Und Materialien Von Drittanbietern (a) Die Apple-Software gewährt möglicherweise Zugang zu(m) iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, Game Center, iCloud, Karten von Apple und zu anderen Diensten und Websites von Apple und Drittanbietern (gemeinsam und einzeln als „Dienste“ bezeichnet). Solche Dienste sind möglicherweise nicht in xxxxx Sprachen oder in xxxxx Ländern verfügbar. Die Nutzung dieser Dienste erfordert Internetzugriff und die Nutzung bestimmter Dienste erfordert möglicherweise eine Apple-ID, setzt möglicherweise dein Einverständnis mit zusätzlichen Servicebedingungen voraus und unterliegt unter Umständen zusätzlichen Gebühren. Indem du diese Software zusammen mit einer Apple-ID oder einem anderen Apple-Dienst verwendest, erklärst du dein Einverständnis mit den anwendbaren Servicebedingungen für diesen Dienst, z. B. den neuesten Apple Media Services-Bedingungen für das Land, in dem du auf diese Services zugreifst, die du über die Webseite xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/legal/ internet-services/itunes/ anzeigen und nachlesen kannst

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  • SBC-12STATE 47.1.1 The terms contained in this Agreement and any Appendices, Attachments, Exhibits, Schedules, and Addenda constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understandings, proposals and other communications, oral or written between the Parties during the negotiations of this Agreement and through the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not operate as or constitute a novation of any agreement or contract between the Parties that predates the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement.

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  • ISSUE OF REPLACEMENT NOTES, COUPONS AND TALONS 13.1 The Issuer will cause a sufficient quantity of additional forms of Notes, Coupons and Talons to be available, upon request, to the Agent at its specified office for the purpose of issuing replacement Notes, Coupons and Talons as provided below.

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  • Yeah Well I mean I think look, we (done all the credit checks) within the last 12 months. So and I’ve been throw all the accreditation process very recently. And I’ve been talking to the Registrar Liaison Team about, you know, the entire experience. I mean the - I’d actually go so far as to say I mean at the moment the way it is, it’s - there are quite a lot of checks. You do have to basically state that, you know, you’re not a criminal. That you haven’t done this, you haven’t done that as Xxxxx rightly points out. If you were to start writing in very specific clauses and it would probably cause more problems then it would actually solve because don’t forget ICANN is in many respects very much an American centered organization in terms of references that are posed in a lot of these documents are very, very much American centered. And while under our European law we as a company are required to comply at a much higher level than what would seem to be the case for some of our American counterparts. The manner in which that is actually checked in an American context versus the way it can be checked with an European context is very, very different. So I’d be against, very much against the idea of prescribing anything far too specific because I can just see it causing more headaches. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay, any other comments on this? Let me suggest on this one that there really are two parts here. One is the due diligence part prior to accreditation. And as Xxxxx said, that application appears to be under review. And I assume Xxxx that you or your Compliance Team is involved in that review. Xxxxx Xxxx: We are Xxxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay. So that’s - that may not be an RAA issue strictly speaking. As far as the second - after someone has been accredited, I think the question is the specificity with which ICANN’s ability to audit is spelled out and whether for example there ought to be a specific provision on that. That is an RAA issue it seems to me. But I hear Xxxx’s point of view. That’s probably a low priority issue from your perspective, right? ((Crosstalk)) Xxxxx Xxxx: Correct. Because again under Section 3.14 I do believe we have the authority here to initiate any reasonable contractual compliance audit on any of the terms and conditions. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay, so if you get a news report that - excuse me, are we done with our musical...? Woman: That was a nice background noise... ((Crosstalk))

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