Opći uvjeti rezervacije i kupnje karte za charter let Nica - Zadar
Opći uvjeti rezervacije i kupnje karte za charter let Nica - Zadar
General conditions for booking and purchasing a ticket for a charter flight Nice - Zadar
Ovi Opći uvjeti poslovanja (dalje u tekstu: Opći uvjeti) sastavni su dio Ugovora o putovanju charter letom Nica - Zadar, 30.9.2024. (dalje u tekstu: Ugovor) sklopljenog između tvrtke Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. kao organizatora putovanja s jedne strane ( dalje u tekstu: Organizator) i Ugovaratelja putovanja (dalje u tekstu: Ugovaratelj) s druge strane.
Uz ove Opće uvjete, sastavni dio Ugovora čini i Program putovanja charter letom Nica - Zadar 30.9.2024. (dalje u tekstu: Program putovanja).
Ovi Opći uvjeti vrijede samo za charter letove u xxxxxx xx tvrtka Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. organizator. Stoga se ovi Opći uvjeti ne primjenjuju u slučaju da Organizator posreduje i/ili prodaje usluge drugih turističkih agencija. U slučaju da Organizator posreduje i/ili prodaje usluge drugih turističkih agencija, u Ugovoru će biti naznačena odgovorna agencija za putovanje te će se primjenjivati opći uvjeti te agencije a koje će Organizator učiniti dostupnima Ugovaratelju. Smatra se da se primjenjuju Opći uvjeti Organizatora ako u Ugovoru nije drugačije određeno.
Izrazi koji se koriste u ovim Općim uvjetima, a imaju rodno značenje odnose se jednako na ženski i muški rod. Ujedno, svi izrazi koji se koriste u ovim Općim uvjetima primjenjuju se na oblike u jednini kao i u množini tih izraza. Značenje pojedinih izraza kako su određeni ovim Općim uvjetima, primjenjuje se i kada se ti izrazi koriste u drugim dokumentima i/ili ispravama Organizatora, osim ako u xxx dokumentima i/ili ispravama nije drugačije određeno.
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as General Terms) are an integral part of the Agreement on travel by charter flight Nice - Zadar, September 30, 2024. (hereinafter: Contract) concluded between the company Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. as a travel organiser on the one hand (hereinafter: the Organizer) and the Travel Contractor (hereinafter: the Contractor) on the other hand.
In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, the Charter Flight Program Nice - Zadar on September 30, 2024, is also an integral part of the Agreement. (hereinafter: Travel Program).
These General Terms and Conditions apply only to charter flights in which the company Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. acts as an organiser. Therefore, these General Terms and Conditions do not apply if the Organizer mediates and/or sells the services of other travel agencies. If the Organizer mediates and/or sells the services of other travel agencies, the responsible travel agency will be indicated in the Contract and the general terms and conditions of that agency will apply, which the Organizer will make available to the Contractor. It is considered that the General Terms and Conditions of the Organizer apply unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.
Terms used in these General Terms and Conditions, which have a gendered meaning, refer equally to the female and male genders. At the same time, all expressions used in these General Conditions apply to the singular and plural forms of these expressions. The meaning of certain terms as determined by these General Terms and Conditions also applies when these terms are used in other documents and/or documents of the Organizer unless otherwise specified in those documents and/or documents.
Pojedini pojmovi u smislu ovih Općih uvjeta imaju sljedeće značenje:
„Organizator“ znači tvrtka Jadranski skiperi d.o.o., sa sjedištem na adresi Xxxxxx 00x, 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, XXX: 04890438022
„Ugovaratelj“ znači svaki subjekt xxxx xxxx sklopiti i/ili je sklopio Ugovor s Organizatorom u svoju korist i/ili u korist jednog i/ili više Putnika
„Putnik“ znači svaka osoba koja temeljem sklopljenog Ugovora ostvaruje pravo putovanja iz tog ugovora.
„Opći uvjeti“ označavaju ove Opće uvjete a znače skup unaprijed propisanih uvjeta poslovanja koji se primjenjuju na paket-aranžmane, charter letove i organizacije sudjelovanja na sajmu Organizatora
„Posebni uvjeti“ znači skup unaprijed propisanih uvjeta poslovanja koji se, uz Opće uvjete, primjenjuju na paket-aranžmane Organizatora a vezano za putovanja u pojedine destinacije i/ili pojedinu vrstu putovanja i to xxxx xx njihova primjena unaprijed naznačena Programom putovanja i/ili Ugovorom
Danom dostave/primitka bilo kakve obavijesti/informacije koju treba zaprimiti Organizator smatra se isključivo onaj xxx xxxx Organizator pisanim putem ili korištenjem drugih sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka, zaprimi obavijest/informaciju. Ako Ugovaratelj dostavu obavijesti/informacije vrši posredstvom pošte, pismeno je potrebno dostaviti preporučenom poštom s povratnicom.
Izrazi koji se koriste u ovim Općim uvjetima se tumače u skladu sa Zakonom, osim ako ovim Općim uvjetima nije izričito određeno drugačije.
