reg. broj:
, koga zastupa
with xxx.xx.
, represented by
(u daljem tekstu: Klub) i
JMBG/broj pasoša (za stranca)
(u daljem tekstu: Xxxxx) zaključili xx xxxx
Član 1.
Ovaj Ugovor se zaključuje za period
od: do:
odnosno do početka ljetnjeg/zimskog registracionog peri- oda u godini u kojoj ugovor ističe.
Član 2.
1) Za obaveze koje je Igrač xxxxx da izvršava prema Klu- bu, a koje su utvrđene ovim Ugovorom, kao i za obaveze predviđene opštim aktima Xxxxx, ugovorne strane utvrđu- ju mjesečna primanja od
xxxx, koja se uplaćuju na
žiro račun Igrača.Ova primanja se ne mogu mijenjati bez aneksa ovog Ugovora.
3) Ugovorne strane utvrđuju i posebne premije i to: |
2) Ugovorne strane utvrđuju i posebne naknade i to:
(hereinafter referred to as the “Club”) and
born on
personal ID number/passport number (for a foreign national)
the citizen of
(hereinafter referred to as the “Player”), on
in entered into the following:
Article 1
This Contract is concluded for the period from
from to
i.e. until the beginning of the summer/winter registration period in the year in which the Contract expires.
Article 2
1) In consideration for the Player obligations towards the Club, which are stipulated in this Contract, and for the obligations laid down in Club regulations, the parties
hereto have agreed upon the following monthly income of EUR
which shall be payed in the transfer account of the Player. Such income shall not be modified unless by an annex to this Contract.
2) The parties hereby also set forth the following special compensation:
3) The parties hereby also set forth the following special bonuses: |
4) Iznos posebnih premija iz stava 3. ovog člana je prom- jenljiv i ugovorne strane prihvataju da xx xxxxxx premije može promijeniti u skladu sa opštim xxxxx Xxxxx. Takva promjena visine premije je valjana i bez potpisivanja aneksa ovog Ugovora, te xx xxx mjerodavna visina smatra ona xxxx xx utvrđena opštim xxxxx Xxxxx, što ugovorne strane bezuslovno prihvataju. Opštim xxxxx Xxxxx ut- vrđuju se pravo, obaveza i rokovi isplate premija.
5) Klub je obavezan prilikom potpisa ovog ugovora Xxxxxx predati opšti akt o nagrađivanju i Disciplinski pravilnik Xxxxx, a što Xxxxx potvrđuje svojim potpisom.
Član 3.
1) Igrač je obavezan da se pridržava propisa FIFA-e, UEFA-e, FSCG, a naročito Statuta FSCG, Pravilnika o registraciji, statusu i transferu igrača FSCG, Pravilnika o fudbalskim takmičenjima FSCG, kao i Statuta i drugih akata Xxxxx.
2) Xxxxx se obavezuje da igra fudbal za Klub prema svo- xxx najboljim sposobnostima, da trenira i da se priprema za utakmice Xxxxx, i da izbjegava aktivnosti koje bi xxxxx štetiti Klubu.
3) Xxxxx je obavezan da se pridržava trenerovih uputstava i naloga.
4) Xxxxx se obavezuje da učestvuje na svim takmičenjima i treninzima Kluba, na svim dogovorima igrača i ostalim aktivnostima u vezi sa pripremom za utakmice i tak- mičenja, uključujući i putovanja u zemlji i inostranstvu prevoznim sredstvom koje odredi Klub.
5) Xxxxx se obavezuje da se sportski ponaša prema svim licima koja učestvuju na utakmici ili treningu.
6) Igrač se obavezuje xx xxxx učestvovati u drugim fud- balskim aktivnostima koje ne proizlaze iz ovog Ugovora (osim učešća u aktivnostima nacionalne reprezentacije), kao ni u drugim potencijalno opasnim aktivnostima koje mu nije odobrio Klub.
7) Igrač se obavezuje da xx xxxx lično ili putem drugih lica kladiti u sportskim kladionicama u bilo kojem obliku.
