OIB: 91246340267
Splendid Yachting d.o.o. Obala Jerka Šižgorića 1 22000 Šibenik, Hrvatska
OIB: 91246340267
HR-AB-22-110046979 Tel: x000 00 000 000
E-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx web: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
zaključen između
(u daljnjem tekstu AGENCIJA)
1. Predmet Ugovora
Predmet ovog Ugovora je posredovanje veznih kapaciteta na brodovima registriranima za komercijalnu upotrebu koji su dio flote jahti SPLENDID YACHTING D.O.O., u daljnjem tekstu PRUŽATELJ USLUGA. AGENCIJA će djelovati kao posrednik između gostiju charter-a (u daljnjem tekstu KORISNIK USLUGA) i PRUŽATELJA USLUGA, a djelovat će u ime i za račun PRUŽATELJA USLUGA.
Oprema plovila odgovara popisima inventara PRUŽATELJA USLUGA.
AGENCIJA će navedena plovila uključiti u svoj
xxxxxx program, plasirati ih na domaće i xxxxxx tržište i omogućiti najbolju moguću popunjenost istih.
2. Obveze
AGENCIJA će plasirati xxxx navedena plovila za 2024 po cjeniku PRUŽATELJA USLUGA, što je sastavni dio Xxxxxxx. Svi popusti moraju biti odobreni xx xxxxxx PRUŽATELJA USLUGA. Cijena smještajne usluge može se mijenjati, bez obzira na cjenik, uz suglasnost obje ugovorne strane.
Splendid Yachting d.o.o. Obala Jerka Šižgorića 1 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx
OIB: 91246340267
HR-AB-22-110046979 Tel: x000 00 000 000
E-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx web: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
made between
Company name:
(hereinafter also called AGENCY)
1. Subject of agreement
The subject of this contract is the intermediation of berth capacities on boats registered for commercial use which are a part of the yacht fleet of SPLENDID YACHTING D.O.O, also known as the SERVICE PROVIDER. AGENCY will act in the form of an intermediary between the Charter Guest (hereinafter called SERVICE USER) and the SERVICE PROVIDER, and will operate in the name and on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER and for his account.
The equipment of the boats corresponds to SERVICE PROVIDER‘s inventory lists.
AGENCY will include the above mentioned boats in its charter program, place them onto the national and foreign market and provide their best possible occupancy.
2. Obligations
AGENCY will place the above mentioned boats in 2024 season after the SERVICE PROVIDER’S price list, which is a component part of the Agreement. All discounts have to be approved by SERVICE PROVIDER. The price of the accommodation service could be changed, without regard to the price list, with the agreement of both parties.
3. Agencijska provizija
AGENCIJA dobiva agencijsku proviziju od 15% neto naknade za sve jahte SPLENDID YACHTING flote, osim Azimut Grande 27 Metri DAWO za koju agencijska provizija iznosi 10% xx xxxx naknade za smještaj
na plovilu, a za svaku rezervaciju prema SPLENDID YACHTING cjeniku.
Provizija se obračunava xx xxxx iznosa nakon odbitka PDV-a od 13%. AGENCIJA je dužna dostaviti račun PRUŽATELJU USLUGA za svoju proviziju najkasnije na xxx iskrcaja, u protivnom PRUŽATELJ USLUGA ima pravo izdati račun na ime posrednika u računovodstvene svrhe.
4. Plaćanje
AGENCIJA će potpisati ugovor o smještaju na plovilu plovila s klijentom u ime PRUŽATELJA USLUGA. PRUŽATELJ USLUGA izdaje AGENCIJ potvrdu rezervacije na i fakturu na ime KORISNIKA USLUGE prema cjeniku, odobrenim popustima i prema konačnoj cijeni za uslugu smještaja xxxx xx posredovala AGENCIJA. Unutar predmeta
ovog Ugovora, AGENCIJA ima pravo xxxxxxx xxxxx od KORISNIKA USLUGE i dužna je proslijediti novac
PRUŽATELJU USLUGA nakon odbitka provizije AGENCIJA, osim ako ovim Ugovorom nije drugačije određeno.
Način plaćanja: 50% u trenutku rezervacije, ostatak 4 tjedna prije početka usluge smještaja na plovilu.
