ટ`oડર ન.ં રામન/બાધકામ(સે.ઝો.)/૨૪-૨૫/૧૪
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાલકા
ટ`oડર ન.x xxxx/બાધકામ(સે.ઝો.)/૨૪-૨૫/૧૪
એ - ટ`કનીકલ બીડ
કામȵંુ નામ
વોડ’ ન.ં ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શેરS ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત ӕગણવાડS કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા ™સગȵંુ બાથĮમ બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
ӔદાSત રકમ: Į.૩,૦૦,૯૦૦/- (without GST) | ӔદાSત રકમ: Į.૩,૫૫,૦૦૦/- (with GST) |
ટ`oડર ફS : Į.૭૫૦/- | અન`ƨટ મની ડSપોઝીટ: Į.૩,૫૫૦/- |
ȺƉય તારSખો | |||
૧. | ટેƛડર મેળવવાની તારીખ | ૧૭/૦૮/૨૦૨૪ થી ૩૧/૦૮/૨૦૨૪ સધી બપોરે ૧૩:૦૦ કલાક સધી | |
૨. ટેƛડર ભરી પરત કરવાની છેƣલી તારીખ | ૦૩/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સાȐં ૧૮:૦૦ સધી (ફક્ત ƨપીડ પોƨટ / રજી. પોƨટ મારફતે ƨવીકારવામાં આવશે) | ||
૩. ટેકનીકલ બીડ ખોલવાની તારીખ | ૦૪/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ પછી | ||
૪.ટેƛડરમાં સબિમટ કરવામાં આવેલ તમામ ડોકયમુ ેƛટના ઓરીજીનલ ĮબĮમાં બતાવવાની તારીખ | ૦૫/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સાȐં ૧૬:૦૦ થી ૧૮:૦૦ દરLયાન | ||
૫. | પ્રાઇસ બીડ ખોલવાની તાિરખ | (જો શકય હશે તો) | ૦૬/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ પછી |
૬. | બીડ વેલીડીટી | ૧૮૦ િદવસ | |
૭. | કામની સમયમયાર્દા | ૪૫ િદવસ |
એડS. સીટS એoSનીયર
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા (મSય ઝોન) ડૉ.આંબેડકર ભવન, બીજો માળ, ઢેબરભાઈ રોડ, રાજકોટ - ૩૬૦૦૦૧
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાલકા 2
ટ`oડર નોટSસ
બાધકામ શાખા – મ³ય ઝોન
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા 6ારા નીચે જણાવેલ કામે સરકારRીના િનયમ મજબ રજીƨટડર્ થયેલ કક્ષા પ્રમાણેના અને િનયત સોલવƛસી સટfફીકેટ તથા આ પ્રકારના કામનો અનભવ ધરાવનાર કોƛટ્રાકટરRીઓના પસર્ƛટેઈજ રેઈટ ટેƛડર એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયર, રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા, મSય ઝોન, ડૉ.આંબેડકર ભવન ભવન, ઢેબરભાઈ રોડ, રાજકોટ-૩૬૦૦૦૧ ના સરનામે નીચે
દશાર્વેલ મદતમાં મળી જાય તે રીતે મોકલી આપવાના રહશે.
3મ | કામȵંુ નામ | ૧. ӔદાSત રકમ ૨. ટ`oડર ફS ૩. ઈ.એમ.ડS. ૪. કામની સમય મયા’દા |
૧ | વોડર્ ન.ં ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શેરી ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત આંગણવાડી કLપાઉƛડમાં માઠા પ્રસગનું બાથĮમ બનાવવાનું કામ | ૧અ. ૩,૦૦,૯૦૦/- (without GST) ૧બ. ૩,૫૫,૦૦૦/- (with GST) ૨. ૭૫૦/- ૩. ૩,૫૫૦/- ૪. ૪૫ િદવસ |
ટ`oડર માટ`ની અગcયની તારSખો
૧. | ટેƛડર મેળવવાની તારીખ | ૧૭/૦૮/૨૦૨૪ થી ૩૧/૦૮/૨૦૨૪ સધી બપોરે ૧૩:૦૦ કલાક સધી |
૨. | ટેƛડર ભરી પરત કરવાની છેƣલી તારીખ | ૦૩/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સાȐં ૧૮:૦૦ સધી (ફક્ત ƨપીડ પોƨટ / રજી. પોƨટ મારફતે ƨવીકારવામાં આવશે) |
૩. | ટેકનીકલ બીડ ખોલવાની તારીખ | ૦૪/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ પછી |
૪. | ટેƛડરમાં સબિમટ કરવામાં આવેલ તમામ ડોકયમુ ેƛટના ઓરીજીનલ ĮબĮમાં બતાવવાની તારીખ | ૦૫/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સાȐં ૧૬:૦૦ થી ૧૮:૦૦ દરLયાન |
૫. | પ્રાઇસ બીડ ખોલવાની તાિરખ (જો શકય હશે તો) | ૦૬/૦૯/૨૦૨૪ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ પછી |
૬. | બીડ વેલીડીટી | ૧૮૦ િદવસ |
૭. | કામની સમયમયાર્દા | ૪૫ િદવસ |
ટ`oડર કામ કરવા માટ` જĮરS લાયકાત:
૧. નાણાકSય માપદંડ:
✓ છેƣલાં સાત વષર્ના વાિષર્ક ટનર્ઓવરની સરેરાશ ટેƛડરની રકમના ૫૦% કરતાં વધુ હોવી જોઇશે.
✓ વિકર્ંગ કેપીટલ ટેƛડરની રકમના ઓછામાં ઓછી ર૫% હોવી જોઈએ તથા તે અંગેનુ ચાટર્ ડર્ એકાઉƛટƛટRીનું પ્રમાણપત્ર રજૂ કરવું ફરજીયાત છે.
✓ બીડર પાસે ઓછામાં ઓĠ “ઈ-૨” Rેણીનું રજીƨટ્રેશન હોવું જોઇશે.
✓ બીડરે Į! ૧.૦૦ લાખની સોƣવƛસી રજુ કરવી જોઇશે.
૨. અȵભવનો માપદંડ:
✓ એજƛસીએ છેƣલાં સાત વષર્માં આ પ્રકારનું ઓછામાં ઓĠં એક કામ સરકારી, અધર્- સરકારી અંતગર્ત મખ્ય એજƛસી તરીકે કરેલું હોવું જોઈશે
✓ એજƛસી પાસે કામ કરવા માટે પરતા પ્રમાણમાં સાધનસામગ્રી તથા જĮરી અનભવી ƨટાફ હોવો જોઈશે.
ખાસ નҭધ:
એજƛસીએ ટેƛડર ફી નો ડીમાƛડ ડ્રાƝટ, ઈ.એમ.ડી. નો ડીમાƛડ ડ્રાƝટ તેમજ અƛય રજુ કરવાના
થતા જĮરી ડોકયમેƛટસ સાથે ઈ.એસ.આઈ.સી. (Employees State Insurance
Corporation) રજીƨટ્રેશનની નકલ તેમજ ઈ.પી.એફ. (Employees' Provident Fund)
રજીƨટ્રેશનની નકલ અત્રેની કચેરીને રજુ કરવાના રહશ ગણી; તેવી એજƛસીના ભાવ ખોલવામાં આવશે નહી.
ે અƛયથા એજƛસીને નોનરીƨપોƛસીવ
સામાoય શરતો:
1. અનƨટ મની ડીપોઝીટ (ઈ.એમ.ડી.) એƨટીમેટની રકમના એક ટકા મજબ ભરવાની રહશે.
ઈ.એમ.ડી. રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાની તરફેણમાં કોઈ પણ શેડKલુ બેંક િસવાય) ના રાજકોટ પેયેબલ ડીમાƛડ ડ્રાƝટ 6ારા જ ભરી શકાશે.
બેંક (કો-ઓપરેટીવ
2. િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટની રકમ કામના ૫% લેખે કરારનામું કરતી વખતે જમા કરવાની રહશે.
3. જĮરી લેબર લાયસƛસ / ઈ,પી.એફ. નબર લેવાની જવાબદારી Ȑ તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટરની રહશે.
4. કોƛટ્રક્ટરRીઓએ ટેƛડરના બધ કવર ઉપર આ કામનું નામ ƨપƧટ અ̖રે લખવાનું રહશે.
5. આ કામના ટેƛડર ડોકયમેƛટ ટેકનીકલ બીડ અને પ્રાઈસ બીડ) રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાની
વેબ સાઈટ www.rmc.gov.in પરથી પણ ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકાશે અને ટેƛડરમાં જણા’યા
મજબની તારીખ સધીમા ટેƛડર સાથે જĮરી દƨતાવેજો ટેƛડર કી, ઈ એમ.ડી., આઈડેનટીટી
ʠફ, એડ્રેસ ʠફ, પાન કાડર્ની પ્રમાિણત નકલ, ’યવસાય વેરો ભયાર્ની નકલ, સપકર્ ફોન
નબર / મોબાઈલ નબર િવગેરે એજƛસીએ રજુ કરી દેવાના રહશે.
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાની વેબ સાઈટ www.mc.gov.in પરથી ટેƛડર ડાઉનલોડ કરી રજૂ કરનાર એજƛસી િપ્ર-કવોલીફાય નહીં થાય તો તેવી એજƛસીના ભાવ ખોલવામાં આવશે નહીં. તેમજ તેઓએ ટેƛડર સાથે ભરેલ ટેƛડર ફી પરત કરવામાં આવશે નિહ. એનેક્ષર-૧મા દશાર્વેલ ફોમટમાં િવગતો રજૂ કરવી ફરજીયાત છે.
6. ટેƛડર કામની સમજુ તી તથા અƛય િવગતો ઓફીસ સમય દરLયાન બાધ ઝોન) માથી જાણવા મળી શકશે.
કામ શાખા, મSય
7. કોƛટ્રાકટરRીઓએ ટેƛડરના બધ કવર ઉપર કામનું નામ તથા વોડર્ નબર ƨપƧટ અક્ષરે
લખવાનું રહશે.
8. એજƛસીએ છેƣલા સાત વષર્ના સમયગાળામાં સરકારી, અધર્સરકારીમાં આ જ પ્રકારનું કોઇ
પણ રકમનુ ઓછામાં ઓĠં એક સરખા પ્રકારનું કામ મખ્ય કોƛટ્રાકટર તરીકે પણર્ કરેલુ હોવ
જોઇએ તથા એજƛસી પાસે કામ કરવા માટે પરતા પ્રમાણમા સાધન સામગ્રી તથા જĮરી અનભવી ƨટાફ હોવો જોઇએ
આ કામ બેરોજગાર િડƜલોમા / ડીગ્રી હોƣડરને કોઈ પણ ટનર્ઓવર, અનભવ કે સોƣવƛસી વગર આપવામાં આવી શકાશે. પરંતુ તેઓ કોઈ પણ જગ્યાએ નોકરી કે ધધો નથી કરતા તે
અંગેનો Į! ૩૦૦/- ના ƨટેLપ પેપર ઉપર “સોગદનામ”ુ
રજુ કરવાનું રહશ
ે. ઉપરાત
જણા’યા મજબના જĮરી દƨતાવેજોની “ખરી નકલ” ટેƛડર સાથે રજુ કરવાના રહશે.
✓ રાBય સરકાર / કેƛદ્ર સરકાર /જી.ડબƣય.ુ એસ.એસ.બી.માં રજીƨટ્રેશન કરા’યાની નકલ
✓ િડƜલોમા / ડીગ્રી સટfફીકેટની નકલ
ઉપરોક્ત તમામ દƨતાવેજો અસલ વેરીફીકેશન સમયે રજુ કરવાના રહશ રેƨપોƛસીવ ગણવામાં આવશે.
ે અƛયથા નોન-
9. ટેƛડર ખરીદવાની માગણી સાથે એજƛસીએ જĮરી તમામ દƨતાવેજોની નકલો રજૂ કરવાની
રહશે Ȑને આધારે પ્રી-કવોલીફાય થનાર એજƛસીને જ ટƛડરે કોપી ઇƨયુ કરવામાં આવશે.
10. એજƛસીએ ટેƛડર સાથે પોતાના બીઝનેશ એડ્રેસ ʠફ
તથા પોતાનો આઇ.ડી ચક
રજુ કરવાન
11. આ કામે પેનƣટી કҭટ્રાકટ વેƣયના ૦.૧૦ % મજ
િકંમતના ૧૦% સધી કાપવામાં આવશે.
બ પ્રિત િદન રહશ
ે Ȑ વધમાં વધુ અંદાજીત
12. એજƛસીએ જી.એસ.ટી.(GST) વગર તથા અƛય ટેકસ સિહત પોતાના ભાવ ભરવાના રહશે,
કોƛƨટ્રકટર 6ારા તે મજબ જી.એસ.ટી. બ્રેક-અપ સાથેનુ ઈƛવોઈસ રજુ કરવામાં નહીં આવે તો સદરહુ ટેકસ કોƛટ્રાકટરના બીલમાથી કપાત કરી જમા કરવામાં આવશે.
13. આ ટેƛડર કામે ખરીદવાનું થતુ મટીરીયલ એજƛસીએ જી.એસ.ટી. (GST) નબર ધરાવતા
હોય તેવા રજીƨટડર્ સƜલાયર પાસેથી જ મટીરીયલ ખરીદ કરવાનું રહશે, જી.એસ.ટી. (GST)
નબર ન ધરાવતા હોય તેવા અનરજીƨટડર્ સƜલાયર પાસેથી મટીરીયલ ખરીદ કરવામા
આવશે તો તેવા મટીરીયલ માટેનું જી.એસ.ટી. (GST) અંગે કોઈ પણ પ્રકારનું પેમેƛટ /
રકમ ચકવવા રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા જવાબદાર રહશે નહીં.
14. એજƛસીએ ટેƛડર ફી નો ડીમાƛડ ડ્રાƝટ, ઈ.એમ.ડી. નો ડીમાƛડ ડ્રાƝટ તેમજ અƛય રજ
કરવાના થતા જĮરી ડોકયમેƛટસ સાથે ઈ.એસ.આઈ.સી. રજીƨટ્રેશનની નકલ તેમજ
ઈ.પી.એફ. રજીƨટ્રેશનની નકલ અત્રેની કચેરીને રજુ કરવાના રહશે નોન-િરƨપોિƛસવ ગણી એવી એજƛસીના ભાવ ખોલવામાં આવશે નહીં.
ે અƛયથા એજƛસીને
15. એજƛસી કોઈ પણ જગ્યાએ ‘લેક લીƨટ થયેલ નથી તથા કોઈ પોિલસ ફિરયાદ થયેલ નથી
તે અંગેનું Į! ૩૦૦/- નું નોટરાઈCડ સોગધનામું રજુ કરવાનું રહશે.
16. ટેƛડર ડોɉમ
ેƛટમાં દશાર્વ
તમામ શરતો Sયાને લઇ ઓફર આપવાની રહશે.
17. આ કામે આવેલ કોઈપણ ટેƛડર કે બધા ટેƛડરનો ƨવીકાર / અƨવીકાર કરવાનો હક રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા અબાિધત રાખે છે.
18. ઉપરોક્ત કામના કોઈ પણ અથવા બધા ટેƛડરો કોઈ પણ કારણ દશાર્’યા િસવાય મજુ ર
અથવા ના-મજ
ુ ર કરવાનો અિધકાર નીચે સહી કરનાર 6ારા અબાિધત રાખવામાં આવે છે.
એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયર રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા
-:: ટ`oડર રȩુ કરવા બાબતની સમȩુ તી ::-
૧. ટેકનીકલ બીડ તથા પ્રાઇસ બીડ અલગ-અલગ કવરમાં બધ
કરવાના રહશ
ે અને કવર
ઉપર કામનું નામ તથા "ટેકનીકલ બીડ" / "પ્રાઇસ બીડ" મોટા અક્ષરે આ ટેƛડર સાથે
છેƣલા પાના પર લખાયેલ ƨટીકર ચોટાડવાનું રહશ
૨. ઉપરોક્ત બđે કવર - એક મોટા કવરમાં બધં
કરી; ઉપર કામનું નામ તથા સપણ
િવગતો દશાર્વી રજુ કરવાનું રહશે.
૩. િનયત સમયે "ટેકનીકલ બીડ" ખોલવામાં આવશે અને "ટેકનીકલ બીડ" માં રજુ થયેલ યોગ્ય Rેણીના રજીƨટ્રેશન, અનભવની િવગત, અનેર્ƨટ મની ડીપોઝીટ, સોલવƛસી
િવગેરેની ચકાસણી કરવામાં આવશે. Ȑ અƛવયે યોગ્યતા ધરાવનાર એજƛસીની જ
"પ્રાઇસ બીડ" ખોલવામાં આવશે. અƛય એજƛસીઓની "પ્રાઇસ બીડ" ખોલવામા
આવશે નહી, Ȑ તમામ એજƛસીઓને બધનકતાર્ રહશે.
કોo˼ા£ટરની સહS તથા િસ2ો
-:: ચેક લીƨટ ::-
૧. સરકારી, અધર્-સરકારી િવભાગમાં રજીƨટ્રેશન કરા’યાની નકલ.
૨. છેƣલા સાત નાણાકીય વષર્ દરLયાન સમાન પ્રકારના કરેલ કામના અનભવના
દાખલાની નકલ. બેરોજગાર ઈજનેર માટે અનભવ જĮરી નથી પરંતુ Į!૩૦૦/- નુ
નોટરાઈઝડ સોગધનામું કે તેનો બેરોજગાર છે અને ક્યાય પણ નોકરી કે કોઈ ધધો કરતાં નથી.
૩. કામની રકમના ૨૫% મજબ વિકર્ંગ કેિપટલ હોવા અંગેનો આધાર
૪. Į! ૧.૦૦ લાખની રકમ સોલવƛસી સટfફીકેટ.
૫. Į! ૩૦૦/- ના ƨટેLપ પેપર ઉપર ‘લેક લીƨટ થયેલ નથી તથા ડોɉમેƛટની ખરી તમજે
કોઈ પોિલસ ફિરયાદ થયેલ નથી તે અંગેનું સોગધનામું રજુ કરવાનું રહશે ે.
૬. અનેર્ƨટ મની ડીપોઝીટ (સહકારી બેંક િસવાય): Į! ૩,૫૫૦/-
બેંકનું નામ તથા િવગત
કોƛટ્રાક્ટરનું નામ : ......................................................................................
સરનામું : ......................................................................................
ઉપરોક્ત િવગતે જĮરી તમામ ડોɉમ
ેƛટ રજુ કરેલ છે.
કોo˼ા£ટરની સહS તથા િસ2ો
-:: શરતો અને બોલીઓ ::-
૧. ટેƛડર ભરતી વખતે નીચેની િવગતો Sયાનમાં રાખવી:
અ. ટકા(%) કે રકમ આકડા તેમજ શ‘દોમાં ƨપƧટ લખવી.
બ. પેઢી કે ભાગીદાર વતી સહી કરનારે તે જ પ્રમાણે સહી કરવી. ક. િનયત થયેલ જગ્યાએ િનયત થયેલ િવગતો જ લખવી.
ડ. છેકછાકવાįં ટેƛડર રદ કરવામાં આવશે.
ઈ. શરતો, એ‘ƨટ્રેકટ તથા સમજુ તીમાં દરેક પાને સહી કરવી.
એફ. અનેર્ƨટ મની ભયાર્નો દાખલો ટેƛડરના કવર ઉપર પહોચ નબરથી લખવો. અસલ પહોચ ટેƛડર સાથે રાખવી.
૨. કામ પરા ખતથી કરવું જોઈશે અને કરેલું સઘįં કામ કારીગરની રીતે કરેલું હોવુ જોઈએ. ટેƛડર રજુ કરનાર કામમાં Ȑ માલ સામાન વાપરે તે ઉĂમ પ્રકારનો હોવો
જોઈએ અને એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી એ પસદ કરલોે હોવો જોઈએ. કામ કેટલી
cવરાથી ચલાવવું તે બાબત તથા કામ અથવા તેમાં વપરાતો માલ સમાન કેવા પ્રકારનો છે તે બાબત એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી Ȑ િનણર્ય કરે તે આખરનો સમજવો જોઈશે. કામની ઝડપ અને તેની ગતી વધારવા એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી
નો િનણર્ય આખરી સમજવાનો રહશે તથા લેિખત તમજે મૌિખક સચના તમજે નોટીસ
આપવા છતાં પણ કામની ગતી કે ઝડપ વધારવામાં નહી આવે તો માન. કિમĕર
સાહબને કોƛટ્રાક્ટ રદ કરવાનો અિધકાર રહશે.
૩. સઘળી ખાણોની ફી, રોયƣટી, િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટ અને સમાન ભરી રાખવા માટે
કોઈ જમીનનું ભાડું આપવાનું હોય તો તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે આપવાનું રહશે.
૪. કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પોતાના કામદારોને થયેલ ઈજા માટે તથા તેને કોઈ બદલો આપવો પડે
તો તે માટે તમામ રીતે જવાબદાર કોƛટ્રાક્ટર રહશે. કામદારોને થયલે ઈજા માટે
યોગ્ય બદલો આપવામાં જો કોƛટ્રાક્ટર િનƧફળ નીવડે અને કામ કરતા કામદારોને તેનો બદલો રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા તરફથી આપવામાં આવે તો તેવી આપેલી રકમ ટેƛડર ભરનાર આપવા જોગ થયેલ રકમમાથી અથવા આપવાના થાય તે રકમમાથી કાપી લેવા રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા મખcયાર છે.
૫. આમાં કબલ કરલીે તવીે કામની જુ દી-જુ દી બાબતો માટનોે દરƏજો તે બાબતો મજુ ર
કરેલી સમજુ તી અનસાર પરી કરવામાં આવી છે એમ ƨવીકારવામાં આવે તો જ
કાયદેસર ગણાશે. Ȑ તે પ્રસગે કામની સદરહુ બાબતો એવી રીતે પરી કરી છે એમ
ƨવીકારવામાં નહી આવે તે પ્રસગે એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી છેવટના બીલો તયારૈ
કરતી વખતે ’યાજબી લાગે તેવા ઘટાડાના દરથી બીલો કરવા મખcયાર છે.
૬. કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે નીચે જણા’યા મજબના કોઈને કામે રાખવા નહી: અ. ૧૮ વષર્થી ઓછી ઉમર હોય, કે
બ. કામ ઉપર Ȑને એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી એ મનાઈ કરેલ હોય
૭. વકર્ ઓડર્ર મƤયે તતર્ જ કામ ચાલુ કરવાનું છ.ે ઓડર્રમાં જણાવલે ૪૫ િદવસની
મદત દરLયાન કામગીરી કરવાની છે. જો મદત દરLયાન સચના પ્રમાણે કામ કરવામાં નહી આવે તો માન. કિમĕર સાહબને યોગ્ય લાગશે તો કોƛટ્રાક્ટરના ખચેર્
અને જોખમે અƛય કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસે અગર તો ખાતા મારફત કામ પરુ કરાવશે અને
આમ બાકી રહત
ું કામ પર
ુ કરવામાં રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાને કોƛટ્રાક્ટ એગ્રીમેƛટ
કરતા જો વધુ ખચર્ થશે તો તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસેથી કાયદેસર રીતે આ વધારાનો ખચર્
વસલ કરી શકશ.ે માન.કિમĕર સાહબને જો યોગ્ય લાગશે તો મદત દરLયાન કામ
પરુ નહી થયું હોય છતાં પણ કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસે કામ ચાલુ રખાવી શકાશે અને તેની
મદત સજોગોને લક્ષમાં રાખીને વધારી આપશે. આ કામ િનયત સમય મયાર્દામા
પણર્ ન થયેથી વધારાના દરેક િદવસની પેનƣટી ફી ટેƛડરની રકમના ૦.૧૦%
મજબની રહશે.
૮. ટેƛડરની વેલીડીટી ૧૮૦ િદવસની રહશે.
૯. કામ કરતા માલ સમાન નડતરĮપ ન થાય તે રીતે કરવાનું છે.
૧૦. એજƛસી 6ારા રજુ કરવામાં આવેલ ભાવ અત્રેથી ƨવીકાયાર્ બાદ સદરહુ કામે કરાર કરવા જણાવવામાં આ’યેથી િદન-૮ માં િસɉિરટી િડપોિઝટ જમા કરાવી ƨટેLપ ડKટી એક્ટ,૧૯૫૮ અને તેના વખતો-વખતના સધારા મજબ જĮરી ƨટેLપ ડKટી ભરી
કરારનામું કરવાનું રહશે. Ȑમાં િનƧફળ ગયથીે ભરવામાં આવલે અનƨટ મની
િડપોિઝટ જƜત કરવામાં આવશે અને એજƛસીને રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાના કામો માટે ત્રણ વષર્ માટે ‘લેકિલƨટ અથવા ડીબાર કરવામાં આવશે.
૧૧. િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટ તરીકે ભરેલ રકમ કામ પરૂ ં થઈ ગયા બાદ ૧૨ (બાર) માસ
પછી કે કોƛટ્રાક્ટરને ફાઈનલ િબલ મƤયા બાદ એ બે માથી Ȑ મોડું હશે તે પછી
આપવામાં આવશે. પરંતુ તે સમય દરLયાન કોઈ કામ ખરાબ થયેલ અથવા નકશાન
પામેલ માલમ
પડશે તો તે કામ કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે દુ રƨત કરી આપવાનું રહશ
ે અને જો તેમ
કરવામાં નાકાિમયાબ નીવડશે તો દુ રƨતી તેને ખચેર્ અને જોખમે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા તરફથી કરાવી લેવામાં આવશે અને તે પૈકીનો થયેલ ખચર્
િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટની રકમમાથી કાપી લેવામાં આવશે.
૧૨. કામ ઉપર કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે પોતે અથવા તેના વતી કોઈ જવાબદાર માણસને હાજર
રાખવાનો રહશે.
૧૩. કામ પરૂ ં
થઇ ગયા બાદ સાઈટ બરાબર સાફ કરી આપવાની રહશ
ે અને જો તેમ
કરવામાં કોƛટ્રાક્ટર નાકાિમયાબ નીવડશે તો તેને ખચેર્ અને જોખમે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા તરફથી સાઈટ સાફ કરાવી લેવામાં આવશે.
૧૪. રƨતો બધ કરવા માટે િદવસના ભાગમાં સચનાના બોડર્ તથા રાત્રે યોગ્ય બĂીની
’યવƨથા કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે કરવાની રહશે. તનાે અભાવે થતી નકશાનીની તમામ
જવાબદારી કોƛટ્રાક્ટરની રહશે.
૧૫. વકર્ ઓડર્ર આƜયા બાદ ચાલુ કામે અƛય આસામીઓની િમલકતને અગર જાનમાલને
કોઇપણ નકશાન થશે તો તેની તમામ જવાબદારી કોƛટ્રાક્ટરની રહશે અને તે માટે
કોઇપણ વળતરની રકમ ચકવવાની થાય તો તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ભરી આપવાની રહશે.