8) Igrač se obavezuje da će učestvovati u svim aktivnos- tima koje imaju za cilj promociju Xxxxx, a naročito u aktivnostima putem elektronskih i štampanih medija, kao i putem javnih priredbi i promocija i slično. Sve nastupe u medijima, a posebno intervjue, xxxx Igraču odobriti Klub.
9) Xxxxx se obavezuje da neće davati izjave za medije o onome što se aktima Xxxxx smatra poslovnom tajnom, a naročito ako se odnosi na unutrašnje odnose u Klubu, na sadržaj treninga ili priprema ili na taktiku za pojedinu utakmicu. Navedene podatke Igrač smije iznositi javno samo uz izričitu saglasnost ovlašćenog xxxx Xxxxx.
10) Xxxxx se obavezuje da u slučaju bolesti ili povrede odmah javi klupskom ljekaru i treneru Xxxxx, i da se ne podvrgava ljekarskim ispitivanjima a da prethodno o tome ne obavijesti klupskog ljekara (osim u hitnim
slučajevima). Podaci o bolesti ili povredi igrača mogu xx xxxxxx samo uz pristanak Xxxxxx.
11) Igrač je obavezan da se na zahtev klupskog ljekara redovno podvrgava ljekarskom pregledu i liječenju.
12) Xxxxx se obavezuje da nosi opremu Klub (sportska
4) The amounts of special bonuses referred to in Article 3 hereof are subject to changes and the parties hereto agree that the amount of such bonuses may be changed in accor- dance with Club regulations. Any change of the amount
of a bonus shall be valid without execution of an annex to this Contract and the bonuses set forth by Club regula- tions shall apply, which shall be accepted unconditionally by the Contracting Parties. The Club regulations shall set out the right to, obligation of and time limits for the pay- ment of bonuses.
5) Upon signing hereof, the Club shall provide to the Play- er the Club’s Bonus Rules and Disciplinary Regulations. The Player shall sign an acknowledgment of receipt of Club Rules and Regulations.
Article 3
1) The Player shall comply with the rules and regulations of FIFA, UEFA, and the Football Association of Monte- negro, and in particular with the Statutes of the Football Association of Montenegro, Regulations of the FA Mon- tenegro for Player Registration, Status and Transfer, the Football Competition Rules of the FA Montenegro, as well as Club Statutes and other rules and regulations promulgat- ed by the Club.
2) The Player shall play football for the Club to the best of his ability, and shall train and prepare for the matches
of the Club, abstaining from the activities that could be det- rimental to the Club.
3) The Player shall follow the Coach’s directions and
4) The Player shall participate in any and all competitions and training sessions of the Club, and shall attend all play- ers’ meetings any take part in any other activities related to the preparation for matches and competitions, including travel in the country and abroad by means of transport designated by the Club.
5) The Player shall conduct himself in a sportsmanlike manner towards all other participants in a match or training session.
6) The Player shall not participate in any other football activities unless they arise out of this Contract (with the exception of the activities of the national team), or in any potentially dangerous activities unless approved by the Club.
7) The Player shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in sports betting in any shape or form.
8) The Player agrees to participate in any and all activities aimed at Club promotion, and in particular in the activities organized through electronic or mass media, as well as in any public events, promotional activities, etc. Any and all Player appearances in the media, particularly the inter- views, are subject to prior consent of the Club.
9) The Player shall refrain from making any public state- ments in the media about any matters which are deemed confidential under Club rules and regulations, in particular if related to internal relations within the Club, the pro- gram of the training or preparation sessions or tactics for
a particular match. Such information may be disclosed by the Player only with the explicit approval of the authorized
oprema, klupska odijela i sl.) koju mu je Klub stavio na raspolaganje. Navedenu opremu igrač xx xxxxx primjerno čuvati i održavati, a po isteku Ugovora istu vratiti Klubu.
13) Xxxxx se obavezuje da dolazi na sve manifestacije Xxxxx (sportske, komerci- jalne i sl.).
