Contract Sample Contracts

વેબસાઇટ એડ્રસ : અને )
March 31st, 2022
  • Filed
    March 31st, 2022

BH(both hands),OAL(one arm one leg), BLA(both legs and arms), BLOA(both legs one arm), OABL(one arm both legs), BAOL(both arms one leg), BABL(both arms both leg), OAOL(one arm one leg)], Cerebral palsy(CP), Leprosy cured(LC), Dwarfism (DW), Acid attack victim(AAV), Muscular dystrophy(MDy),Intellectual Disability(ID), Specific Learning disability (SLD), Mental illness(MI), [Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), M-Mild, MoD-Moderate],

Tender Notice No.:- ૦૦૧/૨૦૨૨-૨૦૨૩
November 24th, 2021
  • Filed
    November 24th, 2021
July 19th, 2018
  • Filed
    July 19th, 2018
સ્ટાન્ડડડ લીઝ • March 24th, 2021
May 19th, 2017
  • Filed
    May 19th, 2017
November 30th, 2016
  • Filed
    November 30th, 2016
January 6th, 2022
  • Filed
    January 6th, 2022
�ંુ કરKં
November 18th, 2016
  • Filed
    November 18th, 2016
Gujarati Version)
November 16th, 2023
  • Filed
    November 16th, 2023

Office GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD IFB No. E-Tender Notice No.18/PULPING/2023-24 Name of Work Pulping of used Answer-Books, Un-used Answer-book & Office records Estimated Contract Value (INR) for two years Rs. 40 Lacs ( Forty Lakh only ) Contract Validity of Tender (In Months) 12 Months Bidding Type E-Tendering Tender Currency Settings Indian Rupees (INR) Amount Details Bid Document Fees (In DD only) Rs. 2950/- Bid Document Fee Payable to (In DD only) GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD. Bid Security – EMD (In DD only) 3 % of Estimated tender cost Security Deposit (In DD only) 5 % of Estimated tender cost Bid Security / EMD in favor of (In DD only) GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD. Start Date Tender online download / upload / to fill online tender 20/11/2023 4:00 PM Last Date/Time to download / upload / to fill online tender 05/12/2023 6.00 PM Last Date & Time for Receipt (Submission) of Technical Bids inphysical 08/12/2023 6.00 PM Bid Validity Peri

સમ˴ િશëા Ӕતગ'ત 11 માસના કરાર આધાłરત સીઆરસી કો‐ઓłડન´ ેટરની જ3યાના કરાર અoવયે ™િસ³ધ કરવામાં આવેલ સભિવત મેરSટ યાદS.
May 6th, 2021
  • Filed
    May 6th, 2021

અરS કર`લ Гજƣલાȵંુ નામ સભિવત મેરSટ 3મ અરS નબર ઉમેદવારȵંુ નામ ƨનાતક Ȥણાકન(20 Ȥણુ માથી) અȵƨનાતક Ȥણાકન(05 Ȥણુ માથી) પી.ટS.સી./બી.એડ.Ȥણાકન(25 Ȥણુ માથી) એમ.એડ./એમ.ફSલ.Ȥણાકન(10 Ȥણુ માથી) TET-I & II/H-TATȤણાકન(30 Ȥણુ માથી) અȵભવ Ȥણાકન(10 Ȥણુ માથી) શૈëłણક Ȥણાકન (kુલ Ȥણુ 100 માથી) 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 9 10 11 AMC CORPORATION 1 210101293 MS. BHAVIKABEN AJAYKUMAR TRIVEDI 13.24 3.16 20.89 7.07 20.80 4.83 69.99 AMC CORPORATION 2 210102683 MR. RAMESHBHAI PUNJABHAI VALA 11.66 2.85 21.62 7.86 18.20 6.75 68.94 AMC CORPORATION 3 210100720 MR. KRUSHNALAL VIRAMBHAI SHRIMALI 13.53 2.96 19.25 6.97 19.80 5.75 68.26 AMC CORPORATION 4 210103031 MR. GONDALIYA VISHALKUMAR CHANDULAL 11.63 2.82 21.57 6.35 19.40 5.00 66.77 AMC CORPORATION 5 210100865 MS. BHAVIKABEN BABUBHAI PRAJAPATI 13.29 3.37 21.50 8.32 19.60 0.33 66.41 AMC CORPORATION 6 210100414 MR. RAMESHKUMAR DEVAJIBHAI SOSA 11.49 2.80 20.30 7.57 19.00 4.83 65.99 AMC CORPORATION 7 210103600 MR. DINESHKUMAR BHIKHABHAI PARMAR 11.42 2.71 20.61 7.55 22.40 0.83 65.52 A

