Technical Bid and Initial Price Offer नमूना खंड
Technical Bid and Initial Price Offer a) In case Stores Tenders procuring authority shall decide the bid evaluation criteria in the tender itself, i.e. whether the evaluation shall be item wise, consignee wise or overall tender value wise.
b) Bidders shall be simultaneously required to electronically submit a Technical & Commercial Bid and Initial Price Offer, offers found eligible for bulk order shall be categorised as Qualified for Bulk Order for the purpose of RA and offers found eligible for Developmental order shall be categorised as Qualified for Developmental Order for the purpose of RA.
c) Offers not complying with essential technical & commercial requirements of the tender shall be declared as Ineligible for award of contract.
d) Technical & Commercial evaluation of bids shall be done by a Tender Committee, as per extant guidelines, delegation and the estimated value of tender. Recommendations of Tender Committee shall be considered by Tender Accepting Authority, as per existing guidelines.
e) Initial Price Offer of only those bidders categorised as Qualified for Award of Contract in case of Works and Services Tenders shall be opened and tabulated by system separately. In case of Stores tenders Initial Price Offer of only those bidders categorised as Qualified for Developmental Order or Qualified for Bulk Order, shall be opened and tabulated by system separately, category wise, Extant instruction for electronic tabulations shall apply for tabulation of Initial Price Offers.