14) Xxxxx se obavezuje da reklamira sponzore ili komi- tente Xxxxx xxxx imaju sa Klubom zaključen ugovor o sponzorstvu ili ugovor o promociji, a sve prema uslovima i nalogu Xxxxx. Reklamiranje drugih pravnih ili fizičkih lica Igraču nije dopušteno bez pisane saglasnosti Xxxxx.
Član 4.
1) Igrač potpisom ovog Ugovora prenosi na Klub pravo na upotrebu lika i imena. Ovo pravo odnosi se na upo- trebu lika Igrača u svim medijima i institucijama, ukl- jučujući i multimedije, a posebno se odnosi na upotrebu fotografija Igrača koje je dopustio Klub.
2) Klub ima pravo na upotrebu faksimila igračevog potpi- sa na klupskim suvenirima.
3) Igrač može individualno koristiti svoj lik i ime u marketinške svrhe na način da prilikom tih aktivnosti ne koristi obilježja Xxxxx ni njegovu službenu sportsku opremu.
Član 5.
1) Klub se obavezuje da xxxxxxx Xxxxxx od profesio- nalnog oboljenja i povreda, a koje su posljedica igranja utakmice, treniranja, kao i za slučajeve koji su se desili na putovanjima na utakmice i treninge i sa utakmica i treninga.
2) Klub se obavezuje da prijavi Igrača na obavezno socijalno osiguranje (zdravstveno, penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje i osiguranje od nezaposlenosti), u skladu sa zakonom.
3) Klub se obavezuje da Xxxxxx obezbijedi u potrebnoj mjeri sportsko-medicinsku i terapijsku njegu, bez na- knade. Xxxxx ima pravo na drugo mišljenje nezavisnog medicinskog stručnjaka, ako osporava mišljenje klupskog ljekara. Ako nastanu različita mišljenja, ugovorne strane saglasno prihvataju treće nezavisno medicinsko mišljenje.
4) Klub se obavezuje da, ako se Igrač prilikom ispunja- vanja obaveza iz ovog Ugovora povrijedi ili profesio- nalno oboli, pa zbog toga duže vrijeme ili za stalno ne može izvršavati obaveze iz ovog Ugovora, izvrši svoje obaveze prema Igraču u skladu sa opštim xxxxx Xxxxx.
5) Klub se obavezuje da Igraču omogući sportsko us- avršavanje angažovanjem stručnih lica prilikom priprema, treninga i utakmica.
6) Klub se obavezuje da omogući Igraču odlazak na pri- preme i utakmice odgovarajuće nacionalne reprezentacije za koju nastupa, u skladu sa važećim propisima FIFA-e i FSCG-a.
7) Klub se obavezuje da Xxxxxx obezbijedi svu potrebnu sportsku opremu bez naknade.
8) Klub se obavezuje da omogući Igraču korišćenje go- dišnjeg odmora.
Club official.
10) The Player agrees to report without delay to the Club medical doctor and the Club Coach any illness or injury and shall not undergo any medical examination without prior notice to the Club medical doctor (except in case of emergency). Any information about Player’s injury or illness may be disclosed only with the Player’s consent.
11) The Player shall undergo regular medical examina- tions and treatment upon request of the Club medical doctor.
12) ) The Player shall wear the Club’s kit (sports kit, Club’s suits, etc) made available to him by the Club. The Player shall take due care of the kit concerned and shall return it upon termination of this Contract.
13) The Player shall attend all Club events (of sporting, commercial or other nature).
14) The Player agrees to advertise sponsors or clients of the Club who have signed a sponsorship or promotion agreement with the Club, fully in accordance with the requirements and directions of the Club. The Player is not allowed to advertise any other legal or physical persons without written consent of the Club.
Article 4
1) By executing this Contract the Player grants to the Club the right to use his name and image. This right refers to the use of the Player’s image in any and all media and institutions, including multimedia, and in particular to the use of Player’s photographs as approved by the Club.
2) The Club is entitled to use Player’s signature facsimile on Club’s promotional items.