Certain terms in terms of these General Terms and Conditions have the following meaning:
"Organizer" means the company Jadranski skiperi d.o.o., with headquarters at Gradna 00x, 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, ID: 04890438022
"Contractor" means any entity that wants to conclude and/or has concluded a Contract with the Organizer for its own benefit and/or for the benefit of one and/or more Travelers
"Traveler" means any person who, based on the concluded Contract, exercises the right to travel from that contract.
"General terms and conditions" means these General terms and conditions, which mean a set of pre-prescribed business conditions that apply to package arrangements, charter flights and organizations participating in the Organizer's fair
"Special Conditions" means a set of pre-prescribed business conditions which, in addition to the General Conditions, apply to the Organizer's package arrangements and are related to travel to individual destinations and/or a specific type of travel, when their application is indicated in advance by the Travel Program and/or the Contract
The date of delivery/receipt of any notification/information to be received by the Organizer is considered exclusively the day when the Organizer receives the notification/information in writing or using other means that have the character of a permanent data carrier. If the Contractor delivers the notification/information by mail, the written document must be delivered by registered mail with a return receipt.
Terms used in these General Terms and Conditions are interpreted following the Law unless these General Terms and Conditions expressly provide otherwise.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx skiperi d.o.o. kao organizator putovanja jamči provedbu Programa putovanja prema opisu u programu koji organizira i koji je objavljen na web stranici xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/. Sadržaj programa Organizator će ostvariti u potpunosti i na opisani način, osim u slučaju izvanrednih okolnosti (npr., no ne i isključivo, rat, nemiri, štrajkovi, terorističke aktivnosti, sanitarni poremećaji, elementarne nepogode, prometne nezgode, iznenadni i neuobičajeni zastoji u prometu, intervencije nadležnih vlasti, situacije koje su izvan kontrole Organizatora, poremećaji u rasporedu i kašnjenja prijevoznih sredstava, vremenske neprilike, epidemije, pandemije i sl.). Iznimno, pojedine destinacije zahtijevaju prilagodbe i improvizacije na terenu, stoga se Program putovanja pri izvedbi može razlikovati od objavljenog.
Ako nije drugačije određeno, svi uvjeti naznačeni u Programu putovanja a koji se tiču propisa o putnim ispravama, viza, deviznih, graničnih, carinskih i zdravstvenih propisa i sl. isključivo vrijede za hrvatske državljane. Državljani drugih država imaju pravo putovati s Organizatorom, uz uvjete koji su, obzirom na njihovo državljanstvo, propisani xx xxxxxx država polazišta, tranzita i odredišta. Prije prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana, charter leta, strani državljani dužni su provjeriti sve uvjete putovanja.
The company Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. as a travel organizer, guarantees the implementation of the Travel Program according to the description in the program it organizes and which is published
on the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/. The content of the program will be realized by the Organizer in full and in the manner described, except in case of extraordinary circumstances (e.g., but not exclusively, war, riots, strikes, terrorist activities, sanitary disturbances, natural disasters, traffic accidents, sudden and unusual traffic jams, interventions by competent authorities, situations beyond the Organizer's control, disruptions in the schedule and delays of means of transport, weather problems, epidemics, pandemics, etc.). Exceptionally, some destinations require adjustments and improvisations on the ground, therefore the Travel Program may differ from the published one.
Unless otherwise specified, all conditions indicated in the Travel Program regarding regulations on travel documents, visas, foreign exchange, border, customs and health regulations, etc., are exclusively valid for Croatian citizens. Citizens of other countries have the right to travel with the Organizer, subject to the conditions that, given their citizenship, are prescribed by the countries of departure, transit and destination. Before applying for a package-arrangement reservation, or a charter flight, foreign nationals are required to check all travel conditions.
Ugovaratelj može svoj upit i/ili prijavu za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana iz ponude Organizatora dostaviti Organizatoru putem web stranice xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ i/ili elektroničkom poštom Organizatora: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. Prilikom prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx dostaviti Organizatoru sve točne podatke i priložiti dokumente Ugovaratelja/svih Putnika koji su potrebni za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja. Dostavljeni podaci i dokumenti moraju odgovarati valjanim osobnim dokumentima Ugovaratelja/Putnika koje će koristiti prilikom realizacije putovanja. Organizator nije odgovoran za zaprimanje, korištenje i/ili prosljeđivanje netočnih ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika. Ugovaratelj koji prilikom prijave ne stavi Organizatoru na raspolaganje točne i/ili potpune podatke i/ili dokumente Ugovaratelja/Putnika, odgovara za sve posljedice i troškove proizašle iz korištenja netočnih i/ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata. U slučaju dostave netočnih ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika, Organizator može raskinuti Ugovor s učinkom kao da ga je raskinuo Ugovaratelj i od Ugovaratelja zahtijevati isplatu svih nastalih troškova i štete. U slučaju da Ugovaratelj ne dostavi podatke i/ili dokumente u skladu sa uvjetima i rokovima Ugovora, smatrati će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U slučaju bilo kakve promjene podataka Ugovaratelja/Putnika a koji su potrebni za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja i/ili dokumenata koje će Ugovaratelj/Putnik koristiti prilikom realizacije putovanja, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx bez odgađanja dostaviti Organizatoru nove podatke i/ili dokumente. U suprotnom će se
smatrati xxxx xx dostavio netočne podatke i/ili dokumente, te će se primijeniti pravila koja vrijede za dostavu netočnih podataka i/ili dokumenata.
Po prijavi za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta, Ugovaratelj i Organizator sklopiti će Ugovor a koji ujedno služi i kao potvrda rezervacije. Ugovor se smatra sklopljenim kada ga Ugovaratelj i Organizator potpišu ili na drugi način jasno i nedvosmisleno potvrde svoju suglasnost korištenjem sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka (putem web stranice xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ i/ili elektroničkom poštom xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx, ili pak stavljanjem na raspolaganje broja kreditne kartice, uplatom na račun i sl.). Ugovor proizvodi pravne učinke i obvezuje Organizatora tek ako i kada Organizator po danoj ponudi u roku određenom od Organizatora, xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja na svoj poslovni račun zaprimi ukupan iznos xxxxxx po putniku charter leta određen Programom putovanja. Ako Ugovaratelj ne izvrši uplatu ukupnog iznosa prema ispostavljenoj ponudi i u skladu s naznačenim uvjetima, smatrati će se da je otkazao prijavu za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta.
Sklapanjem Ugovora Ugovaratelj potvrđuje xxxx xx u potpunosti upoznat sa svim karakteristikama izabranog putovanja, te da u cijelosti razumije i prihvaća Ugovor, Program putovanja, Posebne uvjete (ukoliko se primjenjuju) i ove Opće uvjete. Ukoliko Ugovaratelj ugovara putovanje za drugog Putnika/druge Putnike, sklapanjem Ugovora potvrđuje xxxx xx sa svim navedenim u potpunosti upoznao Putnika/Putnike, te jamči da isti u cijelosti razumiju i prihvaćaju Ugovor, Program putovanja, Posebne uvjete (ukoliko se primjenjuju) i ove Opće uvjete. Ugovaratelj preuzima obvezu upoznati Putnika/Putnike sa svim dodatnim informacijama koje dobije u daljnjem kontaktu s Organizatorom.
The Contractor can submit his inquiry and/or application for booking a package arrangement from the Organizer’s offer to the Organizer via the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ and/or via the Organizer's e-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. When applying for the reservation of a package arrangement, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Organizer with all correct information and attach the documents of the Contractor/all Travelers that are necessary for the organization and implementation of the trip. The submitted data and documents must correspond to the valid personal documents of the Contractor/Traveler that will be used during the trip. The Organizer is not responsible for receiving, using and/or forwarding incorrect or incomplete data and/or documents of the Contractor/Traveler. The Contractor who does not make the correct and/or complete data and/or documents of the Contractor/Traveler available to the Organizer
during the application is responsible for all consequences and costs resulting from the use of incorrect and/or incomplete data and/or documents. In case of delivery of incorrect or incomplete data and/or documents by the Contractor/Traveller, the Organizer may terminate the Agreement with the effect that it was terminated by the Contractor and demand payment of all incurred costs and damages from the Contractor. If the Contractor does not submit data and/or documents following the terms and conditions of the Agreement, it will be considered that he has terminated the Agreement, in which case the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply. In the event of any change in the information of the Contractor/Traveler, which is necessary for organizing and realizing the trip and/or documents that the Contractor/Traveler will use during the realization of the trip, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Organizer with new information and/or documents without delay. Otherwise, he will be considered to have submitted incorrect data and/or documents, and the rules applicable to the submission of incorrect data and/or documents will be applied.
Upon application for the reservation of a package arrangement and/or charter flight, the Contractor and the Organizer will conclude a Contract, which also serves as a confirmation of the reservation. The contract is considered concluded when the Contractor and the Organizer sign it or otherwise clearly and unequivocally confirm their agreement using means that have the character of a permanent data carrier (via the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ and/or by email xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx, or by providing a credit card number, payment to an account, etc.). The contract produces legal effects and binds the Organizer only if and when the Organizer receives the total amount of the cost per passenger of the charter flight determined by the Travel Program from the Contractor to his business account, according to the given offer, within the deadline set by the Organizer. If the Contractor does not make the payment of the total amount according to the submitted offer and following the indicated conditions, it will be considered that he has cancelled the application for booking a package arrangement and/or charter flight.
By concluding the Contract, the Contractor confirms that he is fully familiar with all the characteristics of the selected trip and that he fully understands and accepts the Contract, the Travel Program, Special Conditions (if applicable) and these General Conditions. If the Contractor contracts a trip for another Passenger/other Passengers, by concluding the Agreement, he confirms that he has fully familiarized the Passenger/Passengers with all of the above, and guarantees that they fully understand and accept the Agreement, the Travel Program, Special Conditions (if applicable) and these General Terms and Conditions conditions. The Contractor undertakes to inform the Passenger/Passengers with all additional information obtained in further contact with the Organizer.