જો કોƛટ્રાક્ટર અમલ ન કરે તો તેવા વળતર િવગેરેની રકમ તેના બીલોમાથી કપાત કરવામાં આવશે.
૧૬. કોઇ પણ કારણોસર કોƛટ્રાક્ટર ટેƛડરમાં દશાર્વેલ કામ કરવા અશિક્તમાન થશે તો
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા તેના ખચેર્ અને જોખમે આ કામ પરૂ ં કરાવશે અને આમ
કરતા ટેƛડરમાં જણાવેલ ભાવ કરતા વધારે ખચર્ થશે તો રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા કોƛટ્રાક્ટરની િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટમાથી કે સાઈટ ઉપર પડેલા માલ સામાનની
હરરાજી કરી કે િબલમાથી વસલ કરી શકશે અને તમે કરતા કોƛટ્રાક્ટરનો કોઈપણ
વાધો કે હક્ક રહશે નહી.
૧૭. આ કામનો કોઈ પણ ભાગ સતોષકારક રીતે કોƛટ્રાક્ટર નહી કરે તો રાજકોટ
મહાનગરપાિલકા ના ઈજનેર તેઓને ૧૦ િદવસની નોટીસ કામ સધારવા આપશે. મદત િવcયા બાદ રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાના ઈજનેર કોƛટ્રાક્ટરના ખચેર્ અને જોખમે માણસો રાખી તેમજ માલ સમાન ખરીદી કામ કરવાની કાયર્વાહી કરશે અને કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસેથી ખચર્ વસલી શકશ.ે આ કામ એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી બીજા કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસે પણ કરાવી શકશે.
૧૮. વકર્ ઓડર્રમાં જણા’યાની તારીખે કામ પરૂ ં કરવામાં કોƛટ્રાક્ટર િનƧફળ જશે તો
અગાઉ કલમ-૭ માં જણા’યા પ્રમાણે પેનƣટી વસલુ મહાનગરપાિલકા ને કારણે સજોગો અનસાર કામ બધ
લેવામાં આવશે. જો રાજકોટ રહે તો Ȑટલા િદવસ કામ
બધ રહે તેટલા િદવસની મદત આપવામાં આવશે અથવા તો કોઈ સબળ કારણસર
કામ બધ રહે તનીે જાણ કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ઈજનેરને જ કરવાની
રહે છે અને જો કારણ ’યાજબી લાગશે તો વધારાની મદત માટે માન. કિમĕર
સાહબ િવચારશે અને તેનો િનણર્ય આખરી ગણાશ.ે
૧૯. આ કામ ચાલુ થયે વ3ચેના ગાળાની સતોષકારક પ્રગતી હશે તો જĮર જણાયે ઓછામાં ઓછા એક માસ પછી કોƛટ્રાક્ટરને થયેલ કામનું રનીંગ િબલ આપવામા આવશે. આ રનીંગ િબલ થયેલ કામ પ્રમાણે અને ફાઈનલ બીલના "ઉપાડ" એડવાƛસ તરીકે આપવામાં આવશે. રનીંગ બીલમાં લીધેલ કામનો જ9થો કે કામની
િવગતનું આખરી ƨવĮપ િબલ વખતે નક્કી થાય તે રીતે રહશે. રનીંગ િબલ
આકરવામા; આવલે બીલની િવગત બધી જ ફાઈનલ બીલમાં હોવી જĮરી નથી.
૨૦. કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે આ કામમાં કોઈ પણ આઇટમ સતોષકારક રીતે ƨપેસીફીકેશન મજબ નહી
કરી હોય તો રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ને લાગે તે "ભાવ ઘટાડો" (રીડKઝ રઈટે )
કરી શકશે અને તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે માƛય રાખવાનો રહશે.
૨૧. આ કામમાં રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ના ઈજનેર ટેƛડરમાં જણા’યા મજબના ƨપેસીફીકેશન કે ડ્રોઈંગ કે ડીઝાઈનમાં ફેરફાર કરી શકશે એટલે કે મળૂ ƨપેસીફીકેશનમાં જણા’યા મજબના કામમાં ઘટાડો કરવો કે વધારો કે તદન નવું કામ
કરાવી શકશે અને કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ટેƛડરની મળ
શરતોને કાયમ રાખી તે મજ
બ કામ કરી
આપવાનું છે. આ ફેરફારને કારણે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા સાથે થયેલ કરાર રદ થઇ શકશે નહી.
(અ) આ વધારાના ઉપર મજબના કામમાં જો એક્ƨટ્રા આઇટમ થઇ અને આઇટમ ટેƛડરમાં જણાવેલ હશે તો તે મજબ ભાવ આપવામાં આવશે.
(બ) જો એક્ƨટ્રા આઇટમ ટેƛડરમાં નહી હોય પરંતુ રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા નો Ȑ તે
વખતનાં શેડKલ ઓફ રઈટે (SOR) હશે તો તે મજબ ભાવ આપવામાં આવશ.ે
આ વખતે જો ટેƛડર ઉચા ભાવનું હશે તો વધારાના ટકા આપવામાં આવશે નહી પરંત ુ જો ટેƛડર નીચા ભાવનું હશે તો આવી આઇટમોમાથી કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ભરેલ નીચા ટકા બાદ કરવામાં આવશે.
(ક) એક્ƨટ્રા આઇટમ ટેƛડરમાં કે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ના Ȑ તે વખતમા
શેડKલ ઓફ રઈટસે (SOR) માં નહી હોય તવીે આઇટમનો ’યાજબી ભાવ
સમજુ તીથી નક્કી કરશે અને Ȑ ભાવ માન. કિમĕર સાહબ
ની મજ
ુ રી આƜય
આપી શકાશે. આવી આઇટમોના ભાવ ઉપર કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ટેƛડરમાં જણાવેલ વધારે કે ઓછા ટકાની અસર થશે નહી.
(ડ) આ મળ જ9થામાં કે ડ્રોઈંગ ƨપસીફીકેે શનમાં કરવો પડતો ફેરફાર કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે
રાખવાનો રહશ
ે અને આમ કરવાને કારણે મજુ રી કે માલ સામાનનો ભાવ
વધારો થશે તો રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ઉપર કોƛટ્રાક્ટર નો દાવો રહશે નહી.
૨૨. આ કામ કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે માલ મજુ રી સાથે કરવાનો છે. એટલે કે કામમાં જોઈતા મટીરીયƣસ (હથીયાર, સાધનો, સીડી કે ત્રાપા વગેરે) નો સમાવેશ થાય છે. આ કામ માટે તેને જોઈતા મજદુ રો (કારીગરો, સપરવાઈઝર િવગેરે) નો સમાવેશ થાય છે. કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે તે કામ કરનારાઓ માટે પીવાના પાણીની ’યવƨથા કરવાની છે. Ȑ કોઈ આઇટમમાં ƨપેસીફીકેશન ન હોય cયાં પણ રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ના
ƨપેસીફીકેશન મજબ કામ કરવાનું રહશે. જો રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા માં પણ
ƨપેસીફીકેશન ન હોય તો ગજરાત વોટર સƜલાય એƛડ સવરેજ બોડર્ (GWSSB) ના ƨપેસીફીકેƨન મજબ કામ કરવાનું છે. કોઈ કામનું ƨપેસીફીકેશન ઉપરોક્ત જણાવેલ ખાતામાં ન હોય તો એવા કામનું ƨપેસીફીકેશન કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા
ઈજનેર પાસેથી લેિખતમાં મેળવવાનું રહશે. કામ બાબત કોઈ પણ જાતનો વાધો કે
વાધાઓ પડે તો તેનો આખરી િનણર્ય માન. કિમĕર સાહબનો રહશે અને તે
કોƛટ્રાક્ટરને બધનકતાર્ રહશે.
૨૩. કોƛટ્રાક્ટર તરફથી કામ થઈ ગયા બાદ ૨૪ કલાકમાં સાઈટ સાફ કરી આપવાની રહે છે. તે સમય દરLયાન સાઈટ સાફ કરવામાં આવશે નહી તો જગ્યા રોકાણ અંગેન;ું
કામ પરૂ ં થયાની તારીખથી ધોરણસર ભાડું ચડત થશે અને તે કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસથીે
વસલ કરવામાં આવશે આથવાતો તઓને ે ખચેર્ અને જોખમે સાઈટ ઉપર પડેલ માલ
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ના ઈજનેર દુ ર કરાવશે અને તેની રકમ કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસેથી
વસલ લેવામાં આવશે.
૨૪. Ȑ કામ અથવા માલ નાપાસ કરવામાં આવે તે સાઈટ ઉપરથી ૨૪ કલાકમા
ખસેડવાનો રહશ
ે અને તેમ કરવામાં કસર
થશે તો કોƛટ્રાક્ટરના ખચેર્ અને જોખમે તે
કામ અથવા માલ ખસેડવામાં આવશે.
૨૫. ટેƛડરમાં જણાવેલ કોઈ પણ આઇટમ ખાતા મારફત કરવાની જĮર જણાશે તો તે કામ ખાતા મારફત કરવામાં આવશે. Ȑના માટે કોƛટ્રાક્ટર વાધો ઉઠાવી શકશે નહી.
૨૬. દરેક કામમાં વપરાતો માલ-સમાન એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી / સક્ષમ અિધકારીRી
પાસે પાસ કરવી cયાર બાદ જ વાપરવાનો રહશે.
૨૭. જો કોƛટ્રાક્ટર ચાલુ કામ છોડી જતા રહશ
ે અગર કામ બધ
કરી દેશે તો રાજકોટ
મહાનગરપાિલકા તેમને ખચેર્ અને જોખમે કામ ચાલુ કરી શકશે અગર તો બીજા કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસે કામ શરુ કરાવી શકશે. આમ કરવામાં રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા ને કોƛટ્રાક્ટર સાથેના એગ્રીમેƛટ કરતા વધુ ખચર્ થશે તો કોƛટ્રાક્ટર પાસેથી કાયદેસર
રીતે વસલ શકશે.
કરી શકશે અને આ ઉપરાત તેમની િસક્યોરીટી ડીપોઝીટ જƜત કરી
૨૮. કોƛટ્રાક્ટરના દરેક પ્રોગ્રેસીવ િબલમાથી ૧૦% રકમ રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકામા
જમા રહશે તનોે ફાઈનલ બીલમાં સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવશ.ે
૨૯. આ સાથેના પ્રાઈસ બીડના પિરિશƧટમાં સમાિવƧટ આઇટમ માં દશાર્વેલ ભાવ (દર) બાબતે ભિવƧયમાં ગેરસમજ ઉપિƨથત થાય તો તે અંગે એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી નો િનણર્ય આખરી ગણાશે.
૩૦. એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયરRી મારફત ટેƛડરો ખોલવામાં આવશે cયારથી ૧૮૦ િદવસમા
ટેƛડર ƨવીકારવામાં આવેલ છે કે નહી તેનો િનણર્ય માન. કિમĕર સાહબ મારફત
કરવામાં આવશે. આ મદતમાં જો કોઈ પણ પ્રકારના િનણર્યની જાણ કોƛટ્રાક્ટરને
કરવામાં નહી આવે તો ટેƛડરના ભાવો કોƛટ્રાક્ટર કે રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકાના
સક્ષમ અિધકારીRી બન
ેની સહમતીથી આવેલ ભાવોનું ટેƛડર મજ
ુ ર કરવા માટે માન.
કિમĕર સાહબ આખરી િનણર્ય કરી શકશે.
૩૧. Ȑ કોƛટ્રાકટરના ભાવ મજ
ુ ર થશે અને ભાવ મજ
ુ ર થવાના ખબર મƤયેથી થયેલ
ભાવથી થતી િકંમતના ૫ ટકાની રકમ સીકયોરીટી ડીપોઝીટ તરીકે મહાનગરપાિલકાની ટ્રેઝરીમાં િદવસ-૮ માં ભરી ƨટેLપ ડKિૂટ એક્ટ મજબની રકમના નોન-Bયિડિશયલ ƨટેLપ પેપર ઉપર મહાનગરપાિલકા 6ારા માƛય કરેલ ફોમર્મા
કરારનામુ કરી આપવાનું રહશે. આ માટે ƨટેLપ પપરે તમજ એડહિસવ ƨટLપનોે ખચર્
કોƛટ્રાકટરે ભોગવવાનો રહશે.
૩૨. વકર્ મેન કોLપેƛસેશન એકટ હઠળ ઈƛƨયરƛસની ડબƣય.ુ સી.ની પોલીસી લેવાની રહશે.
૩૩. સાઈટ ઉપર કામ કરતાં કામદારોની સખ્યા અƛવયે સરકારRીના લેબર એક્ટ મજબ
લેબર લાયસƛસ લેવાનું રહશે અને તના પ્રવતર્માન કાયદાઓનું પલક કરવાનું રહશ
તેમજ આ કાયદામાં સરકારRી તરફથી વખતો વખત Ȑ કોઈ ફેરફાર થાય તેનો
અમલ કરવાનો રહશે.
૩૪. સરકારRીના પ્રવતર્માન િનયમો અનસાર ઈ.પી.એફ.નબર લેવાનો રહશે તથા આ
કાયદામાં વખતો વખત Ȑ કાઈ ફેરફાર થાય તેનો અમલ કરવાનો રહશે.
૩૫. સિવર્સ ટેકસ / જી.એસ.ટી. ના કાયદા અનસાર ટેકસ ભરવાની જવાબદારી Ȑ ત
કોƛટ્રાકટરRીની રહશે.
૩૬. કચેરી તરફથી સચવવામાં આવતા આ કામને લગતા જĮરી ટેƨટ રીપોટર્ કોƛટ્રાકટરે
પોતાના ખચેર્ કરાવી આપવાના રહશે.
૩૭. ગજરાત સરકારRીના Rમ અને રોજગાર િવભાગના જી.આર. ન.ં સી.ડબƣય.ુ એ/૨૦૦૪/૮૪૧/એમ-૩ તા.૩૦.૦૧.૦૬ ના ઠરાવ મજબ Rમીકોના કƣયાણ માટે બીલની કુલ રકમના ૧% (એક ટકા) લેખે સેસ રકમ રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા રનીંગ બીલમાથી કપાત કરશે, તેમજ તેના માટે જĮરી રજીƨટ્રેરશન
એજƛસીએ ƨવ.ખચેર્ કરવાનું રહશે.
૩૮. કામ રાખનાર કોƛટ્રાકટરRીએ ૧૦ કે તેથી વધુ કામદારો કામે રાખેલ હશે તો કોƛટ્રાકટરRીએ ઈ.એસ.આઈ. (એLƜલોઈઝ ƨટેટ ઈƛƨયોરƛસ) એકટ હઠળ રજીƨટ્રેશન
કરાવી જĮરી રજીƨટ્રેશન નબર મેળવવાનો રહશે. કોƛટ્રાકટરRીએ તમનાે હƨતકના
કામદારોને ઈ.એસ.આઈ.એકટ હઠળ મળવાપાત્ર તમામ લાભો આપવાના રહશે.
કોƛટ્રાકટરRીએ ઈ.એસ.આઈ.એકટના Ȑ તે સમયે પ્રવતર્માન તમામ ધારા-ધોરણોનુ
પાલન કરવાનું રહશે.
૩૯. આ સાથે સામેલ રાખેલ આ કચેરી હુકમ ન.ં રામનપા/સી/૧૩૨ તા.૧૦.૦૬.૨૦૧૩ તથા પિરપત્ર ન.ં રામનપા/સી/૩૨૯ તા.૨૨.૧૨.૨૦૧૨ તેમજ અƛય સામેલ પરંપત્રો
વાચીને તેમાં સહી સીકકા કરી ટેƛડર સાથે રજુ કરવાના રહશે.
૪૦. ટેƛડરની તમામ શરતો અને બોલીઓ વાચીને કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે દરેક પાના પર ટુંકી સહીઓ કરી આપવાની છે. અધરી િવગત કે ચેકચાક વાįં ટેƛડર રદ કરવાપાત્ર બનશે.
૪૧. વકર્ મેન કોLપેƛસેશન એક્ટ હઠળ ઇƛƨયરƛસની, ડબƣય.ુ સી. ની પોલીસી લેવાની રહશે.
૪૨. સરકારRીના પ્રવતર્માન િનયમો અનસાર ઈ.પી.એફ. નબર લેવાનો રહશે તથા આ
કાયદામાં વખતો વખત Ȑ કંઈ ફેરફાર થાય તેનો અમલ કરવાનો રહશે.
૪૩. કચેરી તરફથી સચવવામાં આવતા કામે લગતા જĮરી ટેƨટ રીપોટર્ કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે પોતાના
ખચેર્ કરાવી આપવાના રહશે.
૪૪. ભારત / ગજરાત સરકારRી ના વખતો-વખત ના કાયદાઓ-િનયમોમાં થતા ફેરફાર
કોƛટ્રાક્ટરને બધનકરતા રહશે.
૪૫. પોલીસ કિમĕરRી, રાજકોટ 6ારા વખતો-વખત બહાર પાડવામાં આવતા
જાહરનામાનો કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ચƨતપણે અમલ કરવાનો રહશે.
અિધક મદદનીશ ઈજનેર નાયબ કાય’પાલક ઈજનેર એડS. સીટS એoSનીયર બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા
કોo˼ા£ટરની સહS તથા િસ2ો:
-:: કામના તાિtક ƨપેશીફSક`શન ::-
Item No.1:
Excavation of Foundation in Soft Murrum, Soil or Sand from 0.0 mtr. to 1.50 mtr depth including lifting and laying as instructed
1.0 General:
1.1 Any soil which generally yields to the application of the pickaxes and shovels, phawaras rakes or any such ordinary excavation implement or organic soil, gravel, slit, sand turf lawn, clay, peat etc. fall under this category.
2.0 Cleaning the site:
2.1 The site on which the structure is to be built shall be cleared, and all obstructions, loose stone, materials and rubbish of all kind, bush, wood and trees shall be removed as directed. The materials so obtain shall be property of the government and shall be conveyed and stacked as directed within RMC limit. The roots of the tree coming in the sides shall be cut and coated with a asphalt.
2.2 The rate of site clearance is deemed to be included in the rate of earth work for which no extra will be paid.
3.0 Setting out:
After clearing the site, the center lines will be given by the engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall assume full responsibility for alignment, elevation and dimension and of each and all parts of the work. Contractor shall supply labors, materials, etc required for setting out the reference marks and bench marks and shall maintain them as long as required and directed.
4.0 Excavation:
The excavation in foundation shall be carried out in true line and level and shall have the width and depth as shown in the drawings or as directed. The contractor shall do the necessary shoring and strutting or providing necessary slopes to a safe angle, at his own cost. The bottom of the excavated area shall be leveled both longitudinally and transversely as directed by removing and watering as required. No earth filling will be allowed for bringing it to level, if by mistake or any other reason excavation is made deeper or wider than that shown on the plan or directed. The extra depth or width shall be made up with concrete of same proportion as specified for the foundation concrete at the cost of the contractor. The excavation upto 1.5 mt depth shall be measured under this item.
5.0 Disposal of the excavated stuff:
The excavated stuff of the selected type shall be used in filling the trenches and plinth or leveling the ground in layers including ramming and watering etc.
The balance of the excavated quantity shall be removed by the contractor from the site of work to a place as directed within RMC limit and all lift.
After refilling, surplus earth shall have to carted by the contractor within specified limit including loading transporting unloading spreading without any extra cost.
The surplus stuff shall be disposed off at the following sites as directed within the prescribed limits of Notification as directed by the engineering in charge.
It will be the sole responsible of agency to repair any extra paver / road damages at it’s own cost. Excavated material / Bitumen surface shall be disposed at following site as Notified by RMC and as directed by the engineering in charge.
1. Beside Kotharia Police Station near Stone Quarry
2. All Quarry areas of Raiya Smart City
3. TP Scheme No.10, FP-87, Dhebar Road (South), Atika Area, Nr. PGVCL Office
4. TP Scheme No.23, FP-23, Nr. IOC Godown, Morbi Road
5. TP reservation plot at Samrat industrial Area, Bh. ST Workshop
6. TP Scheme No.9, FP-5, Nr. Raiyadhar Garbage Station
7. TP Scheme No.20, FP-35, Bh. Pradhuman Green
8. TP Scheme No.28 (Mavdi), FP-46/A, Nr. GETCO Circle
9. TP Scheme No.12, FP-38/A and 39/B, Nr. Lijjat Papad, Kothariya Nationla Highway
If the contractor fails to dispose the excavated stuff as specified, penalty will be imposed by Rajkot Municipal Corporation as per the Notification for C&D waste.
Mode of Measurement and Payment:
The measurement of excavation in trenches for foundation shall be made according to the sections of trenches shown on the drawing or as per sections given by the engineer-in-charge. No payment shall be made for surplus excavation made in excess of above requirement or due to stopping and sloping back as found necessary on account of conditions of soil and requirements of safety.
The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic Meter.
Item No.2:
Foundation filling with CC work in proportion of 1:2:4 using 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm aggregate including Ramming, Curing etc.
1.0. Materials
1.1 Water shall conform to M-1. Cement shall conform shall conform to M-
3. Sand shall conform to M-6. Stones aggregate 20 mm. nominal size shall conform to M- 12.
2.0 Workmanship
2.1 General
2.1.1 Before starting concrete the bed of foundation trenches shall be cleared of all loose materials, leveled, watered and rammed as directed.
2.2 Proportion of Mix
2.2.1 The proportion of cement, sand and coarse aggregate shall be one part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 4 parts of stone aggregate; and shall be measured by volume.
2.3 Mixing
2.3.1 The concrete shall he mixed in a mechanical mixer at the site of work. Hand mixing may however be allowed for smaller quantity of work if approved by the Engineer-in-charge. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge in case of break-down of machineries and in the interest of the work, it shall be carried out on a water tight platform and care shall be taken to ensure that mixing is continued until the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. However in such cases 10% more cement than otherwise required shall have to be used without any extra cost. The mixing in mechanical mixer shall be done for a period 1½ to 2 minutes. The quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a. dense concrete of required workability for the purpose.
2.4 Transporting & placing the concrete.
2.4.1 The concrete shall, be handed from the place of mixing to the final position in not more than 15 minute by the method as directed and shall be placed into its final position, compacted and finished within 30 minutes of mixing with water i.e. before the setting commences.
2.4.1 The concrete shall be laid in layers of 15 cms to 20 cms.
2.5 Compacting:
2.5.1 The concrete shall be rammed with heavy iron rammers and rapidly to get the required compaction and to allow all the interstices to be filled with mortar.
2.6 Curing
2.6.1 After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet if required by ponding for a period of not less then 7 days from the date of placement.
2.7 Mode of measurements and payment:
2.7.1 The concrete shall he measured for its length, breadth, and depth, limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed.
2.7.2 The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter.
Item No.3 and 17:
Foundation filling with Rubble Cement Mortar in proportion of 1:6 Cement:Mortar
Rubble Stone filling with 33% Murrum in specified thickness with watering, compaction etc. complete
Stones for the works shall be of the specified varieties which are hard, durable, fine grained and uniform in colour (for superstructure work) free from veins, flaws and other defects. Quality and work shall conform to the requirements specified in IS:1597 (Part-I) (Latest Edition). The percentage of water absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in accordance with IS:1124 (Latest Edition). The Contractor shall supply sample stones to the RMC for approval. Stones shall be laid with its grains horizontal so that the load transmitted is always perpendicular to the natural bed.
Cement-sand mortar for stone masonry works shall be in the proportion of 1:6. Materials and preparation of mortar shall be as specified below:
For All Works below ground level the masonry shall be random rubble uncoursed with ordinary quarry dressed stones for the hearting and selected quarry dressed stones for the facing.
For all works above ground level and in superstructure the masonry shall be random rubble uncoursed, well bonded, faced with hammer dressed stones with squared quoins at corners. The bushings on the face shall not be more than 40 mm on an exposed face and on the face to be plastered it shall not project by more than 12 mm nor shall it have depressions more than 10 mm from the average wall surface.
Face stones shall extend back sufficiently and bond well with the masonry. The depth of stone from the face of the wall inwards shall not be less than the height or breadth at the face. The length of the stone shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base shall not be greater than three-fourths the thickness of wall nor less than 150 mm. The height of stone may be upto a maximum of 300 mm. Face stones or hearting stones shall not be less than 150 mm in any direction.
Chips and spalls shall be used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar joints and to ensure that no hollow spaces are left in the masonry. The use of chips and spalls in the hearting shall not exceed 20 percent of the quantity of stone masonry. Spalls and chips shall not be used on the face of the wall and below hearting stones to bring them to the level of face stones.
The maximum thickness of joints shall not exceed 20 mm. All joints shall be completely filled with mortar. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished as the work proceeds.
Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm by a raking tool during the progress of the work while the mortar is still green.
Through or bond stones shall be provided in walls upto 600 mm thick and in case of walls above 600 mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. In case of highly absorbent types of stones (porous lime stone and sand stone, etc.) the bond stone shall extend about two-thirds into the wall and a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided. Each bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sq.m of wall surface.
All stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water from the mortar. All connected walls in a structure shall be normally raised uniformly and regularly. However if any part of the masonry is required to be left behind, the wall shall be raked back (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 deg. Masonry work shall not be raised by more than one meter per day.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. Masonry work shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of seven days for proper curing of the joints.
The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter.
Item No.4, 6 and 9:
Providing and laying cement concrete in M-20 or 1: 1½ : 3 in nominal mix (1 cement: 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 m m. nominal size) curing complete excluding reinforcement for reinforced work in (A) Foundations, footing base, of columns and mass concrete. (C) Slabs, landings shelves, balconies, lintels, chhajja, beams, girders and cantilever. (D) Columns, pillars, posts, and struts (E) Stair case (K) Vertical and horizontal fins upto floor two level including form work.
Providing and laying cement concrete in M-15 or 1: 2 : 4 in nominal mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 m m. nominal size) curing complete excluding reinforcement for reinforced work in (C) lintels, chhajja upto floor two level including form work.
1.0 Materials:
Water shall conform to M-1, cement shall conform to M-2, Sand shall conform to M-4, Grit shall conform to M-8. Graded stone aggregate 20 mm, nominal size shall conform to M-12.
2.0 General:
2.1 The concrete mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests. The proportion of concrete mix shall be 1:11/2:3 (1 Cement: 11/2 coarse sand: 3 graded stone aggregate) 20 mm nominal size) by volume.
Concrete work shall have exposed concrete surface or as specified in the item.
2.2 The designation ordinary M-100, M-150, M-200, M-250 specified as per IS correspond approximately to 1:3:6, 1:2:4, 1:11/2:3 and 1:1:2 nominal
mix of ordinary concrete by volume respectively.