3) The Player may use his name and image on his own for marketing purposes provided, however, that in
any such activities the Player shall not use any Club insig- nia or the Club’s official sporting gear.
Article 5
1) The Club shall insure the Player against any professional illness or injury sustained while playing matches, during training sessions, as well as those sustained while travel- ling to and from matches and training sessions.
2) The Club shall register the Player for mandatory social security (including medical insurance, pension and disability insurance and insurance in case of unemploy- ment) as provided for under the law.
3) The Club shall agree to provide to the Player sufficient sports, medical and therapeutic care, free of charge. The Player has a right of a second opinion by an independent medical specialist if he contests the opinion of the Club’s specialist. If there are still differing opinions, the Player and the Club shall agree on accepting an independent third opinion.
4) If in the performance of his obligations hereunder the Player sustains injury or professional illness that prevents him from fulfilling his obligations under the Contract for a longer period or permanently, the Club shall perform its obligations towards the Player in accordance with Club regulations.
9) Klub se obavezuje da omogući Igraču:
Član 6.
1) Klub i Igrač se obavezuju da će poštovati sve anti-dop- ing pravilnike FIFA-e, UEFA-e i FSCG.
2) Xxxxx se obavezuje xx xxxx uzimati doping, a klub da mu neće nalagati uzimanje dopinga.
Član 7.
1) Klub se obavezuje xx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxx diskriminisati Igrača u odnosu na druge igrače Xxxxx. Diskriminacijom se smatra i nalaganje treniranja izvan programa, vremena i mjesta treninga tima za koje igrač ima pravo nastupa, osim ako nije izrečena klupska kazna udaljenja sa treninga odgovarajućeg tima.
2) Igrač ima pravo iznijeti svoje mišljenje u vezi sa
ovim Ugovorom treneru i odgovornom licu u Klubu, na način da se to mišljenje ne iznosi izvan Xxxxx.
Član 8.
1) Klub ima pravo da Igraču određuje visinu kazne zbog nepoštovanja ovog Ugovora, u skladu sa opštim aktima Klu- ba. Potpisom ovog Ugovora Igrač prihvata primjenu opštih akata Kluba, na način da će kaznu uplatiti Klubu ili da će Klub umanjiti Igračeva primanja. Ugovorne strane saglasne su da maksimalni iznos novčane kazne koju Klub može izreći utvrđuje Izvršni odbor FSCG posebnom odlukom.
2) Igrač ima pravo žalbe na odluku o kažnjavanju u skla- du sa klupskim propisom.
Član 9.
1) Klub ima pravo na raskid ovog Ugovora pod sljedećim uslovima:
2) Igrač ima pravo na raskid ovog Ugovora pod sljedećim uslovima:
3) Nezavisno xx xxxxx 1) i 2) ovog člana, Igrač i klub imaju pravo da raskinu ovaj Ugovor ako druga strana na teži način prekrši odredbe istog, a u postupku predviđen- om Pravilnikom o registraciji, statusu i transferu igrača FSCG i drugim propisima FIFA-e i FSCG-a.
Član 10.
Ako Klub nakon završetka takmičarske sezone prelazi u xxxxxx takmičenja u kojem se ne mogu zaključivati ugov- ori o profesionalnom igranju, ovaj Ugovor se automatski raskida.
5) The Club agrees to provide to the Player further sports related education through engagement of skilled personnel for preparation and training sessions and matches.
6) The Club shall release the Player for participation in preparation sessions and matches of the national team he is eligible to play for, in accordance with current FIFA and FAM regulations.
7) The Club shall supply all necessary sporting gear to the Player free of charge.
8) The Club shall allow the Player to take annual leave.
9) The Club shall provide to the Player:
Article 6
1) The Club and Player agree to comply with all anti-dop- ing regulations of FIFA, UEFA and the FA Montenegro.
2) The Player shall refrain from taking any doping sub- stances, and the Club shall not order the Player to use doping substances.