Osim ako Ugovorom, Programom putovanja i/ili Posebnim uvjetima (ukoliko se primjenjuju) nije predviđeno drugačije, Ugovaratelj može platiti usluge Organizatora bankovnom doznakom u korist poslovnog računa Organizatora, kreditnim/debitnim karticama koje prihvaća Organizator.
Sve troškove, naknade i provizije nastale u vezi novčanih transakcija i/ili kartičnog plaćanja, snosi Ugovaratelj.
Danom uplate smatra se xxx xxxx se na poslovnom računu Organizatora zabilježi uplata Ugovaratelja.
Pravilno i pravodobno podmirenje svih troškova prema uvjetima Ugovora, Programa putovanja, Posebnih uvjeta i/ili ovih Općih uvjeta, jamče Ugovaratelju/Putniku raspoloživo mjesto na izabranom putovanju i/ili charter letu. U slučaju neispunjenja te obveze, smatrat će se da je Ugovaratelj raskinuo Ugovor, te se primjenjuju odredbe koje vrijede u slučaju raskida Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja.
Unless the Contract, Travel Program and/or Special Conditions (if applicable) provide otherwise, the Contractor may pay for the Organizer's services by bank transfer to the Organizer's business account, credit/debit cards accepted by the Organizer.
All costs, fees and commissions incurred in connection with monetary transactions and/or card payments are borne by the Contractor.
The day of payment is considered the day when the Contractor's payment is recorded on the Organizer's business account.
Correct and timely settlement of all costs according to the terms of the Contract, Travel Program, Special Conditions and/or these General Conditions guarantee the Contractor/Traveler an available seat on the selected trip and/or charter flight. In case of non-fulfilment of this obligation, the Contractor shall be deemed to have terminated the Agreement, and the provisions applicable in the event of termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply.
Cijena paket-aranžmana, i/ili charter leta određena je Programom putovanja i istaknuta je u Ugovoru, a uključuje usluge Organizatora koje su u Programu putovanja navedene pod odjeljkom „Cijena uključuje“.
Cijene paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta objavljene su u valuti xxxx xx u primjeni u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cijene paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta vrijede od datuma objave Programa putovanja.
Cijene navedene u Programu putovanja temelje se na cijenama ugovorenim između Organizatora i njihovih dobavljača/pružatelja usluga, xx xxxxx ne moraju odgovarati cijenama navedenim na odredištu koje je predmet putovanja. Organizator nije xxxxx objašnjavati troškove i način izračuna cijene pojedinih usluga.
Sklapanjem Ugovora Ugovaratelj potvrđuje xxxx xx upoznat s činjenicom da cijena paket-aranžmana i/ili charter xxxx xxxx biti drugačija za druge Ugovaratelje, a uslijed akcija i promocija Organizatora, s ciljem poboljšanja prodaje paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta i popunjavanja slobodnih mjesta (npr. posebne ponude pod nazivom „First minute“, „Last minute“ i sl.). Ugovaratelj koji je uplatio paket-aranžman i/ili charter let po punoj cijeni nema pravo na povrat razlike cijene paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta.
Svi primjenjivi popusti izričito su navedeni u Ugovoru. Mogući popusti i pogodnosti međusobno se uvijek isključuju i nikad se ne zbrajaju i u xxx slučaju Ugovaratelj može izabrati popust ili pogodnost koja mu najviše odgovara i za koju ispunjava uvjete. Popust se obračunava isključivo na dio cijene bez obveznih ili dodatnih doplata, odnosno na dio iz kojeg su isključene boravišne pristojbe, zrakoplovne pristojbe, xxxxx pristojbe, ili slično, ili dodatne odnosno posebne usluge (prehrana, izleti, prijevoz i sl.).
Organizator ne odobrava povrat sredstava Ugovaratelja/Putnika za bilo koju ugovorenu uslugu koju Ugovaratelj/Putnik nije iskoristio svojom odlukom ili krivnjom.
Nakon sklapanja Ugovora Organizator smije povećati ugovorenu cijenu najkasnije 15 xxxx prije početka putovanja, ako je povećanje cijene izravna posljedica promjene:
● cijene prijevoza putnika koje su proizašle iz troškova goriva ili drugih izvora energije
● visine poreza ili naknada za usluge putovanja obuhvaćene ugovorom koje određuju treće osobe koje nisu izravno uključene u izvršenje paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta,
uključujući turističke poreze, pristojbe za slijetanje ili naknade za ukrcaj ili iskrcaj u lukama i zračnim lukama
● deviznih tečajeva koji su relevantni za paket-aranžman i/ili charter let
● cijene smještaja, prehrane i/ili drugih usluga
Povećanje cijena se izračunava u istom postotku u kojem xx xxxxx do promjene navedenih kalkulativnih elemenata.
Organizator povećanje može izvršiti jednostrano, ukoliko xx xxx manje od 80%, no o tome će posredstvom trajnog nosača podataka, xx xxxxx i razumljiv način obavijestiti Ugovaratelja, uz obrazloženje tog povećanja i izračun.
Ako je povećanje ugovorene ukupne cijene paket-aranžmana i/ili charter xxxx xxxx od 80%, Ugovaratelj ima pravo raskinuti Ugovor. Ugovaratelj u xxx slučaju ima pravo na povrat uplaćenog iznosa bez prava na naknadu štete i eventualnih troškova vize, osiguranja, cijepljenja i sl. Organizator će posredstvom trajnog nosača podataka o takvom povećanju (većem od 80%) xx xxxxx i razumljiv način obavijestiti Ugovaratelja, uz obrazloženje tog povećanja i izračun, a uz uputu Ugovaratelju da se u roku od 2 xxxx od primitka pisane obavijesti na isti način očituje prihvaća li predloženu izmjenu ili pak raskida Ugovor. Ako Ugovaratelj u roku od 2 xxxx xx xxxxxx obavijesti Organizatora o povećanju cijene ne dostavi Organizatoru pisanu obavijest o raskidu Ugovora, smatra se da je suglasan s povećanjem cijene.
Zrakoplovne pristojbe podložne su promjeni do xxxx izdavanja zrakoplovne karte.
The price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight is determined by the Travel Program and is highlighted in the Agreement, and includes the Organizer's services, which are listed in the Travel Program under the "Price includes" section.
Prices of package arrangements and/or charter flights are published in the currency in use in the Republic of Croatia. Prices of package arrangements and/or charter flights are valid from the date of publication of the Travel Program.
The prices listed in the Travel Program are based on the prices agreed between the Organizers and their suppliers/service providers, and therefore do not have to correspond to the prices listed
at the destination that is the subject of the trip. The organizer is not obliged to explain the costs and the method of calculating the price of individual services.
By entering into the Agreement, the Contractor confirms that he is aware of the fact that the price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight may be different for other Contractors, due to actions and promotions of the Organizer, with the aim of improving the sale of package arrangements and/or charter flights and filling vacancies ( e.g. special offers called "First minute", "Last minute" etc.). The contractor who paid for a package arrangement and/or charter flight at full price is not entitled to a refund of the difference in the price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight.
All applicable discounts are expressly stated in the Agreement. Possible discounts and benefits are always mutually exclusive and are never added together, and in that case, the Contractor can choose the discount or benefit that suits him best and for which he meets the conditions. The discount is calculated exclusively on the part of the price without mandatory or additional surcharges, i.e. on the part from which residence taxes, airport taxes, port taxes, or the like, or additional or special services (meals, excursions, transportation, etc.) are excluded.
The Organizer does not approve the refund of the Contractor's/Traveler's funds for any contracted service that the Contractor/Traveler did not use due to his own decision or fault.
After concluding the Agreement, the Organizer may increase the agreed price no later than 15 days before the start of the trip, if the price increase is a direct consequence of the change:
passenger transportation costs resulting from fuel costs or other energy sources
amounts of taxes or fees for travel services covered by the contract determined by third parties who are not directly involved in the execution of the package arrangement and/or charter flight, including tourist taxes, landing fees or fees for embarkation or disembarkation in ports and airports
exchange rates that are relevant for the package arrangement and/or charter flight prices of accommodation, meals and/or other services
The price increase is calculated in the same percentage as the change in the listed calculation elements.
The organizer can make the increase unilaterally if it is less than 80%, but he will inform the Contractor about this through a permanent data carrier in a clear and comprehensible way, along with the explanation of the increase and the calculation.
If the increase in the agreed total price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight is greater than 80%, the Contractor has the right to terminate the Agreement. In this case, the Contractor has the right to a refund of the amount paid without the right to compensation for damages and possible costs of visas, insurance, vaccinations, etc. The Organizer will inform the Contractor in a clear and comprehensible manner by means of a permanent data carrier about such an increase (greater than 80%), with the explanation of that increase and the calculation, and with the instruction to the Contractor that within 2 days of receipt of the written notification, he should state in the same way whether he accepts the proposed change or terminates the Agreement. If the Contractor does not provide the Organizer with a written notice of termination of the Agreement within 2 days of the Organizer's written notification of the price increase, he is considered to have agreed to the price increase.
Airline fees are subject to change until the day the air ticket is issued.
Ponuđeni smještajni objekti, restorani, prijevozna sredstva i druge usluge u Programima putovanja i/ili charter letovima opisani su prema službenoj kategorizaciji zemlje koja se posjećuje, važećoj u trenutku izdavanja Programa putovanja. Standardi smještaja, prehrane, prijevoznih sredstava, kao i drugih usluga u ponudi različitih pružatelja usluga pod nadzorom su mjesnih turističkih uprava, a standardi tih usluga među zemljama su različiti i nisu usporedivi. Organizator ne preuzima odgovornost za usmenu ili pismenu informaciju koja nije u skladu s opisom usluga i objekata u objavljenim programima, a xxxx xx dobivena xx xxxxxx treće osobe.
Ako nije drugačije određeno, u cijenu paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta uključene su zrakoplovne karte za zračni prijevoz ekonomskom klasom. Cijena pojedinog paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta vrijedi za jednu osobu.
Prema pravilima avio prijevoznika, u pogledu grupnih putovanja, Organizator nije u mogućnosti izvršiti online check-in putnika za let. Organizator za svako putovanje dostavlja avio prijevozniku popis Putnika, kao i posebne zahtjeve Putnika. Organizator nije ovlašten raditi raspored sjedenja u zrakoplovu, već je to u isključivoj nadležnosti avio prijevoznika. U slučaju situacije da parovi ne sjede zajedno, moguće je zatražiti promjenu sjedala prilikom check-in-a na aerodromu, no Organizator ni na xxxx xxxxx nije odgovoran u slučaju nemogućnosti promjene sjedala. Ugovaratelj/Putnik svoj prigovor može uputiti isključivo neposrednom pružatelju usluge, avio prijevozniku.
The offered accommodation facilities, restaurants, means of transport and other services in the Travel Programs and/or charter flights are described according to the official categorization of the country being visited, valid at the time of issuing the Travel Program. The standards of accommodation, food, means of transport, as well as other services offered by different service providers, are under the supervision of local tourist authorities, and the standards of these services are different between countries and are not comparable. The organizer does not assume responsibility for oral or written information that is not in accordance with the description of services and facilities in the published programs, and which was obtained by a third party.
Unless otherwise specified, the price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight includes airline tickets for air transportation in economy class. The price of an individual package arrangement and/or charter flight is valid for one person.
According to airline rules, regarding group travel, the Organizer is not able to perform online check-in of passengers for the flight. For each trip, the organizer submits to the airline the list of Passengers, as well as the Passenger's special requests. The organizer is not authorized to make the seating arrangement on the plane, but that is the exclusive responsibility of the airline. If the couples are not sitting together, it is possible to request a change of seat during check-in at the airport, but the Organizer is not responsible in any way in case of impossibility of changing the seat. The Contractor/Passenger can send his complaint exclusively to the direct service provider, the airline.
Dodatne usluge su usluge koje u pravilu nisu uključene u osnovnu cijenu paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta, poput smještaja, usluga fakultativnih (neobaveznih) izleta i posjeta, ulaznica, pribavljanja i/ili posredovanja pri pribavljanju viza i/ili drugih dokumenata potrebnih za ulaz u, boravak ili izlaz iz pojedine zemlje, posredovanja pri pribavljanju osiguranja povezanih s
putovanjem (putno osiguranje), sve vrste posebnih usluga. Ovim nabrajanjem ne finalizira se ukupna lista mogućih dodatnih i posebnih usluga povezanih s pojedinim putovanjem.
Programom putovanja odredit će se dodatne usluge koje je Organizator u mogućnosti pružiti Ugovaratelju/Putniku u sklopu pojedinog putovanja, kao i cijene tih usluga.
Dodatne usluge predviđene Programom putovanja Ugovaratelj može rezervirati prilikom prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta.
Sve vrste posebnih usluga, kao i usluge koje nisu predviđene Programom putovanja, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx zatražiti/provjeriti njihovu dostupnost odnosno mogućnost pružanja prije prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta.
Ako nije drugačije određeno, troškovi rezerviranih dodatnih i posebnih usluga podmiruju se sukladno uvjetima i rokovima plaćanja osnovne cijene paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta.
Za pojedine dodatne i posebne usluge može biti određeno da se plaćaju tek po dolasku u destinaciju.
Ako nije drugačije određeno, izbor i/ili promjena te uplata dodatnih usluga može se izvršiti najkasnije 15 xxxx prije xxxx početka putovanja.
Organizator nije odgovoran za promjene cijena dodatnih usluga xx xxxxxx dobavljača/pružatelja usluga do kojih dođe nakon njihove objave u sklopu Programa putovanja i/ili charter leta, u kojem slučaju zadržava pravo njihove korekcije.
Organizator može, u Programu putovanja, ili pak na upit Ugovaratelja/Putnika upućen prije početka putovanja ili za vrijeme trajanja putovanja preporučiti pojedine dodatne usluge u destinaciji a koje Ugovaratelj/Putnik plaća na licu mjesta. U xxx slučaju tvrtka Jadranski skiperi
d.o.o. ne nastupa kao organizator, xxxx xxx posrednik, bez obzira na pomoć koju će eventualno voditelj putovanja i/ili drugi predstavnik Organizatora pružiti Ugovaratelju/Putniku u pribavljanju te usluge, već isključivo samo kao informator. U xxx slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik može uputiti reklamacijske zahtjeve isključivo prema neposrednom pružatelju usluge.
Ugovaratelj će prije putovanja biti obaviješten o cijenama svih dodatnih usluga iz Programa putovanja i/ili charter leta.
Osim ako nije drugačije određeno, Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx samostalno izvršiti izbor dodatnih usluga koje želi koristiti.
Unutar i izvan službenog Programa putovanja i/ili charter leta, ne postoji obveza voditelja putovanja ili drugog predstavnika Organizatora da provodi vrijeme sa Ugovarateljem/Putnikom. Neovisno o ovoj odredbi, voditelj putovanja ili drugi predstavnik Organizatora u svakoj će situaciji nastojati izaći u susret Ugovaratelju/Putniku.
Additional services are services that, as a rule, are not included in the basic price of a package arrangement and/or charter flight, such as accommodation, services of optional (optional) excursions and visits, tickets, obtaining and/or mediation in obtaining visas and/or other documents necessary for entry into, stay or exit from a particular country, mediation in obtaining travel-related insurance (travel insurance), all kinds of special services. This enumeration does not finalize the total list of possible additional and special services related to a particular trip.
The travel program will determine the additional services that the Organizer can provide to the Contractor/Traveler as part of a particular trip, as well as the prices of these services.
Additional services provided for in the Travel Program can be reserved by the Contractor when registering for a package arrangement and/or charter flight reservation.
For all types of special services, as well as services that are not provided for in the Travel Program, the Contractor is obliged to request/check their availability or the possibility of providing them before applying for the reservation of a package arrangement and/or charter flight.
Unless otherwise specified, the costs of reserved additional and special services are settled following the terms and payment terms of the basic price of the package arrangement and/or charter flight.
For certain additional and special services, it may be specified that they are paid only upon arrival at the destination.
Unless otherwise specified, the choice and/or change and payment of additional services can be made no later than 15 days before the start of the trip.
The organizer is not responsible for price changes of additional services by suppliers/service providers that occur after their publication as part of the Travel Program and/or charter flight, in which case it reserves the right to correct them.
The Organizer can, in the Travel Program, or at the request of the Contractor/Traveler sent before the start of the trip or during the trip, recommend certain additional services in the destination that the Contractor/Traveler pays for on the spot. In this case, the company Jadranski skiperi
d.o.o. does not act as an organizer, nor as an intermediary, regardless of the help that the tour leader and/or other representatives of the Organizer may provide to the Contractor/Traveler in obtaining that service, but only as an informer. In this case, the Contractor/Traveler can send complaints only to the direct service provider.
Before the trip, the contractor will be informed about the prices of all additional services from the Travel Program and/or charter flight.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor/Traveler is free to independently choose the additional services he wishes to use.
Inside and outside the official Travel Program and/or charter flight, there is no obligation of the travel manager or other representative of the Organizer to spend time with the Contractor/Traveller. Regardless of this provision, the tour leader or other representative of the Organizer will try to meet the Contractor/Traveler in every situation.
Nakon sklapanja Ugovora a prije početka putovanja Organizator može jednostrano izmijeniti uvjete Ugovora, ukoliko se radi o beznačajnoj izmjeni, a o čemu će obavijestiti Ugovaratelja na trajnom nosaču podataka. Beznačajnom izmjenom smatra se svaka izmjena koja značajno ne mijenja glavna obilježja usluga putovanja, ne umanjuje kvalitetu i/ili vrijednost paket-aranžmana i/ili charter leta, niti uzrokuje značajnije neugodnosti i/ili dodatne troškove za Ugovaratelja/Putnika.
Ako je Organizator nakon sklapanja Ugovora a prije početka putovanja prisiljen znatno izmijeniti bilo koje od glavnih obilježja usluga putovanja ili ne može ispuniti ugovorene posebne zahtjeve Ugovaratelja/Putnika, o tome će bez nepotrebnog odgađanja obavijestiti Ugovaratelja na trajnom nosaču podataka. Obavijest će sadržavati opis predloženih izmjena ili eventualni zamjenski paket-aranžman i/ili charter let koji Organizator može ponuditi Ugovaratelju. Osim ako u obavijesti nije drugačije određeno, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx, u roku od 2 xxxx od primitka obavijesti, na isti način xxxx xx i obavijest zaprimio, očitovati se prihvaća li predloženu izmjenu ili pak raskida Ugovor. Ako Ugovaratelj u roku od 2 xxxx od obavijesti Organizatora ne dostavi Organizatoru obavijest o raskidu Ugovora, smatra se da je suglasan s izmjenama ili eventualnim
zamjenskim paket-aranžmanom i/ili charter letom, osim ako je drugačije određeno u takvoj pisanoj obavijesti. Ako izmjene ili eventualni zamjenski paket-aranžman i/ili charter let imaju za posljedicu višu kvalitetu i/ili vrijednost paket-aranžmana i/ili višu cijenu/dodatne troškove, obavijest će sadržavati informacije o istom, a razliku u cijeni obvezan je podmiriti Ugovaratelj. Ako izmjene ili eventualni zamjenski paket-aranžman imaju za posljedicu nižu kvalitetu ili cijenu, Ugovaratelj nema pravo na sniženje cijene. Po primitku obavijesti, Ugovaratelj u slučaju raskida Ugovora nema pravo na povrat uplaćenog iznosa niti pravo na naknadu štete i eventualnih troškova vize, osiguranja, cijepljenja i sl.