October 8th, 2021
  • Filed
    October 8th, 2021
ӔદાS રકમ Į. ૩,૬૯,૦૦૦/-
August 7th, 2020
  • Filed
    August 7th, 2020

અȵ.ુ ન.ં માલ સામાનની િવગત જ9થો ભાવ Name of Laboratory Instruments Make Unit Qty ભાવĮ./જ9થો kુલ રકમ Į. 1 Acetone Merck 500 ml 3 2 Acetone Commercial Grade Chemco 5 ltr 6 3 Acetic acid (Glacial) Merck 2.5 ltr 10 4 Ammonium molybdate Merck 100 gm 1 5 Ammonium Hydroxide Merck 500 gm 1 6 Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate Merck 500 gm 1 7 Antymony Trichloride Merck 250 gm 1 8 Aluminiumoxide kemphasol Kemphasol 500 gm 10 9 Ammonium carbonate Merck 500 gm 1 10 Ammonium Chemco 500 gm 2 11 Boric Acid Merck 500 gm 3 12 Calcium carbonate Merck 500 gm 1 13 Carbon Tetrachloride Loba 2.5 ltr 5 14 Carbon Disulfite Merck 500 gm 2 15 Copper Sulphate Merck 500 gm 3 16 2,7 Dichloro Fluoroscene Merck 25 gm (5 g) 1 17 Dextrose Anhydrous Merck 500 gm 1 18 Diethyl ether Merck 500 ml 50 19 EDTA N/50 Soln Merck 500 ml 24 20 Feh. A Sol. Merck 500 ml 4 21 Feh. B Sol. Merck 500 ml 4 22 Ferrous sulphate Merck 500 gm 1 23 F

કામȵુ નામ :- U-CHC સેƛટર માટ` જĮરŽ માલસામાન ખરŽદ કરવાȵુ કામ.
August 3rd, 2022
  • Filed
    August 3rd, 2022

અȵુ માલસામાન ની િવગત જ9થો Ȼિુ નટ ભાવ Į./નગં kુલ રકમ Į. 1. Air conditions 1.5 tn 3 star capacity(Mitshubhishi/LG/voltas/Lloyd/Panasonic) 15 No 2. Water gyser 10 ltr capacity(Hawelles/Bajaj/Rio) 15 No 3. Refrigerator 210 ltr capacity 5 star(LG/Samsung/Godrej) 6 No શેરો :-૧. ભાવ તમામ ટ`ë સહના ભરવાના રહશ` ે.૨. પેમેƛટ ˲`ડŽͫથી આપવામા આવશે.૩. ભાવ વધારાની શરત ˴ાĜ રાખવામા આવશે નłહ.૪. ઉપરોƈત માલસામાન બતાવવામા આવે તે Ⱥજબ અલગ અલગ ƨથળે સƜલાય કરŽ તેના ઇƛƨટોલેશન માટ` જĮરŽ તમામ માલસામાન લાવી ઇƛƨટોલેશન ઇĤરદાર` પોતાના ખચ˜ કરŽ આપવાȵુ રહશ` ે.

March 9th, 2020
  • Filed
    March 9th, 2020
શરતો અને ƨપેસીફSક`શન/-
February 5th, 2020
  • Filed
    February 5th, 2020