Article 7
1) The Club shall not discriminate against the Player in any manner whatsoever compared to other Club players. Discrimination shall also include the imposition of training sessions outside of the training programme, times and ven- ues of the team that the Player is eligible to play for, unless the Club has imposed a sanction of the removal from the training session of the team concerned.
2) The Player may express his opinion about this Contract to the Coach or to an authorized Club official provided, however, that such opinion shall not be disclosed publicly outside the Club.
Article 8
1) The Club is entitled to impose fines on the Player for breach of this Contract, in accordance with Club rules and regulations. By executing this Contract, the Player agrees to be bound by Club rules and regulations, and to pay fine to the Club or to have his income deducted
accordingly. The Contracting Parties hereby agree that the maximum amount of a fine that the Club may impose shall be established by the Executive Board of FA Montenegro through a special decision.
2) The Player is entitled to lodge a complaint about the decision on imposing the sanction in accordance with the Club’s regulations.
Article 9
1) The Club is entitled to terminate this Contract under the following terms:
2) The Club is entitled to terminate this Contract under the following terms:
Čan 11.
1) Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će se transfer Igrača realizuje u skladu sa odredbama Pravilnika o registraciji statusu i transferu igrača FSCG, odnosno propisa FIFA-e, koje regulišu međunarodni transfer igrača.
2) O transferu Igrača i o posebnim uslovima za njegovu realizaciju, ugovorne strane mogu zaključiti poseban aneks ovog Ugovora.
Član 12.
1) Ovaj Xxxxxx predstavlja pravu volju ugovornih strana i njegovim potpisom isključuju se svi prethodni dogovori, usmeni ili xxxxxx, postignuti između ugovornih strana u pogledu predmeta ovog Ugovora. Ovaj Ugovor u tre- nutku potpisivanja nema nikakvih pisanih ili usmenih dodataka.
2) Odredbe ovog Ugovora mogu se izmijeniti samo uz saglasnost obje ugovorne strane. Izmjene moraju biti u pisanoj formi. Pozivanje ugovornih strana na naknadne izmjene bilo koje od odredbi ovog Ugovora neće imati pravno dejstvo ako izmjene nisu napravljene u naprijed navedenom obliku.
3) Ako bi se za neku od odredbi ovog Ugovora utvrdilo da je ništava, ta činjenica neće imati uticaja na ostale odredbe ovog Ugovora. Ugovor u cjelini ostaje valjan a ugovorne strane se obavezuju da će ništavu odredbu zamijeniti valjanom xxxx xx omogućiti da se ostvari cilj koji se htio postići odredbom za xxxx xx utvrđeno da je ništava.
4) U slučaju spora ugovorne strane utvrđuju nadležnost Arbitražnog suda FSCG. Klub i Igrač se obavezuju da sporove povodom ovog Ugovora neće rješavati pred redovnim sudom. Klub i Igrač se obavezuju da će u potpunosti poštovati sve propise FSCG kojima se uređuje xxxxx xxxx Arbitražnog suda FSCG, uključujući i način izbora arbitara u arbitražnom vijeću.
5) Ako je ovaj Ugovor sačinjen na više jezika, u slučaju spora važeća je verzija na crnogorskom jeziku.
6) Ako ovaj Ugovor zaključuje igrač strani državljanin, isti se sačinjava na jeziku koji je njemu razumljiv.
Član 13.
1) Ugovorne strane potpisom ovog Ugovora potvrđuju da su isti pročitale i razumjele, te xx x obzirom da on pred- stavlja njihovu pravu i ozbiljnu volju, prihvataju sva prava i obaveze, kao i pravne posljedice koje iz njega proizlaze.
2) Za sve što nije predviđeno ovim Ugovorom primjen- juju se propisi Crne Xxxx, opšti akti FIFA-e, UEFA-e, FSCG i Xxxxx.
3) Ako je Igrač maloljetan, Xxxxxx xx xxxxxx samo ako ga je potpisao i roditelj, staratelj ili drugi zakonski zastupnik Igrača.