AGENCIJA će uputiti odgovarajuća plaćanja na SPLENDID YACHTING AG
PDV br: CHE-276.390.421
IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0
SPLENDID YACHTING i to prije početka usluge smještaja na plovilu.
5. Šteta / gubitak
U slučaju gubitka i štete, naknada od / za KORISNIKA USLUGE primjenjuje se prema Općim uvjetima smještaja na plovilima tvrtke SPLENDID YACHTING D.O.O. (PRUŽATELJ USLUGA).
PRUŽATELJ USLUGA jamči pravilno stanje plovila, snosi troškove priveza i usluge u bazi plovila (matična luka), te kompletnu pripremu plovila, prijavu / odjavu kao i troškove osiguranja. Troškovi rezidencijalnih poreza nisu uključeni.
3. Agency commission
AGENCY gets the agency commission of 15% for all yachts in Splendid Yachting fleet, excepting Azimut Grande 27 Metri DAWO commission is 10%, of the net vessel accommodation fee for each booking according to the SPLENDIDYACHTING‘S pricelist.
Commission is calculated from the net amount after the VAT of 13% is deducted. AGENCY is obliged to send the invoice for their commission to SERVICE PROVIDER at the day of disembarkation at latest, otherwise the
SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to issue the commission invoice in the name of the intermediary for accounting purposes.
4. Payment
AGENCY will sign the vessel accommodation contract with the client on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER. The SERVICE PROVIDER will issue booking confirmation to AGENCY and an invoice on the name of the SERVICE USER according the price list, approved discounts and according the final price for which accommodation service was mediated by AGENCY. Within the subject- matter of this Agreement, AGENCY is entitled to receive money from the SERVICE USER and is obliged to transfer the money to the SERVICE PROVIDER after deducting agency commission unless this Agreement stipulates otherwise. Payment method: 50% at the moment of the reservation the rest 4 weeks before commencement of the vessel accommodation.
AGENCY will remit the corresponding payments to the SPLENDID YACHTING AG
VAT no: CHE-276.390.421
IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0
SPLENDID YACHTING AG at any rate before commencement of the vessel accommodation service.
5. Damage / loss
In case of some damage-loss, the indemnity from/ to the SERVICE USER will be applied according to The General Vessel Accommodation Conditions of SPLENDID YACHTING D.O.O (SERVICE PROVIDER).
6. SERVICE PROVIDER‘s obligations
SERVICE PROVIDER guaranties proper condition of the boats, expenses for mooring and service in the place where the vessel is based (home port), and complete preparation of the boats, check in/out as well as insurance expenses. The expenses of resident taxes are not included.
7.Opći uvjeti smještaja naplovilima
Opći uvjeti smještaja na plovilima / uvjeti poslovanja sastavni su dio ovog Ugovora.
AGENCIJA je dužna izvijestiti KORISNIKA USLUGE o Općim uvjetima smještaja na plovilima / uvjetima poslovanja, jer su oni osnova za sve sporove između ugovornih strana.
Za sve sporove koji mogu proizaći iz ovog Ugovora i koji se ne mogu riješiti sporazumno nadležan je sud u Šibeniku uz primjenu hrvatskog zakona.
9.Promjene i dopune
Izmjene i dopune ovog Ugovora vrijede samo u pisanom obliku, koji su potpisale obje ugovorne strane.
Ovaj Ugovor je sastavljen u 2 (dva) istovjetna primjerka, od kojih svaka ugovorna strana zadržava po 1 (jedan).
Ovaj Xxxxxx zaključen je na razdoblje od datuma potpisivanja do 31.12.2024.
Datum-Date / Potpis-Signature
7. General vessel accommodationconditions
The General Vessel Accommodation Conditions/Terms of Business are component part of this Agreement.
AGENCY charter is obliged to inform the SERVICE USER of The General Vessel Accommodation Conditions/
Terms of business as they are the basis for any disputes between the parties.
All the disputes that could arise from this Agreement and couldn’t be settled peacefully come under the competence of the authorized court in Šibenik with the application of the Croatian law.
9.Changes and additions
Alternations and amendments to this Agreement are valid only in written form, signed by both parties to the Agreement.
This Agreement is made in 2 (two) identical copies where each party receives 1 (one).
The duration of this agreement is from the date of signing until 31.12.2024.
Datum-Date / Potpis-Signature