Član 1
Potvrđuje se Sporazum između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Republike Azerbejdžana o saradnji i uzajamnoj pomoći u carinskim pitanjima, potpisan u Bakuu, 27. oktobra 2015. godine u originalu na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku.
Član 2
Tekst Sporazuma iz člana 1 ovog zakona, u originalu na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku glasi:
Vlada Crne Xxxx i Vlada Republike Azerbejdžana , u daljem tekstu: ugovorne strane,
smatrajući da prekršaji carinskih propisa nanose štetu ekonomskim, privrednim, finansijskim, društvenim i kulturnim interesima njihovih zemalja;
imajući u vidu značaj tačnog obračuna carinskih dažbina i drugih dažbina koje se naplaćuju prilikom uvoza ili izvoza robe, kao i tačnog utvrđivanja tarifne oznake, vrijednosti i porijekla robe kao i pravilnu primjenu odredbi koje se odnose na zabrane, ograničenja i kontrolu;
imajući u vidu da napori na sprječavanju kršenja carinskih propisa i obezbjeđenje tačnog povraćaja dažbina, poreza i ostalih naknada mogu biti efektivniji uz saradnju između uprava carina ugovornih strana;
zabrinuti zbog povećanja trendova, velikog opsega, nedozvoljene trgovine narkoticima, psihotropnim supstancama i njihovim prekursorima i imajući u vidu da oni predstavljaju opasnost po javno zdravlje i društvo;
imajući u vidu relevantne međunarodne konvencije koje jačaju uzajamnu pomoć, kao i Preporuke Savjeta za carinsku saradnju (Svjetska carinska organizacija);
su se dogovorile kako slijedi:
U smislu ovog sporazuma:
a) „Carinski propisi“ su sve zakonske ili regulatorne odredbe koje primjenjuju carinski organi ugovorne strane u vezi sa uvozom, izvozom, tranzitom, skladištenjem i prometom roba, uključujući sredstva plaćanja bilo da se odnose na carinske dažbine, poreze ili druge naknade koje obračunavaju i naplaćuju carinski organi ili na mjere zabrane, ograničenja ili kontrole;
b) „Carinske dažbine “ su sve dažbine, porezi, takse ili druge naknade koje se obračunavaju i naplaćuju prilikom uvoza i izvoza na teritoriji država ugovorne strane prilikom primjene carinskog zakonodavstva, ali ne obuhvataju takse i naknade koje su ograničene na iznos približnih troškova za pružene usluge;
c) „Carinski prekršaj” je svako kršenje ili pokušaj kršenja carinskih propisa;
d) „Informacije" označavaju sve podatke, bez obzira da xx xx obrađene ili analizirane ili ne, i dokumente, izvještaje i drugu korespodenciju u bilo kom formatu, uključujući elektronski, ili njihove ovjerene kopije.
e) „Lični podaci“ su svi podaci koji se odnose na fizičko lice koje je identifikovano ili koje može da se identifikuje;
f) „Kontrolisana isporuka“ su tehnike kojima se dozvoljava izlaz iz, ulaz na ili tranzit, preko teritorija država ugovornih strana, nezakonitih ili sumnjivih pošiljki opojnih droga, psihotropnih supstanci i prekursora ili njihovih zamjena, i ugroženih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta, i drugih roba u skladu sa prethodnim dogovorom uz znanje i pod kontrolom nadležnih organa tih zemalja, s ciljem da se otkriju xxxx xxxx su počinila carinski prekršaj;
g) „Lice" označava i fizičko ili pravno lice, osim ako nije drugačije traženo u kontekstu;
h) „Carinski organ" označava: u Crnoj Gori - Ministarstvo finansija, Uprava carina, u Republici Azerbejdžan - Državni carinski komitet;
i) „Organ molilac" je carinski organ koji, u skladu sa ovim sporazumom, podnosi zahtjev za pomoć ili koja prima takvu pomoć;
j) „Zamoljeni organ" je carinski organ koji, u skladu sa ovim sporazumom, prima zahtjev za pomoć ili koja pruža takvu pomoć.
k) „Opojne xxxxx" su: sve prirodne ili sintetičke supstance, navedene u listama I i II Jedinstvene konvencije o opojnim drogama Ujedinjenih nacija iz 1961. godine;
l) „Psihotropne supstance" označavaju sve prirodne ili sintetičke supstance navedene u listama I, II, III i IV Konvencije o psihotropnim supstancama Ujedinjenih nacija iz 1971. godine;
m) „Prekursori“ su hemijske supstance koje se, pod kontrolom, koriste u proizvodnji opojnih droga i psihotropnih supstanci, navedene u listama I i II Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija protiv nezakonitog prometa opojnih droga i psihotropnih supstanci iz 1988. godine.
1. Pomoć u okviru ovog sporazuma, pružiće se u skladu sa važećim nacionalnim zakonodavstvom na snazi države zamoljene ugovorne strane i u okviru nadležnosti uprava carina i njihovih raspoloživih resursa.
2. Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne strane pružaće uzajajmnu pomoć, na način i pod uslovima predviđenim ovim sporazumom, u obezbjeđivanju pravilne primjene carinskih propisa, posebno u sprječavanju, otkrivanju, istraživanju i borbi protiv carinskih prekršaja.
3. Odredbe ovog sporazuma ne daju pravo nekom licu da zabrani izvršenje zahtjeva za pomoć.
1. Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne strane obezbijediće jedni drugima, bilo po zahtjevu ili na sopstvenu inicijativu sve dostupne informacije i uzajamnu pomoć, a u skladu sa odredbama navedenim u ovom sporazumu:
a) da bi se osigurala pravilna primjena carinskih propisa;
b) da bi se osigurala pravilna procjena carinskih dažbina, poreza i drugih naknada, kao i pravilno svrstavanje u tarifu, vrijednost i porijeklo proizvoda za carinske svrhe;
c) radi preduzimanja mjera u cilju olakšanja i ubrzanja kretanja putnika i protoka roba;
d) u cilju prevencije, istraživanja i borbe protiv kršenja carinskih propisa;
e) u slučajevima u vezi sa dostavljanjem dokumenata koji se tiču primjene carinskih propisa;
f) u razmjeni tehničkih iskustava u cilju unapređenja rada predmetnih carinskih organa.
2. Pomoć, pružena u okviru ovog sporazuma, će uključivati, xxx xxxx biti ograničena na informacije koje se odnose na:
a) izvršne radnje koje mogu biti od koristi u prevenciji prekršaja i, konkretno, posebne mjere u borbi protiv kršenja carinskih propisa;
b) nove metode korišćene u počinjavanju prekršaja;
c) nalaze i otkrića koja su proistekla iz uspješne primjene novih obavještajnih sredstava i tehnika.
1. Na zahtjev organa molioca, zamoljeni organ dostaviće sve odgovarajuće informacije koje mogu da mu obezbijede pravilnu primjenu carinskih propisa, uključujući, između ostalog, i informacije o prevozu i isporuci robe, dispoziciji i odredištu takve robe, njenoj tarifnoj oznaci, vrijednosti i porijeklu, kao i informacije o izvršenim ili planiranim radnjama kojima se krše ili mogu da se prekrše carinski propisi.
2. Na zahtjev organa molioca, zamoljeni organ dostaviće obavještenje da li xx xxxx xxxx xx izvezena sa ili uvezena na teritoriju države ugovorne strane molioca, na propisan način uvezena na ili izvezena sa teritorije države zamoljene ugovorne strane, navodeći, po potrebi, vrstu carinskog postupka koji je sproveden nad xxx robom.
3. Na zahtjev organa molioca, zamoljeni organ preduzeće, u okviru svojih nadležnosti, neophodne mjere da se obezbijedi nadzor nad:
a) određenim fizičkim ili pravnim licima za koja postoji osnovana sumnja da vrše ili da su izvršila carinski prekršaj na teritoriji države ugovorne strane molioca;
b) mjestima gdje xx xxxx smještena na takav način da pruža osnovanu sumnju da postoji namjera da xx xxxx na nezakonit način uveze na teritoriju države ugovorne strane molioca;
c) kretanjem robe za xxxx xx organ molilac označio da je predmet carinskog prekršaja na teritoriji države ugovorne strane molioca;
d) prevoznim sredstvima za koja postoji opravdana sumnja da su korišćena, da se koriste ili da se mogu koristiti za kršenje carinskih propisa na teritoriji države.
Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne strane pružiće, u okviru svojih nadležnosti, jedna drugoj pomoć, ako smatraju da je to neophodno radi pravilne primjene carinskih propisa, posebno kada raspolažu sa informacijama koje se odnose na:
a) radnje kojima su prekršeni, krše se ili mogu da se prekrše carinski propisi i koje mogu biti od interesa za drugu ugovornu stranu;
b) nova sredstva ili metode koje se koriste prilikom vršenja carinskih prekršaja;
c) robu za koju se zna ili se sumnja da je predmet carinskog prekršaja na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane;
d) određena lica za koja se zna ili se sumnja da vrše carinski prekršaj na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane;
e) prevozna sredstva i kontejnere, za koja se zna ili postoji sumnja da su korišćena, da se koriste ili da se mogu koristiti radi vršenja carinskih prekršaja na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane.
Na zahtjev organa molioca, zamoljeni organ, u skladu sa zakonodavstvom svoje države, preduzeće sve neophodne mjere da:
a) dostavi sva odgovarajuća dokumenta,
b) obavijesti o svim odgovarajućim odlukama,
koje proizilaze iz ovog sporazuma, na adresu primaoca koji ima prebivalište ili je registrovan na teritoriji njegove države.U xxx slučaju primjenjuje se član 7 stav 3 ovog sporazuma.
1. Zahtjevi u skladu sa ovim sporazumom sačinjavaju se u pisanom obliku. Uz zahtjeve, prilažu se dokumenta neophodna za njihovo izvršenje. U hitnim slučajevima, mogu se prihvatiti i usmeni zahtjevi, ali se oni moraju odmah pismeno potvrditi.
2. Zahtjevi iz stava 1 ovog člana treba da sadrže sljedeće informacije:
a) naziv organa molioca;
b) mjere koje se zahtijevaju;
c) predmet i razlog za podnošenje zahtjeva;
d) koji se zakoni, propisi i drugi pravni akti primjenjuju;
e) što tačnije i detaljnije podatke o fizičkim ili pravnim licima na koja se zahtjev odnosi;
f) kraći pregled odgovarajućih činjenica, osim u slučajevima koji se navode u članu 6 ovog sporazuma; i
g) xxxx xx veza između tražene pomoći i predmeta na koji se odnosi.
3. Zahtjevi se podnose na službenom jeziku zamoljenog organa, na engleskom jeziku ili na jeziku koji je prihvatljiv za taj organ.
4. Ako zamoljeni organ nije odgovarajuća služba koja može da odgovori na zahtjev, proslijediće zahtjev odgovarajućoj službi, xxxx xx postupiti po zahtjevu u okviru svojih zakonskih ovlašćenja u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom ili će obavijestiti organ molioca o odgovarajućim postupcima za takvu vrstu zahtjeva.
5. Ako zahtjev ne ispunjava formalne uslove, može se zatražiti njegova ispravka ili dopuna, što neće uticati na preduzimanje neophodnih mjera.
1. Zamoljeni organ preduzeće sve prihvatljive mjere da bi postupio po zahtjevu i, ako se to zahtijeva, nastojaće da traži službene ili sudske mjere neophodne za izvršenje tog zahtjeva.
2. Carinski organ jedne ugovorne xxxxxx xx, na zahtjev carinskog organa druge ugovorne strane, sprovesti sve potrebne istražne postupke, uključujući i ispitivanje eksperata i svjedoka ili lica za koja se sumnja da su izvršila carinski prekršaj i izvršiti provjere, kontrole i ispitati činjenično stanje vezano za pitanja koja su predmet ovog sporazuma.
3. Na zahtjev organa molioca, zamoljeni organ može, u najvećem mogućem obimu, da dozvoli da službena lica organa molioca, kada god je to moguće, borave na teritoriji države zamoljene ugovorne strane u toku istrage koju sprovode njena službena lica, zbog kršenja carinskih propisa države organa molioca.
4. Službeno lice carinskog organa molioca, prisutno na teritoriji države zamoljene ugovorne strane, u skladu sa ovim sporazumom će djelovati isključivo u savjetodavnom smislu i ni pod kojim uslovom neće aktivno učestvovati u istrazi ili sprovoditi bilo kakva zakonska ili istražna ovlašćenja dodijeljena službenicima zamoljenog organa; niti će se susretati sa osobama koje se ispituju, niti učestvovati u bilo kakvoj istražnoj aktivnosti.
5. Kada su u okolnostima definisanim ovim sporazumom, službenici carinskog organa jedne ugovorne strane prisutni na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane, oni moraju čitavo vrijeme biti u stanju pružiti dokaz svoje zvanične funkcije. Oni ne smiju nositi uniformu niti nositi oružje.
6. Ako organ molilac to zahtijeva, xxxx obaviješten o vremenu i mjestu gdje se sprovodi tražena istraga, kako bi se na xxx xxxxx koordinirale aktivnosti.
7. Službena lica organa molioca, koja su ovlašćena da sprovode istražne radnje u vezi sa carinskim prekršajima, mogu da zahtijevaju da zamoljeni organ pregleda odgovarajuće knjige, registre i ostalu dokumentaciju ili medije za skladištenje podataka ili da dostavi njihove kopije ili da pruži sve informacije koje se odnose na carinske prekršaje.
1. Zamoljeni organ dostaviće organu moliocu rezultate istražnih radnji u obliku dokumenata, ovjerenih kopija dokumenata, izvještaja i slično a, xxxx xx to neophodno, i usmeno.
2. Dokumenta iz stava 1 ovog člana mogu se zamijeniti kompjuterizovanim informacijama koje su date u iste svrhe, u bilo kom obliku, zajedno sa svim podacima i informacijama koje su neophodne za tumačenje ili korišćenje tih kompjuterizovanih informacija.
1. Xxxxxxxx organi će, po sopstvenoj inicijativi ili po zahtjevu, obezbijediti sve relevantne informacije o svim radnjama, koje su namjeravane ili izvršene, a koje predstavljaju ili mogu predstavljati kršenje carinskih propisa koji su na snazi na teritoriji jedne od ugovornih strana, a odnose se na nedozvoljen:
a) promet opojnih droga, psihotropnih supstanci i prekursora,
b) promet oružja, municije, eksploziva,
c) prenos osjetljivih i strateški važnih roba koje podliježu posebnim kontrolama u skladu sa međunarodnim sporazumima i relevantnim multilateralnim sporazumima i zajedničkim obavezama neproliferacije, čije su članice obje ugovorne strane,
d) prenos umjetničkih djela i antikviteta koja su od istorijske, kulturne ili arheološke vrijednosti za jednu od ugovornih strana,
e) prenos otrovnih xxxx xxx i roba ili substanci opasnih za okolinu ili javno zdravlje,
f) prenos roba koje podliježu visokim carinskim dažbinama, porezima ili naknadama,
g) krivotvorene ili falsifikovane robe kojom se krše prava intelektualne svojine,
h) informacije u vezi sa istragom i suzbijanjem carinskih prekršaja, kao i povraćaj carinskih potraživanja.
2. Informacije koje su dobijene u skladu sa ovim članom se mogu prenijeti na relevantna vladina tijela ugovorne strane xxxx xx podnijela zahtjev. Međutim, one xx xxxx prenositi na treće države.
1. U skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom, carinski organi mogu, uzajamnim pristankom i u okviru svojih nadležnosti, primijeniti kontrolisanu isporuku s ciljem da se otkriju xxxx xxxx su počinila carinski prekršaj i da bi se preduzele zakonske mjere protiv njih.
2. Odluka o primjeni kontrolisane isporuke će se donositi na bazi od slučaja do slučaja i tamo gdje je potrebno, u skladu xx xxxx kakvim planovima ili dogovorima koji su se mogli napraviti u vezi sa određenim slučajem. Oni mogu, ukoliko je potrebno, i pod uslovom da je to u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom ugovorne strane, uzeti u obzir finansijske dogovore i sporazume postignute između obje ugovorne strane.
1. Svaka informacija razmijenjena u bilo kom obliku u skladu sa ovim sporazumom može se koristiti tokom upravnih, istražnih i sudskih postupaka. Ona xx xxxx koristiti u druge svrhe osim onih navedenih u ovom sporazumu. Dobijene informacije se mogu koristiti u druge svrhe samo uz prethodnu pisanu saglasnost carinskog organa koji ih je pružio shodno bilo kojim uslovima ili ograničenjima koje utvrdi taj organ.
2. Odredbe stava 1 ovog člana ne primjenjuju se na informacije koje se tiču prekršaja koji se odnose na narkotike i psihotropne supstance. Ovakve informacije mogu se dostaviti organima države ugovorne strane koja upućuje zahtjev, xxxx xx direktno uključena u borbu protiv krijumčarenja drogom. Međutim, ova informacija neće biti poslata trećim zemljama bez prethodnog pisanog pristanka carinskog organa kojem se upućuje zahtjev.
3. Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne strane mogu, u skladu sa ovim sporazumom, u svojim dokumentacijama, izvještajima i svjedočenjima, i u postupcima vođenim pred sudovima, koristiti kao dokaz informacije i dokumenta dobijena shodno ovom sporazumu. Upotreba ovakvih informacija i dokumenata kao dokaza na sudovima i težina koju će to imati, će biti definisana u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom države ugovorne strane.
4. Svaka informacija razmijenjena u bilo kom obliku u skladu sa ovim sporazumom smatraće se povjerljivom i ona će biti obuhvaćena obavezom službene povjerljivosti i uživaće isto pravo na zaštitu koju takva informacija i dokumenta uživaju u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonima države ugovorne strane koja xx xx pružila.
5. Kada se informacije o ličnim podacima razmjenjuju shodno ovom sporazumu, ugovorne xxxxxx xx osigurati standard zaštite podataka najmanje jednak onom koji rezultira iz primjene principa Aneksa ovog sporazuma, koji je sastavni dio ovog sporazuma.
1. Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne strane dostaviće, na zahtjev, dokumenta koja se odnose na prevoz i isporuku robe i koja sadrže podatke o tarifnoj oznaci, vrijednosti, porijeklu, dispoziciji i odredištu robe.
2. Originalni predmeti, dokumenta i drugi materijali mogu se zahtijevati samo ako su kopije nedovoljne. Na izričit zahtjev, kopije predmeta, dokumenata i drugog materijala će se na propisan način ovjeriti.
3. Originalni predmeti, dokumenta i drugi materijali, koji su dostavljeni organu molioca, moraju se što prije vratiti. Prava zamoljenog organa ili trećih strana ostaju nepromijenjena. Na zahtjev, originali koji su neophodni za pravosudne ili slične svrhe, moraju odmah da se vrate.
4. Na zahtjev carinskog organa jedne ugovorne strane, carinski organ druge ugovorne strane može da ovlasti svoje službenike, uz njihov pristanak, da se pojave u svojstvu svjedoka ili eksperta u sudskim ili upravnim postupcima koji se odnose na prekršaje koji se sudski gone na teritoriji države druge ugovorne strane. Ovi službenici će dati dokaze koji se tiču činjenica ustanovljenih xx xxxxxx njih tokom vršenja svojih dužnosti. Oni će pružiti spise, dokumente ili druge materijale ili autentične kopije istih, što može biti smatrano ključnim za postupke.
5. Ugovorna strana, koja upućuje zahtjev, je službeno obavezna da preduzme sve neophodne mjere za zaštitu lične sigurnosti službenika tokom njihovog boravka na teritoriji njene države, prema stavu 1 ovog člana. Prevoz i dnevni troškovi ovih službenika će biti pokriveni xx xxxxxx carinskog organa koji upućuje zahtjev.
6. Zahtjev za pojavljivanjem xxxx jasno naznačiti u kom slučaju i u kom kapacitetu će se službenik pojaviti.
7. Službenik od kog se zahtijeva da se pojavi kao svjedok ili ekspert ima pravo da odbije da da dokaz ili izjavu, ukoliko je ovlašćen ili obavezan da tako uradi na osnovu nacionalnog zakonodavstva ugovorne strane kojoj se zahtjev upućuje ili ugovorne strane koja upućuje zahtjev.
8. Zahtjev za pojavljivanje službenika kao eksperata ili svjedoka xxxx sačinjen u skladu sa zakonodavstvom koje je na snazi na teritorijama država ugovornih strana.
1. Pomoć i saradnja u okviru ovog sporazuma će biti pružena u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom zamoljene države i u okviru nadležnosti i resursa njenog carinskog organa.
2. Ako zamoljeni organ smatra da ispunjavanje zahtjeva može da nanese štetu suverenitetu, bezbjednosti ili drugim bitnim nacionalnim interesima njegove države, može da odbije pomoć ili da je pruži uz ispunjavanje određenih uslova i zahtjeva.
3. Ako se pomoć uskrati ili odbije, o odluci ugovorna strana molilja xxxx biti o tome obaviještena pisanim putem bez odlaganja.
4. Pomoć može biti odložena xx xxxxxx carinskog organa od kojeg je pomoć zatražena ukoliko će ta pomoć ometati tekuću istragu, krivično gonjenje ili sudski postupak.
1. Pomoć predviđena ovim sporazumom, uključuje, između ostalog, dostavljanje informacija o:
a) aktivnostima na suzbijaju krijumčarenja koje bi xxxxx da budu korisne u sprječavanju carinskih prekršaja i naročito posebnim sredstvima koja se koriste u borbi protiv carinskih prekršaja;
b) novim metodama koje se koriste prilikom vršenja carinskih prekršaja;
c) zapažanjima i otkrićima, kao rezultat uspješne primjene novih sredstava i tehnika u sprječavanju krijumčarenja; i
d) novim tehnikama i poboljšanim metodama za xxxxxxxx xx putnicima i teretom.
2. Xxxxxxxx organi ugovorne xxxxxx xx, ukoliko to nije u suprotnosti sa njihovim nacionalnim zakonodavstvom, takođe, tražiti saradnju za:
a) započinjanje, razvoj i usavršavanje posebnih programa stručne obuke za svoje zaposlene;
b) uspostavljanje i održavanje kanala za međusobnu razmjenu informacija sa ciljem da se olakša bezbjedna i brza razmjena informacija;
c) olakšavanje efikasne međusobne koordinacije, uključujući i razmjenu osoblja, stručnjaka i imenovanje lica za vezu;
d) proučavanje i ispitivanje nove opreme ili postupaka;
e) pojednostavljenje i usaglašavanje njihovih carinskih postupaka; i
f) druga opšta administrativna pitanja, zbog čega će, s vremena na vrijeme, biti potrebna njihova zajednička akcija.
1. Ugovorne strane neće potraživati nikakva sredstva na ime troškova nastalih u toku primjene ovog sporazuma, osim sredstava za troškove eksperata i svjedoka, i sredstava za troškove tumača i prevodilaca koji nijesu državni službenici.
2. Ukoliko za udovoljavanje zahtjeva nastanu ili mogu da nastanu značajni i izuzetni troškovi, carinski organi će se dogovoriti kako bi utvrdili uslove pod xxxxxx xx zahtjev biti sačinjen, kao i na xxxx xxxxx će se troškovi nadoknaditi.
3. Troškovi nastali u vezi sa tehničkom pomoći navedenoj u članu 15 ovog sporazuma će biti podložni dodatnim pregovorima između carinskih organa.
1. Svi sporovi koji nastanu u vezi sa tumačenjem ili primjenom odredbi ovog sporazuma riješiće se kroz direktne konsultacije između carinskih organa ugovornih strana.
2. Sporovi za koje se ne pronađe rješenje u okviru konsultacija koje su navedene u stavu 1 ovog člana će biti riješeni diplomatskim putem.
Izmjene i dopune ovog sporazuma mogu biti izvršene uz uzajamni pristanak ugovorne strane, putem posebnih protokola, koji čine sastavni dio ovog sporazuma i stupaju na snagu u skladu sa procedurom navedenom u članu 21 ovog sporazuma.
1. Sprovođenje ovog sporazuma će biti povjereno carinskim organima. Ovi organi će se uzajamno dogovoriti o detaljnim aranžmanima u tu svrhu, uzimajući u obzir zakonodavstvo u oblasti zaštite podataka koje je na snazi na teritoriji države svake od ugovornih strana.
2. Xxxxxxxx organi takođe mogu urediti da njihove službe za sprovođenje budu u direktnoj komunikaciji jedna sa drugom.
Sporazum će se primjenjivati na carinskom području Crne Xxxx i na carinskom području Republike Azerbejdžana.
1. Ovaj sporazum će stupiti na snagu tridesetog xxxx od datuma prijema posljednjeg obavještenja, kojim ugovorne strane obavještavaju jednu drugu, diplomatskim putem ,da su ispunjene neophodne nacionalne procedure za stupanje na snagu ovog sporazuma.
2. Ovaj sporazum je zaključen na neodređeno vrijeme. Bilo koja od ugovornih strana će obavijestiti drugu ugovornu stranu u pisanoj formi, diplomatskim putem ,o njenim namjerama da raskine ovaj sporazum. Sporazum prestaje da važi po isteku šest mjeseci od xxxx prijema takvog obavještenja xx xxxxx ugovorne strane.
Sačinjeno u Bakuu, xxxx 27. oktobra 2015. godine, u dva originalna primjerka, na crnogorskom, azerbejdžanskom i engleskom jeziku, pri čemu su svi tekstovi jednako autentični. U slučaju razlika u tumačenju ovog sporazuma mjerodavan je tekst na engleskom jeziku.
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx x.x. Xxxxx Xxxxxx s.r.
1. Lični podaci koji se automatski obrađuju:
a) xxxxxxxxx se i obraditi na zakonom propisan način:
b) čuvaće se za određene zakonom propisane namjene i neće se upotrijebiti u neku drugu svrhu xxxx xx u suprotnosti sa xxx namjenama;
c) xxxx adekvatni, odgovarajući i prema namjeni za koju se čuvaju;
d) xxxx tačni i, xxxx xx to neophodno, ažurni;
e) čuvaće se u obliku koji omogućava utvrđivanje njihovog sadržaja, ne duže nego što je to neophodno za namjenu zbog koje se čuvaju.
2. Lični podaci u vezi sa rasnim porijeklom, političkim opredjeljenjem, vjerskim ubjeđenjem ili nekom drugom vrstom ubjeđenja, kao i oni u vezi sa zdravstvenim stanjem ili seksualnim životom, mogu se automatski obrađivati samo ako nacionalno zakonodavstvo za to predviđa odgovarajuću zaštitu. Isto se primjenjuje i na lične podatke koji se odnose na kriminalne radnje.
3. Ugovorne strane preduzeće odgovarajuće mjere zaštite ličnih podataka, koji se čuvaju u elektronskim zapisima, od neovlašćenog uništenja ili od slučajnog gubitka, kao i od svakog neovlašćenog pristupa, izmjene ili otkrivanja.
4. Xxxx xx se omogućiti:
a) da utvrdi da li postoji elektronski zapis sa ličnim podacima, njegovu osnovnu svrhu, kao i identitet i mjesto boravka ili glavno poslovno sjedište kontrolora zapisa;
b) da dobije, u razumnim periodima i bez prekomjernog odlaganja ili troškova, potvrdu o tome da li se njegovi lični podaci čuvaju u elektronskim zapisima, kao i da mu se ti podaci dostave u razumljivom obliku;
c) da, u zavisnosti od slučaja, ispravi ili izbriše takve podatke, ako su obrađeni u suprotnosti sa odredbama nacionalnog zakonodavstva, imajući u vidu osnovna načela iz st. 1 i 2 ovog Aneksa;
d) pravni lijek, ako nije dobio odgovor na zahtjev da mu se dostavi, ispravi ili izbriše neki podatak, a u skladu sa tač. b i c ovog stava.
5. Nijesu dozvoljena nikakva odstupanja od odredaba st. 1, 2 i 4 ovog Aneka, osim u okviru ograničenja definisanih u st. 6 i 7 ovog Aneksa.
6. Moguća su odstupanja od odredaba st. 1, 2 i 4 ovog Aneksa ako je takvo odstupanje predviđeno zakonom države ugovorne strane i ako predstavlja neophodnu mjeru u demokratskom društvu, a u interesu:
a) zaštite državne bezbjednosti, bezbjednosti građana, monetarnih interesa države ili sprječavanja kriminalnih radnji;
b) zaštite subjekata na koje se podaci odnose ili prava i xxxxxxx drugih lica.
7. Ograničenja u vezi sa ostvarivanjem prava navedenih u stavu 4 tač. b, c i d ovog Aneksa, sadržana su u propisima o elektronskim zapisima ličnih podataka koji se koriste za potrebe statistike ili u naučnoistraživačkom radu, xxxx xxxxx da će se podaci zloupotrijebiti ne postoji.
8. Svaka ugovorna strana preuzima obavezu da uvede odgovarajuće sankcije i pravna sredstva protiv kršenja odredaba iz nacionalnog zakonodavstva kojim su uređena osnovna načela iz ovog Aneksa.
9. Nijedna od odredaba ovog Aneksa neće se smatrati ograničavajućom, niti će uticati na mogućnost ugovorne strane da odobri xxxx xxxxx zaštite od onih koje su predviđene ovim Aneksom.
The Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan hereinafter referred to as “ the Contracting Parties”,
Considering that offences against customs legislation are prejudicial to the economic, commercial, financial, social and cultural interests of their countries;
Considering the importance of assuring the accurate assessment of customs duties and other taxes on the importation and exportation of goods, the correct determination of the tariff classification, value and origin of goods, as well as proper implementation of provisions relating to prohibitions, restrictions and control;
Considering that efforts to prevent offences against customs legislation and to ensure the precise recovery of duties, taxes and other charges can be more effective by means of cooperation between the Customs Administrations of the Contracting Parties;
Concerned about the increasing trends, and on a large scale, of the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and bearing in mind that they are a hazard for the public health and society;
Having regard to the appropriate international conventions strengthening mutual assistance as well as the Recommendations of the Customs Cooperation Council (World Customs Organization),
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of this Agreement:
a) “Customs legislation” shall mean any legal or regulatory provisions applicable by the customs authorities of the Contracting Parties in connection with the importation, exportation, transit, storage and circulation of goods, including means of payment, whether relating to customs duties, taxes or other charges levied and collected by the customs authorities, or to measures of prohibition, restriction or control;
b) “Customs payments” shall mean all duties, taxes, fees or any other charges which are levied and collected at the time of importation and exportation, in the territories of the states of the Contracting Parties in the application of Customs legislations, but not including the fees and charges which are limited in amount to the approximate costs of the services rendered;
c) “Customs offence” shall mean any violation or attempted violation of Customs legislation;
d) “Information” shall mean any data, whether or not processed or analyzed, and documents, reports and other communications in any format, including electronic, or certified or authenticated copies thereof;
e) “Personal data” shall mean any data concerning an identified or identifiable natural person;
f) “Controlled delivery” shall mean the technique of allowing illicit or suspect consignment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors and endangered species of wild flora and fauna, or other goods upon prior mutual consent, or substances substituted for
them, to pass out of, through or into the territories of the States of the Contracting Parties with the knowledge and under supervision of their competent authorities, for the purpose of detecting the persons committing the customs offence;
g) “Person” shall mean both natural and legal person, unless the context otherwise requires;
h) “Customs Administration” shall mean: for Montenegro the Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration and for the Republic of Azerbaijan – the State Customs Committee;
i) “Requesting Authority” shall mean the Customs Authority which makes a request for assistance pursuant to this Agreement or which receives such assistance;
j) “Requested Authority” shall mean the Customs Authority which receives a request for assistance pursuant to this Agreement or which renders such assistance;
k) “Narcotic drugs” shall mean: any substance natural or synthetic enumerated in lists I and II of the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961;
l) “Psychotropic substances” shall mean: any substance natural or synthetic enumerated in lists I, II, III and IV of the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971;
m) “Precursors” shall mean: controlled chemical substances used in the production of narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances enumerated in lists I and II of the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988.
Article 2
Scope of the Agreement
1. Assistance within the framework of this Agreement shall be rendered in accordance with the national legislation in force of the State of the requested Contracting Party and within the limits of its Customs Authority’s competence and available resources.
2. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall assist each other, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Agreement, in ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection, combating and investigation of customs offences.
3. The provisions of this Agreement shall not give rise to a right on the part of any person to impede the execution of a request.
Article 3
Scope of the assistance
1.The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall afford each other, either on request or on their own initiative, all available information and mutual assistance in accordance with the provisions set out in this Agreement:
a) in order to ensure that the Customs legislation is properly applied;
b) to ensure the proper assessment of customs duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the correct determination of the tariff classification, value and origin of goods for customs purposes;
c) in undertaking measures in order to facilitate and expedite the movement of passengers and the flow of goods;
d) in order to prevent, investigate and combat offences against Customs legislation;
e) in cases concerning delivery of documents regarding application of Customs legislation;
f) in the exchange of technical experience with the aim of promotion of work of the respective Customs Administrations.
2.Assistance, as provided within the framework of this Agreement, shall include, but not be limited to information related to:
a) enforcement actions that might be useful in preventing offences and, in particular, special means of combating offences;
b) new methods used in committing offences;
c) observations and findings resulting from the successful application of new enforcement aids and techniques.
Article 4 Assistance on request
1. Upon request of the requesting Authority, the requested Authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including, inter alia, information regarding the transportation and shipment of goods, the disposition and destination of such goods, their tariff classification, value and origin, as well as information regarding acts committed or planned which offence or would offence customs legislation.
2. Upon request of the requesting Authority, the requested Authority shall inform it whether goods exported from or imported into the territory of the State of the requesting Contracting Party have been properly imported into or exported from the territory of the State of the requested Contracting Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.
3. Upon request of the requesting Authority, the requested Authority within its competence shall take the necessary steps to ensure a surveillance of:
a) particular natural or legal persons of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are committing or have committed customs offences in the territory of the State of the requesting Contracting Party;
b) places where goods are stored in a way that gives ground for suspecting that they are intended to be illicitly imported into the territory of the State of the requesting Contracting Party;
c) movement of goods notified by the requesting Authority as possibly giving rise to customs offences in the territory of the State of the requesting Contracting Party;
d) means of transport for which there are responsible grounds for believing that they have been, are or may be used in committing customs offences in the territory of the State of the requesting Contracting Party.
Article 5 Spontaneous assistance
The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall within their competences provide each other with assistance, which they consider to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when they obtain information pertaining to:
a) acts which have offended, offend or could offend customs legislation and which may be of interest to the other Contracting Party;
b) new means or methods employed in committing customs offences;
c) goods known or suspected to be the subject of customs offences in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party;
d) particular persons known to be or suspected of committing customs offences in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party;
e) means of transport and containers, about which information or suspicion exists that they were, are, or could be used in committing customs offences in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party.
Article 6 Delivery/notification
Upon request of the requesting Authority, the requested Authority shall in accordance with the legislation of its State take all necessary measures in order:
a) to deliver all relevant documents,
b) to notify all relevant decisions
falling within the scope of this Agreement to an addressee, residing or established in the territory of its State. In such a case paragraph 3 of Article 7 of this Agreement shall apply.
Article 7
Form and substance of request for assistance
1. Requests pursuant to the present Agreement shall be made in writing. Documents necessary for the execution of such requests shall accompany the request. If required because of the urgency of the situation, oral request may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing immediately.
2. Requests made pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the following information:
a) the requesting Authority;
b) the measure requested;
c) the object of and the reason for the request;
d) the laws, rules and other legal elements involved;
e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons, to which the request relates;
f) summary of the relevant facts, except in cases provided for in Article 6 of this Agreement; and
g) the connection between the assistance sought and the matter to which it relates.
3. Requests shall be submitted in an official language of the requested Authority, in English or in a language acceptable to that Authority.
4. In case the requested Authority is not the appropriate agency to comply with a request, it shall promptly transmit the request to the appropriate agency, which shall act upon the request according to its powers under the national law, or advise the requesting Authority of the appropriate procedure to be followed regarding such a request.
5. If a request does not meet the formal requirements, its correction or completion may be demanded, the ordering of precautionary measures shall not be affected thereby.
Article 8 Execution of requests
1. The requested Authority shall take all reasonable measures to execute the request, and if required, will endeavour to seek any official or judicial measure necessary to carry out the request.
2. The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a customs offence, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
3. Upon request, the requested Authority may, to the fullest extent possible, allow officials of the requesting Authority to be present in the territory of the State of the requested Contracting Party, when its officials are investigating customs offences which are of concern to the requesting Authority.
4. An official of the Customs Administration of the requesting Contracting Party present on the territory of the State of the requested Contracting Party pursuant to this Agreement, shall act in
an advisory capacity only and shall under no circumstances actively participate in the investigation or exercise any legal or investigative powers granted to officials of the requested Contracting Party, neither shall meet with people being questioned nor take part in any investigative activity.
5. When, in the circumstances provided by this Agreement, officials of the Customs Administration of one Contracting Party are present on the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party, they must at all times be able to furnish proof of their official capacity. They must not wear uniform nor carry arms.
6. The requesting Authority shall, if it so requested, be advised of the time and place of the action to be taken in response to the request so that the action may be coordinated.
7. Officials of the requesting Authority, authorized to investigate customs offences, may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to the customs offences.
Article 9
The form in which information is to be communicated
1. The requested Authority shall communicate the results of enquiries to the requesting Authority in the form of documents, certified copies of documents, reports and the like and, when necessary, orally.
2. The documents provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article may be replaced by computerized information produced in any form for the same purpose, any information necessary for the interpretation or utilization of such computerized information shall be furnished along with it.
Article 10
Measures against illicit trafficking of sensitive goods
1. The Customs Authorities shall, on their own initiative or upon request, supply to each other all relevant information on any activity, carried out or planned, which constitute or appear to constitute an offence against the customs legislation of the state of one of the Contracting Parties concerning the illicit trafficking of:
a) traffic of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors;
b) traffic of weapons, ammunitions and explosives;
c) the movement of sensitive and strategic goods subject to special controls in accordance with the international treaties concerned and the relevant multilateral agreements and concurring non-proliferation obligations, to which the States of both Contracting Parties are members;
d) traffic of works of art and antiquity which are of significant historical, cultural or archaeological value for one of the Contracting Parties;
e) the movement of poisonous goods as well as goods or substances dangerous for the environment or public health;
f) traffic of goods subject to high customs duties, taxes or charges;
g) pirated and counterfeiting goods infringing intellectual property rights;
h) information concerning investigation and combating of customs offences, as well as the recovery of customs claims.
2. Information received under this Article might be transferred to the relevant governmental departments of the requesting Contracting Party. However, they shall not be transferred to third countries.
Article 11 Controlled delivery
1. In accordance with the national legislation, the Customs Administrations may, by mutual consent and within their competence, use controlled delivery with a view to identifying persons involved in committing customs offence in order to take legal action against them.
2. Decisions concerning the use of the controlled delivery procedure shall be made on a case-by-case basis and where necessary, in accordance with any arrangements or agreements which may have been reached concerning a particular case. They may, if necessary, and provided it is in conformity with the national legislation of the Contracting Parties take into account financial arrangements and understandings reached between both Contracting Parties.
Article 12
Use of information and documents and confidentiality
1. Any information communicated in whatever form pursuant to this Agreement may be used during the administrative, investigative and judicial proceedings. It shall not be used for purposes other than those specified in this Agreement. Obtained information may be used for other purposes solely with the prior written consent of the Customs Authorities which have furnished them and subject to any conditions or restrictions it may impose.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Such information may be communicated to the authorities of the State of the requesting Contracting Party, which are directly involved in combating illicit drug traffic. However, this information shall not be transferred to third countries without the prior written consent of the requested Customs Administration.
3. The Customs Administrations of the Contracting Parties may, in accordance with this Agreement, in their records of evidence, reports and testimonies, and in proceedings brought before courts, use as evidence information and documents obtained in accordance with this Agreement. The use made of such information and documents as evidence in courts and the weight to be attached thereto shall be determined in accordance with the national legislation of the State of the Contracting Party.
4. Any exchange of information, in any form whatsoever, made between the Customs Administrations pursuant to this Agreement shall be treated as confidential and it shall have the same right of protection granted to confidential information and documents in accordance with the national legislation of the Contracting Party that is providing said information.
5. Where personal data is exchanged pursuant to this Agreement the Contracting Parties shall ensure a standard of data protection at least equivalent to that resulting from the implementation of the principles in the Annex to this Agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 13
Files, documents, experts and witnesses
1. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall, upon request, provide documentation relating to the transportation and shipment of goods, showing the tariff classification, value, origin, dispositions and destination of those goods.
2. Originals of files, documents, and other materials shall be requested only in cases where copies would be insufficient. Upon specific request, copies of such files, documents, and other materials shall be appropriately authenticated.
3. Originals of files, documents, and other materials, which have been furnished to the requesting Authority, shall be returned at the earliest opportunity. The rights of the requested Authority or of third parties relating thereto shall remain unaffected. Upon request, originals necessary for adjudicative or similar purposes shall be returned without delay.
4. Upon the request of the Customs Authority of one Contracting Party, the Customs Administration of the other Contracting Party may authorize its officials, with their consent, to appear as experts or witnesses in administrative and judicial proceedings regarding offences prosecuted in the
territory of the State of the other Contracting Party. Such officials shall give evidence regarding facts established by them in the course of their duties. They shall provide files, documents or other materials or authenticated copies thereof, as may be considered essential for the proceedings.
5. The requesting Contracting Party is duty bound to take all necessary measures for the protection of the personal security of the officials during their stay in the territory of its State, under Paragraph 1 of this Article. The transport and daily expenses of these officials shall be covered by the requesting Customs Authority.
6. The request for the appearance must clearly indicate, in what case and in what capacity the official is to appear.
7. The official requested to appear as witness or expert has the privilege to refuse to give evidence or a statement, if he is entitled or obliged to do so by virtue of the national legislation of the requested Contracting Party or of the requesting Contracting Party.
8. The request for appearance of officials as experts or witnesses shall be made in accordance with the legislation in force in the territories of the States of the Contracting Parties.
Article 14
Exceptions from the liability to render assistance
1. Assistance and cooperation within the framework of this Agreement shall be rendered in accordance with the domestic legislation of the Requested Country and within the competence and resources of its Customs Administration.
2. If the Requested Customs Administration considers the compliance with the request of assistance and cooperation would be prejudicial to the sovereignty, security or other essential interests of its State, it may refuse to provide it, or may provide it only if certain conditions are met.
3. If assistance is refused, the refusal shall be notified in writing to the requesting Contracting Party without delay.
4. Assistance may be postponed by the requested Customs Administration on the ground that it will interfere with an ongoing investigation, prosecution or proceeding.
Article 15 Technical assistance
1. Assistance, as provided for in this Agreement, shall include, inter alia, the provision of information regarding:
a) enforcement actions that may be of use in the prevention of customs offences and, in particular, special means of combating customs offences;
b) new methods used in committing customs offences;
c) observations and findings resulting from the successful application of new enforcement aids and techniques; and
d) new techniques and improved methods of processing passengers and cargo.
2. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall, if not contrary to their national law, also seek to cooperate in:
a) initiating, developing or improving specific training programs for their personnel;
b) establishing and maintaining channels of communication between them in order to facilitate the secure and rapid exchange of information;
c) facilitating effective coordination between them, including the exchange of personnel, experts and the posting of liaison officers;
d) the consideration and testing of new equipment or procedures;
e) the simplification and harmonization of their respective customs procedures; and
f) any other general administrative matters that may from time to time require their joint action.
Article 16 Costs
1. The Contracting Parties shall waive all claims for reimbursement of costs incurred in the execution of this Agreement, with the exception of costs incurred in respect of witnesses, experts’ fees and interpreters other than government employees.
2. If the case requires extraordinary or essential costs to fulfill the request, the Contracting Parties shall take advice from each other in order to decide on the terms and conditions in accordance with which the request shall be made as well as the way of bearing such costs.
3. Costs resulting from the technical assistance mentioned in Article 15 of this Agreement shall be subject to special arrangements between the Customs Administration of the Contracting Parties.
Article 17 Settlement of disputes
1. All disputes arising from the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Agreement shall be settled through direct consultations between the Customs Administrations of the Contracting Parties.
2. Disputes for which no solutions are found in accordance with the consultations referred to in item 1 of this Article shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 18 Amendments and additions
By mutual consent of the Contracting Parties amendments and additions may be made to the present Agreement in the form of separate protocols being an integral part of the present Agreement and entering into force in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 21 of the present Agreement.
Article 19 Implementation
1. Implementation of this Agreement shall be entrusted to the Customs Administrations. Those Administrations shall mutually agree on detailed arrangements for that purpose, taking into consideration the legislation in the field of data protection in force in the territory of the State of each Contracting Party.
2. The Customs Administrations may also arrange for their enforcement services to be in direct communication with each other.
Article 20 Territorial applicability
The Agreement shall be applicable in the customs territory of Montenegro and in the customs territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 21
Entry into force and termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of the receipt of last notification by which the Contracting Parties inform each other, through diplomatic channels, that the necessary national procedures have been completed for the entry into force of this Agreement.
2. The present Agreement is concluded for indefinite period of time. Either Contracting Party shall notify the other Contracting Party in written form through diplomatic channels of its
intentions to terminate this Agreement. The Agreement shall cease to apply six months following the receipt of such notification by the other Contracting Party.
Done at Baku, on October 27, 2015, in two original copies, in the Montenegrin, Azerbaijani and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
1. Personal data undergoing automatic processing shall be:
a) obtained and processed fairly and lawfully;
b) stored for specified and legitimate purposes and not used in a way incompatible with those purposes;
c) adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are
d) accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
e) preserved in a form that permits identification of the data subjects for no longer than is
required for the purpose for which those data are stored.
2. Personal data revealing racial origin, political opinions or religious or other beliefs, as well as personal data concerning health or sexual life, may not be processed automatically unless domestic law provides appropriate safeguards. The same shall apply to personal data relating to criminal convictions.
3. The Contracting Parties shall undertake appropriate security measures for the protection of personal data stored in automated data files against unauthorized destruction or accidental loss, as well as against unauthorized access, alteration or dissemination.
4. Any person shall be enabled:
a) to establish the existence of an automated personal data file, its main purposes, as well as the identity and habitual residence or principal place of business of the controller of the file;
b) to obtain at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay or expense confirmation of whether personal data relating to him are stored in the automated data file as well as communication to him of such data in an intelligible form;
c) to obtain, as the case may be, rectification or erasure of such data if they have been processed contrary to the provisions of domestic law giving effect to the basic principles set out under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Annex;
d) to have remedy if a request for confirmation or, as the case may be, communication, rectification or erasure as referred to in subparagraphs b) and c) of this paragraph is not complied with.
5. No exception to the provisions under paragraphs l, 2 and 4 of this Annex shall be allowed except within the limits defined in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Annex.
6. Derogation from the provisions under paragraphs l, 2 and 4 of this Annex shall be allowed when such derogation is provided for by the law of the Contracting Party and constitutes a necessary measure in a democratic society in the interest of:
a) protecting State security, public safety, the monetary interest of the State or the suppression of criminal offences;
b) protecting the data subject or the rights and freedoms of others.
7. Restrictions on the exercise of the rights specified in paragraph 4, subparagraphs b), c) and d) of this Annex, may be provided by law with respect to automated personal data files used for statistics or for scientific research purposes where there is obviously no risk of an infringement of the privacy of the data subjects.
8. Each Contracting Party undertakes to establish appropriate sanctions and remedies for violations of provisions of domestic law giving effect to the basic principles set out in this Annex.
9. None of the provisions of this Annex shall be interpreted as limiting or otherwise affecting the possibility for a Contracting Party to grant data subjects with a wider measure of protection than that stipulated in this Annex.
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