4) Ovaj Ugovor je zaključen u pet (5) istovjetnih primera- ka, od kojih se po jedan (1) primjerak daje:
a) igraču,
b) regionalnom fudbalskom savezu, registracionom orga- nu kod kojeg je zaključen,
c) Fudbalskom savezu Crne Xxxx, a Klubu se daju dva (2) primjerka.
3) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the Player and the Club are both entitled to terminate this Contract if either Party commits a serious breach thereof, within the procedure provided for in the FAM Regulations on Registration, Status and Transfer of Players and other FIFA and FAM regulations.
Article 10
If, upon termination of the competition season, the Club enters the level of competition which does not allow nego- tiation of professional player contracts, this Contract shall be deemed terminated forthwith.
Article 11
1) The parties hereto mutually agree that the Transfer shall be carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations of the FA Montenegro for Player Registration, Status and Transfer and/or FIFA regulations governing international player transfer.
2) The parties hereto agree that Player transfer and any special stipulation could be the subject of an annex to this Contract.
Article 12
1) This Contract represents the entire understanding be- tween the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior agreements, either oral or in writing, made by and between the parties in respect of the subject matter contemplated herein. At the time of signing, this Contract does not con- tain any written or verbal addenda.
2) Any changes and amendments to the provisions hereof may be made only with the consent of both parties and in writing. Any reference by the parties to any subsequent changes of the provisions of this Contract shall have no legal effect if such changes have not been made in the form as provided hereinabove.
3) Should any of the provisions of this Contract be found to be invalid, that shall not affect the validity of the remain- ing provisions of this Contract. The Contract, as a whole, shall remain in full force and effect and the parties agree
to replace such invalid provision with a new provision that will reflect the initial purpose of the provision found to be null and void
4) In case of dispute, the parties agree upon the jurisdic- tion of the Court of Arbitration of FA Montenegro. Both the Club and Player agree not to bring any dispute arising out of this Contract before ordinary court. The club and the player are obliged to fully aknowledge the governing regulations of the Court of Arbitration of FA Montenegro, including the selection of the arbitrators in arbitration council.
5) If this Contract has been made in several languages, in case of dispute the Montenegrin version shall prevail.
6) If this Contact is signed by a foreign national, the Con- tract shall be made in a language comprehensible for the player.
Pri zaključivanju ovog Ugovora učestvovao je posrednik ili advokat:
(ime i prezime, adresa)
Ovlašćeni predstavnik
( ime i prezime ) ( ime i prezime,
funkcija u klubu)
Maloljetnog Igrača zastupa:
(potpis, ime i prezime, svojstvo u odnosu na Igrača,
Da su ovaj Ugovor broj:
potpisali ovlašćeni predstavnik Xxxxx i Igrač
Tvrdi i ovjerava: Ovlašćeni predstavnik RFS
Fudbalski savez Crne Xxxx
Komisija za status
i registraciju igrača FSCG
Article 13
1) By signing this Contract, the parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the Contract, and that, in the view of its representing their entire understanding, they assume all rights and obligations, as well as all legal conse- quences arising out of this
2) Any matters not contemplated herein shall be governed by the laws of Montenegro, the rules and regulations of FIFA, UEFA, FA Montenegro and the Club.
3) If the Player is a minor, the Contract shall be deemed valid only if signed by a parent, guardian or other legal representative of the Player.
4) This Contract has been made in five (5) identical coun- terparts:
a) one (1) to be retained by the Player,
b) one(1) by regional football association being the regis- tration body before which the Contract has been signed;
c) one (1) by the Football Association of Montenegro and two (2) copies by the Club.
In the negotiation of this Contract the following interme- diary or advocate was engaged:
(first name, family name and address)
(Authorized epresentative)
(first and family name) (first and family name,
position in the Club)
Minor Player represented by:
(Signature, first name and family name, relationship to the Player, address)
This is to certify that the above Contract has been
Datum ovjere:
executed this
day of
by duly authorized representative of the Club and Player.
Authorized representative of the Regional Football Association:
The Football Association of Montenegro Committee of the FA Montenegro for Player Status and Registration
Date of certification: