Commitments of the BUYER नमूना खंड

Commitments of the BUYER. 2.1 The BUYER undertakes that no official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process related to the contract. 2.2 The BUYER will during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will provide to all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs. 2.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach. 2.4 In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to the BUYER with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facia found to be correct by the BUYER, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the BUYER and during such a period shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled.