Article 13 Primjeri odredbi

Article 13. The Pan-European University reserves the right to perform minor changes in the schedule of planned actions, due to adjustment of availability of teaching stuff. Student will be promptly informed about every change in the schedule. Existing changes as well as the adjustment of the schedule of lecturing activities will not affect the structure of syllabus in regard to content of the courses, although they can modify the schedule of lecturing units. Existing adjustments of the schedule will not modify quantitative parameters of different lecturing activities, in the scope of some courses, for more than 30 %. Present changes of schedule will not modify annual planned student's obligations and planned ECTS credits in amount of 60 per academic year.
Article 13. Relation of this Agreement with bilateral Agreements between Member States and the Republic of Serbia
Article 13. Settlement of disputes Article 14 Entry into force
Article 13. Amendments
Article 13. Artificial Avoidance of Permanent Establishment Status through the Specific Activity Exemptions
Article 13. The contracting parties acknowledge the importance of data protection and shall take effective measures to implement appropriate privacy standards within the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies. The contracting parties agree that these privacy standards for CEEPUS IV shall be in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation and its successive regulations. Done at Warsaw, Poland, on September 20, 2023 in one original in the English language. For the Republic of Albania…………………………………………………………………. For the Republic of Austria………………………………………………………………….. For Bosnia and Herzegovina………………………………………………………………… For the Republic of Bulgaria………………………………………………………………… For the Republic of Croatia………………………………………………………………….. For the Czech Republic……………………………………………………………………… For Hungary…………………………………………………………………………………… For the Republic of Moldova………………………………………………………………… For Montenegro……………………………………………………………………………….. For the Republic of North Macedonia………………………………………………………. For the Republic of Poland………………………………………………………………….. For Romania…………………………………………………………………………………... For the Republic of Serbia…………………………………………………………………… For the Slovak Republic……………………………………………………………………… For the Republic of Slovenia………………………………………………………………… Ugovorne strane koje učestvuju u programu CEEPUS imaju zajedničku viziju koja podrazumeva sledeće: ● težnju za istinom, suštinsku ulogu nauke u stvaranju civilizacije i prenošenje znanja sa generacije na generaciju kao naročito plemenitu aktivnost čoveka; ● regionalnu akademsku razmenu kao važno sredstvo za prevazilaženje međusobnih stereotipa; ● dugoročnu akademsku saradnju putem kvalitetnih univerzitetskih mreža koje se tiču određene oblasti, koja pruža odgovarajući okvir za mobilnost studenata, doktoranata, istraživača, univerzitetskih nastavnika i univerzitetskog osoblja; ● napredak u priznavanju perioda studija u inostranstvu i visokoškolskih kvalifikacija između univerziteta i podsticanje razvoja srednjoevropske dimenzije univerzitetskih kurikuluma; ● promovisanje regionalne saradnje u oblasti visokog obrazovanja u okviru Srednjoevropskog programa univerzitetske razmene, u daljem tekstu „CEEPUS IV”. Ugovorne strane su posvećene: ● ključnoj ulozi visokog obrazovanja u ostvarivanju Ciljeva održivog razvoja Ujedinjenih nacija; ● ciljevima Bolonjskog procesa i povezanih Saopštenja, doprinoseći daljoj realizaciji Evropskog prostora visokog obrazovanja; i uzimaju u obzir: ● Strateški okvir za obrazovanje i obuku ko...
Article 13. Reference to Article 24 of the Paris Convention Član 2 Pravno dejstvo i upotreba Klasifikacije
Article 13. Onward transmission of the information received Article 14 Storage, review, correction and deletion of personal data
Article 13. Amend article 13, paragraph 2, of the Annex to the AETR to read as follows: Insert a new Appendix 3 after Appendix 2 of the Annex to the AETR to read as follows:
Article 13. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall approve applications for Membership to WBF and their admission to the WBF.