2.3 The ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one bag of cement of 50 Kg by weight (0.0342 Cu.M) for different proportions of mix shall be as under:
Grade of concrete | Total quantity of dry aggregate by volume per 50 kgs of cement to be taken as the sum of individual volume of fine and coarse aggregates, max. | Proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate | Quantity of water per 50 Kgs of cement maximum |
M-100 (1:3:6) M-150 (1:2:4) M-200 (1:11/2:3) M-250 (1:1:2) | 300 Litres 220 Litres 160 Litres 100 Litres | Generally 1.2 for fine aggregate to coarse aggregate by volume but subject to an upper limit of 1:1.1/2 and lower limit 1:3 | 34 Litres 32 Litres 30 Litres 27 Litres |
2.4 The water cement ratio shall not be more than specified in the above table. The cement concrete of the mix specified in the Table shall be increased if the quantity of water in mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulties of placements and compaction so that water cement ratio specified on the table is not exceeded.
2.5 Workability of the concrete shall be controlled by maintaining a water cement ratio that is found to give a concrete mix which is just sufficient wet to be placed and compacted without difficulty with the means available.
2.6 The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as large as possible within the limits specified but in no case greater than one fourth of minimum thickness of the member, provided that the concrete can be placed without difficulty so as to surround all reinforcement thoroughly and to fill the corners of the form.
2.7. For reinforced concrete work, coarse aggregates having a nominal size of 20 mm, are generally considered satisfactory.
2.8 For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs main beams, the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should usually be restricted to 5 mm, less than the minimum the distance between the main bars, or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinform or whichever is smaller.
2.9 Where the reinforcement is widely spaced as in solid slabs, limitations of size of the aggregate may not be so important, and the nominal maximum size may sometimes be as greater as or greater than the minimum cover.
2.10 Admixture may be used in concrete only with approval of engineer-in- charge based upon the evidence that with the passage of time, neither the compressive strength of concrete is reduced nor are other requisite qualities of concrete and steel impaired by the use of such admixtures.
3.0 Workmanship:
3.1 Proportioning:
Proportioning shall be done by volume, except cement which shall be measured in terms of bags of 50 kg. weight the volume of one such bag being taken as 0.0342 cu.metre. Boxes of suitable size shall be used for measuring sand aggregate. the size of boxes (internal) shall be 35 x 25 cms, and 40 cms deep while measuring the aggregate and sand the boxes shall be filled without shaking ramming or hammering. The proportioning of sand shall be on the basis of its dry volume and in case of damp sand, allowances for bulkage shall be made.
3.2 Mixing:
3.2.1 For all work, concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other accessories shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout the construction. Measured quantity of aggregate, sand and cement required for each batch shall be poured into the drum of the mechanical mixer while it is continuously running. After about half a minute of dry mixing measured quantity of water required for each batch of concrete mix shall be added gradually and mixing continued for another one and a half minute. Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and uniform color of the entire mass is obtained and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2 minutes after all ingredients have been put into the mixer.
3.2.2 When hand mixing is permitted by the engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other reasons, it shall be done on the smooth water tight platform large enough to allow efficient turning over the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so arranged that no foreign material gets mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow out. Cement in required number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured quantity of fine and coarse aggregate, which shall also be spread in a layer of uniform thickness on the mixing platform. Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement shall then be mixed thoroughly by turning over to get a mixture to uniform color. Specified quantity of water shall then be added gradually through a rose can and the mass turned over till a mix of required consistency is obtained. In hand mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 percent above that specified.
3.2.3 Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thorough cleaned before putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to by the engineer-in-charge the first batch of concrete form the mixture shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of
cement to another.
3.3 Consistency:
3.3.1 The degree of consistency which shall depend upon the nature of the work and the methods of vibration of concrete, shall be determined by regular slump tests in accordance with IS 1199 - Latest edition. The slump of 10 mm to 25 mm shall be adopted when vibrators are used and 80 mm when vibrators are not used.
3.4 Inspection:
3.4.1 Contractor shall give the engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength, alignment, and general fineness but such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the safety of men, machinery, materials and for results obtained. Immediately before concreting, all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned.
3.4.2 Centering design and its erection shall be got approved from the engineer- in-charge. One carpenter with helper shall invariably kept present throughout the period of concreting. Movement of labor and other persons shall be totally prohibited for reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts suitable mobile platforms shall be provided so that steel reinforcement in position is not disturbed. For ensuring proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable size shall be cast and tied to the reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces shall not be used for this purpose.
3.5. Transporting and Laying:
3.5.1 The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be as approved. Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent material takes place. All form work shall be cleaned and made free from standing water dust, show or ice immediately before placing of concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the engineer-in-charge has been obtained.
3.5.2 Concreting shall proceed continuously over the area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper contraction joint is formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer. Expert where otherwise agreed to by the engineer-in-charge concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a compacted depth of not more than 0.45 meter when internal vibrators are used and not exceeding 0.30 meter in all other cases.
3.5.3 Unless otherwise agreed to by the engineer-in-charge, concrete shall not be dropped in to place from a height exceeding 2 meters. When trunking or chutes are used they shall be kept close and used in such a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened it shall be roughened swept clean, thoroughly wetted and covered with a 13 mm thick layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 13 mm layer of mortar
shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the wet surface with wire of bristle brushes care being taken to avoid dislodgement of any particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted all free water removed and then coated with neat cement grout the first layer of concrete to be placed on this surface shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness and shall be well rammed against old work particular attention being given to corners and close spots.
3.5.4 All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogenous mass with the assistance of vibrators unless otherwise permitted by the engineer-in-charge for exceptional cases such as concreting under water where vibrators cannot be used. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is always available in the event of breakdowns. Concrete shall be judge to be compacted when the mortar fills the spaces between the coarse aggregate and begins to cream up to form an even surface mixture. During compaction, it shall be observed that needle vibrators are not applied on reinforcement which is likely to destroy the bond between concrete and reinforcement.
3.6 Curing:
Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected from weather including rain running water shocks vibration traffic rapid temperature changes frost and drying out process. It shall be covered with wet sacking hassian or other similar absorbent material approved soon after the initial set and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonary work over foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of its laying but curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 14 days.
3.7 Sampling and testing of concrete:
3.7.1. Samples from fresh concrete shall be taken as per IS 1199 - Latest edition, and cubes shall be made cured and tested at 7 days of 28 days as per requirements in accordance with IS 516 - Latest edition. A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that each concrete batch shall have a reasonable chance of being tested i.e. the sampling should be spread over the entire period of concreting and cover all mixing units. The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with following:
Quantity of concrete in the work | No.of samples | Quantity of concrete in the work. | No.of samples |
1-5 cmt | 1 | 16-30 cmt | 3 |
6-15 cmt | 2 | 31-50 cmt | 4 |
51 and above | 4±one additional for each additional 50cmt or part thereof |
NOTE:- At least one sample shall be taken from each shift. Ten test specimens shall be made from each sample five for testing at 7 days and the remaining five at 28 days. The samples of concrete shall be taken on
each days of the concreting as per above frequency. The number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed necessary by the engineer-in-charge when procedure of tests given above reveals a poor quality of concrete and in other special cases.
3.7.2. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the specified cube strength of 150 Kg/Cm2 at 28 days. 20% of the cubes cast for each day may have value less than the specified strength. Such concrete shall be classified as belonging to the appropriate lower grade. Concrete made in accordance with the proportion given for a particular grade shall not, however, be placed in a higher grade on the ground that the test strength are higher than the minimum specified.
3.8 Stripping:
3.8.1. The engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of his intention to strike the form work. While fixing the time for removal of form, due consideration shall be given to local conditions, character of the structure, the weather and other conditions that influence the setting of concrete and of the materials used in the mix. In normal circumstances (generally where temperatures are above 200C) and where ordinary concrete is used, forms may be struck after expiry of periods specified below for respective item of work.
Stripping Time:
In normal circumstances and where ordinary cement is used forms may be struck after expiry of following periods:
a) Side of walls, columns and vertical faces of beams - 24 to 48 hours
b) Beam softish (props. left under) - 7 days
c) Removal of props slabs:
i) Slabs spanning upto 4.5 m - 7 days
ii) Spanning over 4.5 m - 14 days
d) Removal of props for beams and arches
i) Spanning upto 6 m - 14 days
ii) Spanning over 6 m - 21 days
3.8.2. All form work shall be removed without causing any shock or vibration as would damage the concrete. Before the soffit and struts and struts are removed, the concrete surface shall be gradually exposed, where necessary in order to ascertain that concrete has sufficiently hardened. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the concrete and remaining holes filled with mortar. No permanently embedded metal part shall have less 25 mm cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to re-use the form work, it shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge. After removal of work and shuttering, the CITY ENGINEER (WW PROJECT) shall inspect the work and satisfy by random checks that concrete
produced is of good quality.
3.8.3. Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bolts etc. passing through the cement concrete member and used for shuttering or any other purpose shall be cut inside the cement concrete member to a depth of at least 25 m below the surface of the concrete and the resulting holes be filled by cement mortar. All fins cussed by form joints, all cavities produced by the removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry consistency as is possible to use. Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure through filling in all voids. Surfaces which are pointed shall be kept moist for a period of 24 hours. If pockets / honeycombs in the opinion of the engineer-in-charge are of such an extent or character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel reinforcement, he may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of the portions of structure affected.
(a) the bars shall be kept in position by the following methods :
(i) In case of beam and slab construction, sufficient number of precast cover blocks in cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand) about 4 x 4 cms. section and of thickness equal to the specified cover shall be place between the bars and shuttering as to secure and maintain the requisite cover of concrete over the reinforce- ment. In case of cantilevered or doubly reinforce beams or slabs, the-main reinforcing bars shall be held in position by introducing chain spacers or supports bars at 1.0. to 1.2 metres centers.
(ii) In case of columns and walls, the vertical bars shall be kept in position be means of timber templates slotes accurately out in them, the templates shall be removed after concreting has been done below it. The bars Ray also suitably tied by means of annealed steel wires to the shuttering to maintain position during concreting.
1.2. All bars, projecting form pillars, Columns beams, slabs etc, to which other bars and concrete are to be attached or bounded to later on, shall be protected with a coat of thin neat cement grout, if the bars are not likely to be incorporated with succeeding mass of concrete within the following 10 days, This coat of thin neat cement shall be removed before concreting.
4.0. Mode of measurements & payment.
4.1. The consolidated cubical contents of concrete, work as specified in item shall be measured. The concrete laid in excess of sections shown on drawing or as directed shall not be measured. No deduction shall be made for I
(a) Ends of dis-simmilar materials such as joints, beams, posts, girders, rafters, purline trusses, corbels and steps etc. upto 500 sq.cm. in section,
(b) Opening upto 0.1 Sq. M.
4.2. The rate includes cost of all materials labour, tools and plant requited for missing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting, finishing, as directed. curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength. The rate excludes the cost of form work.
4.3 The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter.
Item No.5:
Brick Work
Water shall conform to M-1.
Cement shall conform to M-3.
The bricks shall be hard or machine moulded and made from suitable soils and burnt. They shall be free from cracks and flaws and nodules of free lime. They shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be of uniform colors.
The bricks shall be moulded with a frog of 100 mm x 40 mm and 10 mm to 20 mm deep on one of its flat sides. The bricks shall not break when thrown on the ground from a height of 600 mm.
The size of modular bricks shall be 190 mm x 90 mm.
The size of the conventional bricks shall be as under:
(9" x 4.3/8" x 2,3/4") 225 x 110 x 75 mm
Only bricks of one standard size shall be used in one work. The following tolerances shall be permitted in the conventional size adopted in a particular work.
Length ±1/8" (3mm) width : ± 1/16" (1.5mm) Height: ± 1/16" (1.5 mm)
The crushing strength of the bricks shall not be less than 35 kg/sq.cm. The average water absorption shall not be more than 20 percent by weight. Necessary tests for crushing strength and water absorption etc., shall be carried out as per IS: 3495 (Part I to IV) - latest edition.
i) Proportion:
The proportion of the cement mortar shall be 1:6 (1-Cement, 6-Fine sand) by
Wetting of bricks:
The bricks required for masonry shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water for about two hours before use or as directed. The cessation of bubbles, when the bricks are wetted with water is an indication of thorough wetting of bricks.
Bricks shall be laid in English bond unless directed otherwise. Half or cut bricks shall not be used except when necessary to complete the bond; closer in such case shall be cut to required size and used near the ends of walls.
A layer of mortar shall be spread on full width for suitable length of the lower coarse. Each brick shall first be properly bedded and set frame by gently tapping with handle of trowel or wooden mallet. It's inside face shall be flushed with mortar before the next brick is laid and pressed against it. On completion of coarse the vertical joints shall be fully filled from the top with mortar.
The work shall be taken up truly in plumb. All coarses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joint shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints in alternate coarse shall generally be directly one over the other. the thickness of brick coarse shall be kept uniform.
The brick shall be laid with frog upwards. A set of tools comprising of wooden straight edges, mason's spirit level, square half meter rub, and pins, string and plumb shall be kept on site of work for frequent checking during the progress of work.
Both the faces of walls of thickness greater than 23 cms shall be kept in proper place. All the connected brick work shall be kept not more than one meter over the rest of the work. Where this is not possible, the work shall be raked back according to bond (and not left toothed) at an angle not steeper than 45 degrees.
All fixtures, pipes, outlets of water, hold fasts of doors and windows etc. which are required to be built in wall shall be embedded in cement mortar.
Bricks shall be so laid that all joints are quite flush with mortar. Thickness of joints shall not expose 12 mm. The face joints shall be raked out as directed by raking tools daily during the progress of work when the mortar is still green so as to provide key for plaster or pointing to done.
The face of brick shall be cleaned the very day on which the work is laid and all mortar dropping removed.
Green work shall be protected from rain suitably. Masonry work shall be kept moist on all the faces for a period of seven days. The top of masonry work shall
be kept well wetted at the close of the day.
