Pre-emptive rights Clauses Exemplaires

Pre-emptive rights. In the case of an issuance of shares in consideration for a payment in cash or an issuance in consideration for a payment in cash of those instruments covered in article 420-27 of the Companies Act, including, without limitation, convertible bonds that entitle their holders to subscribe for or to be allocated with shares, the shareholders shall have pro rata pre-emptive rights with respect to any such issuance in accordance with the Companies Act. The preferential subscription period is decided by the Board but must be of at least fourteen (14) days as from the date of the publication of the offering in the RESA (Recueil électronique des sociétés et associations) and a journal published in Luxembourg (the Preferential Subscription Period).
Pre-emptive rights. In the case of an issuance of shares in consideration for a payment in cash or an issuance in consideration for a payment in cash of those instruments covered in article 420-27 of the Companies Act, including, without limitation, convertible bonds that entitle their holders to subscribe for or to be allocated with shares, the shareholders shall have pro rata pre-emptive rights with respect to any such issuance in accordance with the Companies Act. The preferential subscription period is decided by the Board but must be of at least fourteen (14) days as from the date of the publication of the offering in the RESA (Recueil électronique des sociétés et associations) and a journal published in Luxembourg (the Preferential Subscription Period). Third parties may take part in the capital increase at the end of the Preferential Subscription Period, except if the Board decides that preferential subscription rights (the PSR) shall be exercised, in proportion to the capital represented by their shares, by the holders of such PSR (the PSR Holders) who already exercised their PSR during the Preferential Subscription Period. In that case, the subscription terms of the PSR Holders shall be determined by the Board. The General Meeting may limit or withdraw the PSR or authorise the Board to do so (as the case may be) under the conditions prescribed for under article 420-26(5) of the Companies Act. The General Meeting is authorised to approve capital contributions without the issuance of new shares by way of a payment in cash or a payment in kind or otherwise, on the terms and conditions set by the General Meeting. A capital contribution without the issuance of new shares shall be booked in a “capital surplus” account. The General Meeting has the option (but not the obligation) to decide that any contribution in cash or in kind made by any shareholder as “capital surplus” will be booked in a specific “capital surplus” account allocated to the relevant shareholder and will be available only (i) for the purpose of distributions, whether by dividend, share redemption or otherwise, to the relevant shareholder or (ii) to be incorporated in the share capital to issue shares corresponding to the relevant shareholder only.