PURPOSE Clauses Exemplaires

PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is the grant by the CEA to the Licensee of a non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide commercial license for one (1) User over the Software for a period of two (2) years. The User needs to have an own key to use the Software. This key is delivered by the CEA to the User in compliance with provisions of article 4.
PURPOSE. The general terms and conditions of sale outlined below set out in detail the rights and obligations of CYBERGUN SA (seller) and its customer (buyer) in connection with the sale of the following goods: replica weapons, accessories and consumables, and more generally all products marketed on the CYBERGUN catalogue available on the website at www. xxxxxxxx.xxx. Any sale by CYBERGUN SA therefore implies the buyer’s unreserved adherence to these general terms and conditions of sale. These general terms and conditions of sale are subject to change without notice. CYBERGUN undertakes to provide its Customers with the latest applicable version on the website xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx
PURPOSE. The Framework Contract has the purpose of defining the conditions in which the Service Provider provides Payment Services to the Account Holder in return for payment as defined in Article 10 herein. These Payment Services include: - opening and managing the Payment Account, - registering on the Payment Account of the Account Holder the funds transferred by the Platform by credit transfer, - carrying out recurring or one-time Payment Operations by debiting the Payment Account, - deducting the fees due in compliance herewith, - reversal of funds transfer, duly cancelled by the Platform. The Account is not subject to any overdraft, advance, credit or discount. The Service Provider does not offer any currency exchange services. The Service Provider has authorised the Platform for the purposes hereof with all Account Holders and supports them for their entire relationship with the Service Provider. However, the Platform is responsible for conluding the terms and conditions related to the acceptation of Users’ payement orders on its Site and the conditions for giving such payments orders.
PURPOSE. La présente Convention a pour objet de définir les conditions d’accueil de : The purpose of this Agreement is to define the host conditions for: Mme / M. : Cliquez / Click … Mrs/Mr : Xxxxxxx / Click … Statut : Cliquez / Click … Status : Cliquez / Click … (ci-après désigné « le Bénéficiaire ») au sein de l’Etablissement d’accueil. Un Coordinateur : (hereafter the "Beneficiary") within the Host institution. A coordinator: Mme / M. : Cliquez / Click … Mrs/Mr : Xxxxxxx / Click … Statut : Cliquez / Click … Status : Cliquez / Click … issu de la Structure d’accueil effectuera un suivi des travaux du Bénéficiaire notamment ses publications. from the Host structure will monitor the works of the Beneficiary, particularly their publications.
PURPOSE. The corporate purpose of the Company is to develop activities in relation with iLottery and iGaming solutions and services as well as any related areas. This includes the (i) the acquisition, holding and disposal, in any form, by any means, whether directly or indirectly, of participations, rights and interests in, and obligations of, Luxembourg and foreign companies, (ii) the acquisition by purchase, subscription, or in any other manner, as well as the transfer by sale, exchange or in any other manner of stock, partnership interests, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities or financial instruments of any kind (including notes or parts or units issued by Luxembourg or foreign mutual funds or similar undertakings) and receivables, claims or loans or other credit facilities and agreements or contracts relating thereto, and (iii) the ownership, administration, development and management of a portfolio of assets (including, among other things, the assets referred to in (i) and (ii) above). The Company may borrow in any form. It may enter into any type of loan agreement and it may issue notes, bonds, debentures, certificates, shares, beneficiary parts, warrants and any kind of debt or equity securities including under one or more issuance programs. The Company may further list all or part of its shares on a regulated or unregulated stock exchange in or outside of the European Union. The Company may lend funds including the proceeds of any borrowings and/or issues of securities to its subsidiaries, affiliated companies or any other company. The Company may also give guarantees and grant security interests over some or all of its assets including, without limitation, by way of pledge, transfer or encumbrance, in favor of or for the benefit of third parties to secure its obligations or the obligations of its subsidiaries, affiliated companies or any other company. The Company may enter into, execute and deliver and perform any swaps, futures, forwards, derivatives, options, repurchase, stock lending and similar transactions. The Company may generally use any techniques and instruments relating to investments for the purpose of their efficient management, including, but not limited to, techniques and instruments designed to protect it against credit, currency exchange, interest rate risks and other risks. The Company may carry out any commercial, industrial, and financial operations, which are directly or indirectly connected with its purpose or which may fav...
PURPOSE. The purpose of the Company is to acquire, to hold, to administer continuously, to sell and to finance participations in companies of all kinds in Switzerland and abroad, to the exclusion of real estate participations, except where permitted under Swiss law. The Company may open branch offices and subsidiaries and agencies in Switzerland and abroad. It may grant guarantees or other security in relation to liabilities of affiliated companies. In addition, the Company may engage in any other commercial, financial and other activities which may promote or relate to the purpose of the Company. The Company may acquire, manage, exploit and sell in Switzerland and abroad intellectual property rights and, where permitted under Swiss law, real estate.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to grant to the Licensee a free of charge, non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide user research license, on one desktop or one server if its access rights are limited to one research or educational team, over the Software for five (5) years.
PURPOSE. Within the scope of these Specific Conditions, OVHcloud provides the Client a service in a Testing Phase (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") to allow for the implementation of large-scale testing and verification of the proper functionalities of Service ahead of its effective marketing.
PURPOSE. 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to define the host conditions for Mrs/Mr/Ms........ ………..status………… (hereafter the "Beneficiary") within the Host institution. A coordinator (Mr/Mrs/Ms ……………….Status :………..) from the Host structure will monitor the works of the Beneficiary, particularly their publications. 1.2 The description of the scientific project in which the Beneficiary participates is set out in Annex 1 to this Agreement. This annex shall specify, in particular: the nature, purpose and duration of the research carried out; the human and material resources required to carry out the research; and any financial allocations made to the project. ARTICLE 2:
PURPOSE. The purpose of the Company, directly or indirectly, both in France and in all other countries, shall be: - the acquisition, subscription, detention, management and transfer of any kind of any shares and/or securities of any kind in any companies or legal entities, constituted or to be constituted, French or foreign; - and more generally, any commercial operations of a financial, industrial, commercial, movable or immovable nature related, directly or indirectly, to the corporate purpose and which may facilitate its expansion or development. La Société, pour la réalisation de son objet social tel que décrit ci-dessus et de son périmètre d’activité, pourra notamment s’engager dans les activités suivantes : - la Société pourra acheter, vendre, louer tous biens meubles ou immeubles ; pourra constituer tous droits réels (gage, usufruit, servitude, préemption and droits similaires), obtenir des prêts hypothécaires, gages, et y mettre fin ; pourra procéder à toutes sortes de mutations, y compris le transfert et la cession ; - la Société pourra conclure tous partenariats, locaux ou étrangers et privés ou publics, participer à des partenariats existants, être partenaire ou investisseur. La Société pourra, en France ou à l’étranger, acquérir, louer, mettre en location financière, céder, transférer, importer et exporter, et procéder à toutes transactions concernant tous brevets, licences, privilèges, marques, assistance technique, savoir-faire, droits d’utilisation et autres droits de propriété intellectuelle et industrielle ; - la Société pourra, en France, créer une succursale, financer ou fournir des agences, conclure toutes sortes de contrats/transactions, en ce compris des contrats de service, d’agence et/ou d’intermédiaire, dans le but de réaliser l’objet social de la Société ; - la Société pourra contracter toutes sortes de dettes, acquérir des fonds sur les marchés de capitaux nationaux et internationaux à travers les offres au public de tous types de titres de créance, d’obligations, d’obligations financières, de titres sans droits de vote et autres instruments financiers, dans le but de réaliser l’objet social et le périmètre d’activité de la Société ; - la Société pourra obtenir ou souscrire, sur les marchés français et internationaux, des prêts d’investissement, des prêts à court, moyen et long terme, des crédits immobiliers ou hypothécaires, des prêts adossés aux produits de base, des découverts bancaires, des avances sur crédits and tous types de prêts ...