Proportion of foundation bed:
If the foundation is to be laid directly on the excavated bed, the bed shall be leveled, cleared of all loose materials, cleaned and wetted before string masonry is to be laid on concrete footing, the top of concrete shall be cleaned and moistened. The contractor shall obtain the engineer's approval for the foundation bed before foundation masonry is started. When precast flooring is to be provided flush with the top of plinth, the inside plinth offset shall be kept lower than the outside plinth top by the thickness of the following.
Mode of measurement & Payment:
The measurement of this item shall be taken for the brick masonry fully completed in foundation upto plinth. The limiting dimensions not exceeding those shown on the plains or as directed shall be final. Battered tapered and curved position shall be measured net.
Item No.7:
Providing Steel work for RCC work supplying, bending, binding & hooking by binding wire with Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) bars confirming to IS 1786, Fe-500
1:0. Materials
1.11. TMT bars of Fe-500 should be confirming to IS:1786.
2.0. Workmanship
2.1. The work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcement to the shape and dimensions shown as on the drawings or as directed.
2.2. Steel shall be clean and free from rust and loose mill scale at the time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting.
2.3. Reinforcing steel shall conform accurate to the dimensions given in the bar bending schedules shown an relevant drawings. Bars shall be bent cold to specified shape and dimensions or as directed, using a proper bar bender, operated by hand or power to attain proper radius of bends. Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will the material. Bars bent during transport or, handing shall be straightened before being used on the work. They shall not be heated to facilitate bending. Unless otherwise specified, a 'U' type hook at the end of each bar shall invariably be provided to main reinforcement. The radius of the bend shall not be less then twice the diameter of circle having an equivalent effective area. The hooks shall be suitably encased to prevent any splitting of the concrete.
2.4. All the reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in exact position shown on the drawings, and shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by annealed binding wire not less than 1 mm in size and by using stay blocks or metal chair spacers, metal hangers,
supporting wires or other approved. devices at sufficiently close intervals, Bars shall not be allowed to sag between supports nor displaced during concreting or any other operations of the work. All devices used for positioning shall be of non-corrodible material. Wooden and metal supports shall not extend to the surface of concrete, except where shown on drawings. Placing bars on, layers of freshly laid concrete as the work progresses fro adjusting bar spacing shall not be allowed. Pieces of broken stone or brick and wooden blocks shall not be used. Layers of bars shall be separated by spacer bars, precast mortar bricks. or their approved devices. Reinforcement after being placed in position shall be maintained in a clean condition until completely embedded in concrete. Special care shall be exercised to prevent any displacement of reinforcement in concrete already placed: To prevent reinforcement form corrosion, concrete cover shall be provided as indicated on drawings. All the bars producing from concrete and to which other bars are to be spliced and which are, likely to be exposed for a period exceeding 10 days shall be protected by a thick coat of neat cement grout.
2.5. Bars crossing each other where required shall be secured by binding wire (annealed) of size not less than 1 mm in such a manner that they do not slip; over each other at the time of fixing and concreting:
2.6. As far possible, bars of full length shall be used. In case this is not possible. Overlapping of bars shall be done as directed, When practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch each other, but be kept apart by 25 mm. or 1.25 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate whichever is greater by concrete between them. Where not feasible, overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed wires not less than 1 mm. thick twisted tight. The overlaps shall be staggered for different bars and located at points, along the span where neither shear not bending moment is maximum.
2.7. Whenever indicated on the drawings or desired by the Engineer-in- charge, bars shall be joined by couplings which shall have a cross-section sufficient to transit the full stresses of barso he ends of the bars that are joined by coupling shall be upset for sufficient length so that the effective cross section at the base of threads is not less than the normal cross- section of the bar. Threads shall be standard threads: Steel for coupling shall conform to I:S.226 (Latest edition)
2.8. When permitted or specified on the drawing's joints of reinforcement bars shall butt-welded so as to transit their full stresses. Welded joints shall preferably be located at points when steel will not be subject to more than 75 percent of the maximum permissible stresses and welds so staggered that at any one section not more than 20 percent of the rods are welded. Only electric are welding using a process which excludes air from the molten metal and conforms to any or all other special provisions for the work shall be accepted. Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars securely in position during welding. It shall be ensured that no voids are left in welding and when welding is done in
two or, three stages, previous surface shall be cleaned. properly. Ends of the bars shall be cleaned of all loose scale, rust, grease, paint and other foreign matter before welding. Only competent welders shall be employed on the work. The M.S. electrodes used for welding shall conform to I.S. 814 (Latest edition). Welded pieces of reinforcement shall be tested: Specimen shall be taken from the actual site and their number and frequency of test shall be as directed.
3.0. Mode of measurements & payment
3.1. Reinforcement shall be measured in length including overlaps, separately for different diameters as actually used in the work. Where welding or coupling is resorted to, in place of lap joints, shall be measured far payment as equivalent length of overlap as per design requirement. From the length so measured, the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in Kgs. Length shall include hooks at the ends. Wastage and annealed steel wire for binding shall not be measured and the cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rate for reinforcement.
3.2. The rate for reinforcement includes cost of steel binding wires, its carting to work site, cutting, bending; placing, binding and fixing in position as shown on the drawings and as directed, It shall also include all devices for keeping reinforcement in approved position, cost of joining as per approved method and all wastage and spacer bars.
3.3. The rate shall be for a unit of One Kg.
Item No.8:
Removal of Excavated Stuff and Laying within the sites specified in Notification as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
Surplus earth shall have to cart by the contractor within specified limit including loading, transporting, unloading, spreading, etc.
The surplus stuff shall be disposed off at the following sites as directed within the prescribed limits of Notification as directed by the engineering in charge.
1. Beside Kotharia Police Station near Stone Quarry
2. All Quarry areas of Raiya Smart City
3. TP Scheme No.10, FP-87, Dhebar Road (South), Atika Area, Nr. PGVCL Office
4. TP Scheme No.23, FP-23, Nr. IOC Godown, Morbi Road
5. TP reservation plot at Samrat industrial Area, Bh. ST Workshop
6. TP Scheme No.9, FP-5, Nr. Raiyadhar Garbage Station
7. TP Scheme No.20, FP-35, Bh. Pradhuman Green
8. TP Scheme No.28 (Mavdi), FP-46/A, Nr. GETCO Circle
9. TP Scheme No.12, FP-38/A and 39/B, Nr. Lijjat Papad, Kothariya National Highway
If the contractor fails to dispose the excavated stuff as specified, penalty will be imposed by Rajkot Municipal Corporation as per the Notification for C&D waste.
The excavated material of black cotton soil should be stacked at the location specified by the engineer in charge.
Mode of Measurement and Payment:
The measurement of excavation in trenches for foundation shall be made according to the sections of trenches shown on the drawing or as per sections given by the engineer-in-charge.
No payment shall be made for surplus excavation made in excess of above requirement or due to stopping and sloping back as found necessary on account of conditions of soil and requirements of safety.
The rate shall be for a unit of one cubic Meter.
Item No.10:
20 mm. thick sand face cement plaster on walls and RCC structure up to height of 10 mt. and above ground level consisting of 12 mm thick backing coating of C.M. 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) and 8 mm thick finishing coat in C.M. 1:2 (1 cement: 2 sand) etc. complete
Water shall conform to M-1.
Cement Mortar shall conform to M-11
The work shall be carried out in the coats. The backing coat (base coat) shall be 12 mm thick in C.M. 1:3. The relevant specification is below:
Wooden bullies, bamboos, planks, treatles and other scaffolding shall be sound. These shall be proper examined before erection and use. Stage scaffolding shall be provided for ceiling plaster which shall be independent of the walls.
Preparation of background:
The surface shall be cleaned of all dust, loose mortar, droppings, traces of algar, efflorescence and other foreign matter by water or by brushing if it is not hard and by hacking if it is hard. In case of concrete surface, if a chemical retarder has been applied to the form work, the shall be roughed by wire brushing and all the resulting dust and loose particle cleared off and care shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface. Trimming of projections on brick / concrete surfaces where necessary shall be carried out to get on even surface.
Raking of joints in case of masonry where necessary shall be allowed to dry out for sufficient period before carrying out the plaster work.
The work shall not be soaked but only damped evenly before applying the plaster. If the surface becomes dry, such are shall be moistened again.
For external plaster, the plastering operation shall be started from top floor and carried downwards for internal plaster, the plastering operations may be started whenever the building frame and cladding work are ready and the temporary supports of the ceilings on the wall of the floor have been removed. Ceiling plaster shall be completed before starting plaster to walls.
The plaster about 15 x 15 cms shall be first applied horizontally and vertically at not more than 2 meters intervals over the entire surface to serve as gauge. The surfaces of these gauges shall be truly in plane of the finished plastered surface. the mortar shall than be applied in uniform surface slightly more than the specified thickness, then brought to a true surface by marking a wooden straight edge reaching across the gauges with small upward and sideways movements at a time finally the surface shall be finished off true with a trowel or wooden float according as a smooth or a sandy granular texture is required. Excessive troweling or over working the float shall be avoided. All corners, arises angles and junctions shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be and shall be carefully finished. Rounding or chamfering corners, arises junctions etc. shall be carried out with proper templates to the size required.
Cement plaster shall be used half an hour after addition of water, and mortar or plaster which is partially set shall be rejected and removed forthwith from the site.
In suspending the work at the end of the day, the plaster shall be left out clean to the line both horizontally and vertically. When recommencing the plaster, the edges of the old work shall be scrapped clean and wetted with cement putty before plaster is applied to the adjacent areas to enable the two to properly join together. Plastering work shall be closed at the end of the day on the body of features such as plaster bonds and cornices nor at the corners or arises. Horizontal joints in plaster work shall not also occur on parapet tops and copings as these invariably lead to leakage. No portion of the surface shall be left out initially be packed up later on the outside of the plaster and keeping them wet.
The thickness of back coat shall be 12 mm average. Before the first coat hardens its surface shall be beaten up by edges of wooden tapers and close dents shall be made on the surface. The subsequent coat shall be applied after this coat has been allowed to set for 3 to 5 days depending upon the weather conditions. The surface shall not be allowed to dry during this period.
the second coat be started over right after finishing of plaster. The plaster shall be kept wet for a period of 7 days. During this period, it shall be protected from all damages.
Mode of measurements & Payments:
The rate shall include the cost of all materials labour and scaffolding etc. involved in the operations described under workmanship.
All plaster shall be measured in square meter unless otherwise specified length, breadth or height shall be measured correct to a centimeter.
Thickness of the plaster shall be exclusive of the thickness of the key i.e. grooves or open joints in brick work, stone work etc. or space between laths. Thickness of plaster shall be average thickness with minimum 10 mm at any point on this surface.
This item includes plastering upto floor two level.
The measurement of wall plastering shall be taken between the walls or partition (dimensions before plastering being taken) for length and from the top of floor or skirting to ceiling for height, depth of cover of cornices, if any, shall be deducted.
Soffits of stairs shall be measured as plastering on ceilings. Elowigns soffits shall be measured separately.
For jambs, soffits, sides, etc. for openings not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each in area for ends of joints, beams, posts girders, steps etc. not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each in area and for openings exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. and not exceeding 3.00 sq.mt. in each area deductions and additions shall be made in the following manner:
a) No deductions shall be made for ends of joints, beams, posts etc. and openings not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each and no addition shall be made for reverse, jambs, soffits, side etc. of these openings, for finish to plaster around ends of joints, beams, posts etc.
b) Deductions for openings exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. but not exceeding 3.00 sq.mt. each shall be made as following and no addition shall be made for reverse, joints, soffits, sides, etc. of these openings.
i) When both faces of all walls are plastered with same plaster. Deductions shall be made for one face only.
• For openings having door squares equal to or projecting beyond the thickness of wall. Full deduction for opening shall be made from each plastered face of the wall.
• In case of openings of area above 3 dq.mt. each deduction shall be made for opening but Jambs, soffits and slits shall be measured.
• The rate shall be for a unit of square meter.
Item No.11:
Cement Plaster With Neeru + Cement Finish
Water shall confirm to M-1.
Cement Mortar shall confirm to M-11
12 mm thick cement plaster in single coat in CM 1:3 (1-cement : 3-sand) with a floating coat of neat cement slurry.
Wooden bullies, bamboos, planks, treatles and other scaffolding shall be sound. These shall be proper examined before erection and use. Stage scaffolding shall be provided for ceiling plaster which shall be independent of the walls.
This kind of Plaster is normally for interior side or as specified location by Consultant to be applied as above. NORMAL CEMENT PLASTER and the surface shall be rubbed smooth after coating it with a thick coat of pure Portland cement slurry while the base coat is still fresh. If Neeru plus cement finish is specified floating with neat cement will not be required.
Mode of Measurement & Payment:
The rate shall include the cost of all materials labour and scaffolding etc. involved in the operations described under workmanship.
All plaster shall be measured in square meter unless otherwise specified length, breadth or height shall be measured correct to a centimeter.
Thickness of the plaster shall be exclusive of the thickness of the key i.e. grooves or open joints in brick work, stone work etc. or space between laths. Thickness of plaster shall be average thickness with minimum 10 mm at any point on this surface.
This item includes plastering up to floor two level.
The measurement of wall plastering shall be taken between the walls or partition (dimensions before plastering being taken) for length and from the top of floor or skirting to ceiling for height, depth of cover of cornices, if any, shall be deducted.
Soffits of stairs shall be measured as plastering on ceilings. Elowigns soffits shall be measured separately.
For jambs, soffits, sides, etc. for openings not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each in area for ends of joints, beams, posts girders, steps etc. not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each in area and for openings exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. and not exceeding
3.00 sq.mt. in each area deductions and additions shall be made in the following manner:
a) No deductions shall be made for ends of joints, beams, posts etc. and openings not exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. each and no addition shall be made for reverse, jambs, soffits, side etc. of these openings, for finish to plaster around ends of joints, beams, posts etc.
b) Deductions for openings exceeding 0.5 sq.mt. but not exceeding 3.00 sq.mt. each shall be made as following and no addition shall be made for reverse, joints, soffits, sides, etc. of these openings.
i) When both faces of all walls are plastered with same plaster. Deductions shall be made for one face only.
✓ For openings having door squares equal to or projecting beyond the thickness of wall. Full deduction for opening shall be made from each plastered face of the wall.
✓ In case of openings of area above 3 dq.mt. each deduction shall be made for opening but Jambs, soffits and slits shall be measured.
The rate shall be for a unit of square meter.
Item No.12:
Iron Work as per drawing and Instructions all complete:
All structural steel shall confirm to IS 266 - Latest edition. The steel shall be free from the defects mentioned in IS 226 (Latest edition) and shall have a smooth finish. The material shall be free from loose mill scale, rust, pits or other defects affecting the strength and durability. River bars shall confirm to IS 1148 Latest edition.
When the steel is supplied by the contractor, test certificate of the manufacturer shall be obtained according to IS 226 Latest edition and other relevant Indian Standards.
The design should be made as per the instructions of engineer-in-charge. The rate includes supplying and welding (along with labours), transportation and fixing in position of the steel work.
The rate shall be for a unit of one Kilogram.
Item No.13:
Providing and laying glazed tiles of 6 mm thick of approved quality (1st quality) of required size jointed with cement paste on 10 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1-cement3- Coarse sand) pointing white cement and jointed with white cement slurry
Glazed Tiles
The tiles shall be of best quality as approved by the Engineer- in-charge. They shall be float and true to shape. They shall be free from cracks, crazing spots, chipped edges and corners. The glazing shall be of uniform shade.
Variation from the stated sizes, other than the thickness of tile shall be plus or minus 1.5 mm. The thickness of tile shall be 6 mm except as above the tiles shall confirm to I.S. Latest edition.
The sub-grade shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bedding shall then be laid evenly over the surface tamped and corrected to desired level and allowed to harden enough to offer a rigid cushion to tiles and to enable the mason to place wooden planks across and equal on it.
The Color glazed tiles shall be laid on cement mortar bedding of 10 mm thick in
C.M. 1:3. The mortar shall have sufficient plasticity for laying and there shall be no hard lumps that would interfere with the evenness of bedding. The base shall be cleared and well wetted. The mortar shall then be spread in thickness not less than 10mm at any place and average 12mm thickness. The proportion of the cement mortar shall be as specified in the item.
The tiles before laying shall be soaked in water for at least two hours. Neat grey cement grout at 3.3 Kg. / Cement / Sq.Mt. of honey like consistency shall be spread over the mortar bedding as directed. The edges of the tiles are smeared with neat cement slurry. The tiles shall be well pressed and gently tapped with a wooden mallet till they are properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. There shall be no hollows in bed or joints. The joints between the tiles shall be as thin as possible in straight line or as per pattern.
The tiles shall not have staggered joints. The joints shall be true to centre line both ways. The Nahni trap coming in the flooring shall be so positioned that its grating shall replace only one tile as far as possible. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed, they shall be cut (Swan) to the required size and the edges rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. The joints shall bee filled with grey cement grout with wire brush of trowel to a depth of 5mm and loose material removed. White cement shall be used for pointing the joints. After fixing the tile finally in an even plane the flooring shall be kept wet and allowed to nature undisturbed for 7 days.
The surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints shall be cleared off before it sets. Once the floor has set, it shall be carefully washed, cleared by dilute acid and dried. Proper precaution and measures shall be taken to ensure that the tiles are not damaged many ways till the completion of the construction.
The rate for this item will be paid on one square meter basis.
Item No.14:
Providing & laying Vitrified Tiles for flooring work in 1st Quality
1.0. Materials
Approved quality vitrified tiles as approved by engineer-in-charge / architect.
The sub-grade shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bedding shall then be laid evenly over the surface tamped and corrected to desired level and allowed to harden enough to offer a rigid cushion to tiles and to enable the mason to place wooden planks across and equal on it.
The Color vitrified tiles shall be laid on cement mortar bedding of 10 mm thick in C.M. 1:3. The mortar shall have sufficient plasticity for laying and there shall be no hard lumps that would interfere with the evenness of bedding. The base shall be cleared and well wetted. The mortar shall then be spread in thickness not less than 10mm at any place and average 12mm thickness. The proportion of the cement mortar shall be as specified in the item.
The tiles before laying shall be soaked in water for at least two hours. Neat grey cement grout at 3.3 Kg. Cement / Sq.Mt. of honey like consistency shall be spread over the mortar bedding as directed. The edges of the tiles are smeared with neat cement slurry. The tiles shall be well pressed and gently tapped with a wooden mallet till they are properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. There shall be no hollows in bed or joints. The joints between the tiles shall be as thin as possible in straight line or as per pattern.
The tiles shall not have staggered joints. The joints shall be true to centre line both ways. The Nahni trap coming in the flooring shall be so positioned that its grating shall replace only one tile as far as possible. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed, they shall be cut (Swan) to the required size and the edges rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. The joints shall bee filled with grey cement grout with wire brush of trowel to a depth of 5mm and loose material removed. White cement shall be used for pointing the joints. After fixing the tile finally in an even plane the flooring shall be kept wet and allowed to nature undisturbed for 7 days.
The surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints shall be cleared off before it sets. Once the floor has set, it shall be carefully washed, cleared by dilute acid and dried. Proper precaution and measures shall be taken to ensure that the tiles are not damaged many ways till the completion of the construction.
Mode of Measurement:
The rate for flooring work shall be paid on square meter basis.
Item No.15:
Supply & Fixing of Broken Glazed (China Mosaic) tiles size 5-6 mm thick of different size and shade (approved crazy pattern) in Cement: Mortar 1:2 and joint filling with White Cement / Coloured Cement including Ramping, Watering, Curing etc. complete
The work is to be carried out with supply and fixing of Broken Glazed (China Mosaic) tiles of size 5-6 mm thick of different size and shade (approved crazy pattern) in C M 1:2 and joint filling with white cement / coloured cement including ramping, watering, curing etc complete with
25 mm bedding of cement mortar 1:6 with required slope. The whole
work of this item is to be carried out and completed as per the instructions of engineer in charge.
The rate shall be for a unit of one square meter basis
Item No.16:
Providing and fixing Overhead Water Tanks “Sintex” or equivalent of 1000 Litres capacity with all necessary plumbing fittings etc. comp. as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Overhead water tanks "Sintex" or equivalent of cylindrical vertical tanks with closed top with of self-supported type having approved grade of polyethylene, molded to seamless and suitable for potable water tank of capacity as mentioned in Schedule-B as per company's dimensions provided with G.I. fittings of size 25mm Dia for inlet, outlet, overflow and scour connections and float valves etc. complete placed with all fittings fixing as directed by engineer in charge.
The rate for this work will be paid per number basis.
Item No.18, 19, 21 and 23:
Providing and fixing uPVC Pipe Schedule-40 of any approved brand and quality - 15 mm / 25 mm / 50 mm / 100 mm dia
The contractor shall have to supply UPVC pipe of size 15 mm / 25 mm / 50 mm dia as per the requirement and of approved quality as approved by the engineer in charge. Subsequently the fixing of the same shall have to be carried out with all required material etc. and complete the whole work as per the requirement and to the satisfaction of engineer in charge.
The rate shall be for a unit of One running meter basis.
Item No.20, 22 and 28:
Providing and fixing uPVC fittings viz. coupler bend, elba, tee, etc. of Schedule-80 of any approved brand and quality - 20 mm / 25 mm dia
The contractor shall have to supply UPVC fittings vz. Bends, tees, coupler, etc.of required dia size as per the requirement and of approved quality by the engineer in charge. Subsequently the fixing of the same shall have to be carried out with all required material etc. and complete the whole work as per the requirement and to the satisfaction of engineer in charge.
The rate shall be for a unit of One running meter basis.
Item No.24:
Polythene ball valve 15 mm dia. Fitting & fixing
High pressure Chromium coated Ball valve of shall be of 15 mm size as required to be supplied shall conform to IS: latest edition and fitted as per the instructions of engineer-in-charge.
High pressure Ball valve of required size of screwed type including polythene float and necessary level etc. shall conform to IS: latest edition and fitted as per the instructions of engineer-in-charge.
The payment shall be paid on number basis.
Item No.25:
Providing & fixing PVC Nahni trap of 7.6 cm complete
Providing and fixing U-PVC 3.5" thick of prince/supreme/jain make nanhi trap at all floor levels, of the following nominal diameter of self cleaning design with C.I. screwed down or hinged grating including cost of cutting and making good the walls and floors 100 mm. inlet and 50 mm outlet etc. complete.
1.1 The UPVC nahni trap shall conform to M-68-A.
2.1 The nahni trap with 100 mm.dia. inlet and 50 mm.dia. outlet shall be fixed as per drawings or as directed.
2.2 The nahni trap shall be jointed with PVC pipe, 75 mm.dia. with jointing materials as per manufacturer's instruction.
3.1 The rate includes cost of all labour, materials, tools and plants etc. required for satisfactory completion of this item including lead jointing and testing.
3.2 The rate shall be for a unit of one number.
1.0 Nahni trap
1.1. Nahni Trap shall be of PVC material and shall be sound and free from porosity or any defects which affect serviceability. The thickness of the base shall not be less then 6.5 mm. The surface shall be smooth and free from sraze, chips and other flaws or any other kind of defect which affect serviceability. The size of Nahni trap shall be specified and shall be of self cleaning design.
1.2 The Nahni trap shall be of quality approved by Engineer in charge and shall generally confirm to the relevant Indian standard
1.3 The Nahni trap provided shall be with deep seal minimum 50 mm expect at places where trap with deep seal cannot be accommodated. The cover
shall be PVC perforated cover shall be provided on the trap of appropriate size as approved by Engineer in charge.
1.4 The Nahni trap supplied on site shall be in good condition without any damages in it and the surface shall be bright and smooth without any scratch etc.
2.1. When the Nahni trap are to be Fitted, the ends shall be carefully filed out so that no obstruction to bore in offered. The Nahni trap shall be fitted with pipes carefully in such a manner as will not result in slackness of joints when the two pieces are screwed together
2.2 In jointing the Nahni trap the inside of the socket. The end shall then be tightly fixed in the socket, when Nahni trap is feted with a pipe wrench Care shall be taken that all items are free from dust, dirt and rust during fixing Burr from the joints shall be removed after fixing. After fixing, the open ends of the Nahni trap shall be temporarily plugged to prevent excess of water soil or any other foreign matter.
After fitting, the Nahni traps shall be inspected under working conditions of pressure and flow. Any joints found liken shall be redone, and all leaking Nahni traps shall be removed and replaced without extra cost.
The Nahni traps shall be tested in sections as the work laying proceeds, veeping the joints exposed for inspection during the testing.
3.1. The unit rate of Nahni trap shall include the cost of all materials, tools and plant required for fitting, the same to specified position as per drawings, and as directed by Engineer in charge finishing structure, etc, and all other incidental expenses for producing item of Nahni trap work to complete the structure or its components as shown on the drawings, and as directed by Engineer in charge and according to these specifications. They shall also include the cost of making, fixing and removing of all scaffolding and forms required for the work.
The rate of Nahni traps shall include the cost of all labour, materials, G I fittings as required, tools and plant scaffolding and all incidental expenses as described herein above.
3.2. The Nahni trap shall be measured for its Number, limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed. The rate shall be for a unit of one Number.
3.3. The payment will be made on number basis of the finished work.
Item No.26:
Inspection chamber with inside dimension 300 mm x 300 mm x 450 mm depth with Cast Iron Air Tight Frame Cover Supplying & Fixing etc. Complete
Providing and constructing inspection chamber as per the type design in brick masonry in C:M 1:3 and outside plastering in C:M 1:3 necessary coping in RCC M200 fixing CI steps and fixing manhole frame and covers over manholes etc. complete, providing and fixing safety chain wherever necessary as per the stipulations in the type design complete.
The rate for this work will be paid per chamber.
Item No.27:
Apex Color work on Outer side of Wall (Two coats) (with Base Coat) FINISHES
The Contractor shall supply all materials, labour, tools, ladders, scaffolding and other equipment necessary for the completion and protection of all painting / finishing work. Painting & finishing, as herein specified shall be applied to all surfaces requiring painting / finishing throughout the interior and exterior of the buildings as given in the schedule of finishes or elsewhere. The painting / finishing shall be carried out by a specialist workers, approved by the Engineer- in-charge of RMC for this work.
Storage of materials to be used on the job shall be, only in a single place approved by the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work. Such storage place shall not be located within any of the buildings included in the contract.
Materials used in the work shall be of manufacture approved by the Engineer-in- charge of RMC for this work, Ready mixed paints, varnishes, enamels, lacquers, stains, paste fillers, distempers and other materials must be delivered to the job site in the original containers, with the seals unbroken and labels intact. Each container shall give the manufacturer's name, type of paint, color of paint and instructions of reducing. Thinning shall be done only in accordance with directions & manufacturer's specification. Remove rejected materials immediately from the premises.
All shades, as provided in the shade schedule, shall be approved by the Engineer- in-charge of RMC for this work. The Contractor shall as far as possible use pre- mixed manufacturer's shades and shall prepare sample of the shades selected and submit same for approval by the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work. No work is to proceed until the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work has given his approval, preferably in writing, of the shade samples.
Painting / finishing shall not be started until the surfaces to be painted / finished are in a condition fit to receive painting / finishing and so certified by the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work.
Painting / finishing work shall be taken in hand only after all other civil work is completed.
Buildings where painting / finishing work is to commenced shall be thoroughly swept and cleaned up before commencement of painting / finishing.
Only double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided for all, painting / finishing work. The supports shall be tied together with horizontal pieces over which the scaffolding planks shall be fixed.
All the vertical and horizontal members of the scaffolding shall be placed sufficiently away from the surfaces to be painted to ensure proper and unit erupted application.
The workmanship shall be of the very best; all materials evenly spread and smoothly flowed as without running sags, using good quality tools, brushes, etc., as required. Only skilled painters / applicators shall be employed. A properly qualified foreman shall be constantly on the job whilst the work is proceeding. All surfaces to be painted / finished shall be cleaned free of all loose dirt and dust before painting / finishing is started. AII work where a coat of material has been applied must be inspected and approved before application of the succeeding specified coat. Each undercoat shall be distinct shade of the approved color.
Before painting / finishing, remove hardware, accessories, plates and similar items or provide portion to all such items. Upon completion of each space, replace all fixtures removed. Remove doors if necessary to paint bottom edge. Use only skilled mechanics for the removal and replacement of above items.
All interior and exterior trim, door frames, doors, shelving, cabinet work shall be thoroughly and carefully back painted as all surfaces and edges which will be concealed when installed. Such surfaces shall be clean, dry, sanded and properly prepared to receive the paint. Tops, bottom and edges of doors shall be finished same as the rest of the door.
The agency shall protect not only his own work at all times, but shall also protect all adjacent work and materials by suitable covering during progress
of his work. Upon completion of his work, he shall remove all paint and varnish spots from floors, glass and other surfaces. Any defaced surfaces shall be cleaned and the original finish restored. He shall remove from the premises all rubbish and accumulated material and shall leave the work in clean, orderly and acceptable conditions.
PLASTER WORK: Fill all holes, cracks and abrasions with plaster of parish / cement slurry as directed, properly prepared and applied and smoothed off to match adjoining surfaces. Do not use sand paper on plaster surfaces. Plaster shall be allowed to dry for at least 12 (twelve) weeks before the application of paint / finishes.
STEEL AND IRON: All surfaces shall be washed with mineral spirits to remove any dirt or grease before applying paint. Where rust or scale is present, it shall be wire brushed and sand papered clean. All cleaned surfaces shall be given one coat of approved phosphate before prime coat in accordance with the manufacturers, Instructions. Shop coats of paint that have become marred shall be cleaned off, wire brushed, and spot primed over the affected areas.
The paint shall be continuously stirred in the container so that its consistency is kept uniform throughout.
The painting / finishing shall be laid on evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off, the latter in the direction of the grain of the wood. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area with paint, brushing the surface hard for the first time and then brushing alternatively in opposite directions, two or three times and then finally brushing lightly in a direction at right angles to the same. In this process no brush marks shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and laying off will constitute one coat.
Where so stipulated, the painting / finishing shall be carried out using spray machines suited for the nature and location of the work to be carried out. Only skilled and experienced workmen shall be employed for this class of work. Paints used shall be brought to the requisite consistency by adding a suitable thinner. Spraying shall be carried out only in dry conditions. No exterior painting / finishing shall be done in damp foggy or rainy weather. Surface to be painted shall be clean, dry, smooth and adequately protected from dampness. Each coat shall be applied in sufficient quantity to obtain complete coverage, shall be well brushed and evenly worked out over the entire surface and into all corners, angles and crevices allowed to thoroughly dry. Second coat shall be of suitable shade to match final color, and shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work before final coat is started. Allow at least 48 hours drying time between coats for interior and 7 days for exterior work, and if in the judgment of the Engineer-in-charge of RMC for this work more time is requested it shall be allowed. Finished surfaces shall be protected from dampness and dust until completely dry.
Finished work shall be uniform of approved color, smooth and free from runs, sags, defective brushing and clogging. Make edges of paints adjoining materials of colors sharp and clean, without overlapping.
In order to achieve a superior finished surface, putty paste fillers shall be used on, all surfaces to be painted. To fill pores, dents, etc. The putty / paste fillers shall be approved quality and manufacture and shall be applied to the surface with a knife or other sharp edged tools after the priming coat as well as after each undercoat. The surface, after filling with putty / paste tiller, shall be rubbed down with fine sand paper and dusted off before the application of the subsequent coat.
Paste wood filler when set shall be wiped across the grains of the wood and then with the grain to secure a clean surface. Surface to be stained shall be covered with uniform coat of stain wiped off if required.
FINISH: The painted surfaces shall be finished to require texture. Matt finish shall be achieved by use of sponge rollers or stippling brushes as called for.
The rate shall be paid for a unit of one square meter basis.
Asst. Engineer | Dy.Ex.Engineer | CITY ENGINEER |
R.M.C. | R.M.C. | R.M.C. |
Signature of Contractor
-:: ટ`oડરના ȩુ દા-ȩુ દા કવર માટ`ના ƨટSકર ::-
બીડ સબમીશન
ટ`oડર ન. રામન/બાધકામ(સ.ઝો.)/૨૪-ે ૨૫/૧૪
કામȵંુ નામ: વોડ’ ન. ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શરSે ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત
ӕગણવાડS કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા ™સગȵં બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
ટ`oડર ન.
એ - ટ`કનીકલ બીડ
કામȵંુ નામ: વોડ’ ન. ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શરSે ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત
ӕગણવાડS કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા ™સગȵં બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
ટ`oડર ન.
બી - ™ાઈસ બીડ
કામȵંુ નામ: વોડ’ ન. ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શરSે ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત
ӕગણવાડS કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા ™સગȵં બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાલકા
ટ`oડર ન.ં રામન/બાધકામ(સે.ઝો.)/૨૪-૨૫/૧૪
બી - ™ાઈસ બીડ
Į................................. પહોચ ન.............................. તારીખ.........................
ġટક કામ (સҪકડ` ટકાવારS દર)
હું / અમો આ ટેƛડરમાં લખેલું કામ અંદાજ પત્રકના Į. ૩,૦૦,૯૦૦/- કરતા
..................% (શ‘દોમાં ટકા)
ઓછા / વધુ ભાવે કરવા સહમત Ġં / છીએ.
કામનું નામ: વોડ’ ન. ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શરSે ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત ӕગણવાડS
કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા ™સગȵંુ બાથĮમ બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
મજુ ર થયેલ અંદાજ : Į.૩,૦૦,૯૦૦/- અનેર્ƨટ મની : Į.૩,૫૫૦/-
ટેƛડર ફી: Į.૭૫૦/-
કોƛટ્રાક્ટરનું નામ: .....................................................................................................
: .....................................................................................................
તારીખ :............................................ સાક્ષી :........................................................
સરનામું :........................................................
ધધો :........................................................
સદરહુ ભાવ પત્ર રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા વતી મજ
ભાવ ભરનારની સહS
ુ ર કરવામાં આવે છે.
તારીખ: ................... મજુ ર કરનાર અિધકારીની સહી
રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાલકા
-:: પરિશƧટ – “બ” ::-
( કામની કઈ કઈ બાબત કરવાની છે તે બતાવવાની યાદS )
કામȵંુ નામ: વોડ’ ન. ૩ માં નારાયણ નગર શરSે ન.ં ૨ માં હયાત ӕગણવાડS કLપાઉoડમાં માઠા
™સગȵંુ બાથĮમ બનાવવાȵંુ કામ
Item No. | Quantity | Description | Rate | Unit | Amount |
1 | 12.00 | Excavation of Foundation in Soft Murrum, Soil or Sand from 0.0 mtr. to 1.50 mtr depth including lifting and laying in 90 mtr. lead area as instructed | 133.00 | Cu.mt. | 1596.00 |
2 | 2.00 | Foundation filling with CC work in proportion of 1:2:4 using 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm aggregate including Raming, Curing etc. | 4626.00 | Cu.mt. | 9252.00 |
3 | 11.00 | Foundation filling with Rubble Cement Mortar in proportion of 1:6 Cement:Mortar | 1667.00 | Cu.mt. | 18337.00 |
4 | 3.00 | CC work M-20 for Beam using aggregate of size 10-20 mm, centring, curing, finishing etc. complete (without reinforcement) | 6100.00 | Cu.mt. | 18300.00 |
5 | 16.00 | Brick Masonry work in Cement:Mortar 1:6 | 5761.00 | Cu.mt. | 92176.00 |
6 | 1.00 | CC work 1:2:4 for Lintel Case using aggregate of size 10-20 mm, centring, curing, finishing etc. complete (without reinforcement) | 5291.00 | Cu.mt. | 5291.00 |
7 | 480.00 | Supplying, Cutting, Beding, Binding and Hooking and binding with wire for RCC work Tor steel TMT round bar including all cost | 65.00 | kg | 31200.00 |
8 | 15.00 | Removal of Excavated Stuff within RMC limit as directed by Engineer-in-Charge | 171.00 | Cu.mt. | 2565.00 |
9 | 2.00 | CC work M-20 for RCC slab using aggregate of size 10-20 mm, centring,curing, finishing etc. complete | 6000.00 | Cu.mt. | 12000.00 |
10 | 84.00 | 20mm thick Sand Face Cement Plaster Work in which 1 paster in proportion of 1:3 and 2nd plaster inteh proportion of 1:2 using Cement:Mortar with spong finishing etc. complete (Note: Before carringout Plaster work on RCC, required tipping work should be carried out as instructed) | 263.00 | Sq.mt. | 22092.00 |
Item No. | Quantity | Description | Rate | Unit | Amount |
11 | 13.00 | Cement Plaster 12 mm thick using Cement:Mortar in proportion 1:3 with Niru Finishing curing, etc. complete | 223.00 | Sq.mt. | 2899.00 |
12 | 125.00 | Iron work as per drawing and instruction including all | 109.00 | kg | 13625.00 |
13 | 36.00 | Supply & Fixing of Glazed tiles (1st Quality) of required size in Cement Roga and joints to be filled with white cement after 12mm rough plaster in proportion of 1:3 | 493.00 | Sq.mt. | 17748.00 |
14 | 9.00 | Supply & fixing of Vitrified flooring work (1st quality) | 650.00 | Sq.mt. | 5850.00 |
15 | 9.00 | Supply & Fixing of Broken Glazed (China Mosaic) tiles size 5-6 mm thick of different size and shade (approved crazy patern) in Cement:Mortar 1:2 and joint filling with White Cement / Coloured Cement including Ramping, Watering, Curing etc. complete | 306.00 | Sq.mt. | 2754.00 |
16 | 1.00 | Water Storage Tank of HDPE material cylindrical Vertical Black with closed Top 'SINTEX' Brand. (1000 Liter Capacity). | 13396.00 | no | 13396.00 |
17 | 11.00 | Rubble Stone filling with 33% Murrum in specified thickness with watering, compaction etc. complete | 626.00 | Cu.mt. | 6886.00 |
18 | 15.00 | uPVC pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 100 mm Ø. (6.02 mm min. wall thickness) | 487.35 | rmt | 7310.25 |
19 | 12.00 | uPVC pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 25 mm Ø. (3.38 mm min. wall thickness) | 71.25 | rmt | 855.00 |
20 | 5.00 | uPVC Coupler for pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 25 mm Ø . | 10.26 | no | 51.30 |
21 | 3.00 | 5uPVC pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 50 mm Ø. (3.91 mm min. wall thickness) | 158.46 | rmt | 475.38 |
22 | 3.00 | uPVC Coupler for pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 50 mm Ø . | 28.50 | no | 85.50 |
Item No. | Quantity | Description | Rate | Unit | Amount |
23 | 10.00 | uPVC pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 15 mm Ø. (2.77 mm min. wall thickness) | 37.62 | rmt | 376.20 |
24 | 10.00 | pvc cock | 112.00 | no | 1120.00 |
25 | 4.00 | Nahni trape 7.6cm of PVC fitting and fixing | 258.00 | no | 1032.00 |
26 | 3.00 | Inspection chamber size of 0.23 X 0.23 m and depth of 0.45 m given as per design with air tight C.I frame - cover supply and fixing including brick masonry 1:6 cum. at base CC 1:3:6 benching coping 1:1:2 with plaster inside and outside with 1:3 ratio | 592.00 | no | 1776.00 |
27 | 97.00 | Apex Color work on Outer side of Wall (Two coats) (with Base coat ) | 115.00 | Sq.mt. | 11155.00 |
28 | 5.00 | uPVC Coupler for pipes of Shedule-40 of any standard approved brand & quality. For 100 mm Ø . | 126.54 | no | 632.70 |
Total Amount = | 300836.33 | ||||
Say Amount = | 300900.00 | ||||
Add 18% GST | 54162.00 | ||||
Total Amount = | 354998.33 | ||||
Say Amount = | 355000.00 |
સઘįં કામ ફરમાવવામાં આવે તે પ્રમાણે શરતો અને સમજુ તી મજબ કરવાનું છે. ઉપરોક્ત પિરિશƧટમાં િનદ`શ કરેલ આઈટમોનું કામ ભાગ-એ ટેકનીકલ બીડ માં સામેલ કરેલ
સબિધત આઈટમોની શરતો અને સમજુ તી પ્રમાણે કરવાનું છે.
મદદનીશ એƛજી. નાયબ કાયર્પાલક ઈજનેર એડી. સીટી એƛજીનીયર રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા રાજકોટ મહાનગરપાિલકા
kLo˼l£3€નS 5!S તRl L52L
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