Organizator zadržava pravo promjene xxxx ili sata putovanja zbog promjene xxxx letenja ili zbog nastupanja izvanrednih okolnosti, pravo promjene smjera putovanja ukoliko se promijene uvjeti za putovanje (promijenjen red letenja, sigurnosna situacija u određenoj zemlji, elementarne nepogode ili druge situacije na koje Organizator ne može utjecati), pravo promjene tipova zrakoplova i prijevoznika i to sve bez prava Ugovaratelja/Putnika na naknadu štete i/ili naknadu nastalih dodatnih troškova i/ili prava na smanjenje cijene, a prema važećim propisima u domaćem i međunarodnom prometu. Organizator ne odgovara za kašnjenje zrakoplova, xxxxx, autobusa ili vlaka (niti drugih prijevoznih sredstava) kao ni za promjene programa, neiskorištavanje usluga, nastale troškove i/ili štete uvjetovane takvim kašnjenjem. U slučaju nastupa takve situacije, Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx xxxxx xx svojim možebitnim zahtjevom/prigovorom izravno se obratiti neposrednom pružatelju usluga. U slučaju kašnjenja vezanog leta koji utječe na propuštanje osnovnog leta isključivo je odgovorna avio kompanija. Za bilo kakvu nepravilnost u avio prometu, Organizator ne može asistirati već Ugovaratelj/Putnik xxx xxxx podnijeti zahtjev/prigovor izravno avio kompaniji. Ukoliko se dogodi overbooking na letu, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx surađivati s predstavnicima avio kompanije xx xxxx pokušati zajedno sa istima naći odgovarajuće rješenje budući je za takve okolnosti isključivo odgovorna avio kompanija. Nastup bilo koje od navedenih situacija ne smatra se izmjenom Programa putovanja.
Organizator ne snosi odgovornost za izmjene u Programu putovanja uslijed izvanrednih okolnosti nastalih u tijeku realizacije putovanja. U xxx slučaju sve nastale troškove snosi Ugovaratelj/Putnik. Iznimno, u slučaju izmjene u Programu putovanja uslijed izvanrednih okolnosti nastalih u tijeku realizacije putovanja Organizator može biti odgovoran samo za one nastale troškove u odnosu na koje je Ugovorom izričito propisano da će ih Organizator snositi u takvim okolnostima. U slučaju izmjene Programa putovanja uslijed izvanrednih okolnosti nastalih u tijeku realizacije putovanja Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo na povrat xxxx xxxx kakvu naknadu konzumiranih usluga.
U slučaju nužnosti izmjene Programa putovanja tijekom realizacije putovanja, a koja se ne može pripisati nastanku izvanrednih okolnosti, Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo na povrat xxxx xxxx kakvu naknadu konzumiranih usluga.
After the conclusion of the Agreement and before the start of the trip, the Organizer can unilaterally change the terms of the Agreement, if it is an insignificant change, about which he will inform the Contractor on a permanent data carrier. An insignificant change is considered any change that does not significantly change the main features of the travel services, does not reduce the quality and/or value of the package arrangement and/or charter flight, nor does it cause significant inconvenience and/or additional costs for the Contractor/Traveller.
If, after concluding the Agreement and before the start of the trip, the Organizer is forced to significantly change any of the main features of the travel services or cannot fulfil the contracted special requirements of the Contractor/Traveller, it will notify the Contractor of this without undue delay on a permanent data carrier. The notification will contain a description of the proposed changes or a possible replacement package arrangement and/or charter flight that the Organizer can offer to the Contractor. Unless otherwise specified in the notification, the Contractor is obliged, within 2 days of receiving the notification, in the same way as he received the notification, to state whether he accepts the proposed change or terminates the Agreement. If the Contractor does not notify the Organizer of the termination of the Agreement within 2 days of the Organizer's notification, it is considered that he agrees to the changes or possible replacement package arrangement and/or charter flight, unless otherwise specified in such written notification. If changes or a possible replacement package arrangement and/or charter flight result in a higher quality and/or value of the package arrangement and/or a higher price/additional costs, the notice will contain information about the same, and the difference in price must be paid by the Contractor. If changes or a possible replacement package arrangement result in lower quality or price, the Contractor has no right to a price reduction. Upon receipt of the notice, in the event of termination of the Agreement, the Contractor has no right to a refund of the amount paid, nor the right to compensation for damages and eventual costs of visas, insurance, vaccinations, etc.
The Organizer reserves the right to change the day or hour of travel due to a change in the flight schedule or due to the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, the right to change the direction of travel if the conditions for travel change (changed flight schedule, security situation in a certain country, natural disasters or other situations that the Organizer cannot influence ), the right to change types of aircraft and carrier, and all this without the Contractor's/Passenger's right to compensation for damages and/or compensation for incurred additional costs and/or the right to a price reduction, according to current regulations in domestic and international traffic. The
organizer is not responsible for the delay of the plane, ship, bus or train (or other means of transport) as well as for program changes, non-use of services, incurred costs and/or damages caused by such delays. In the event of such a situation, the Contractor/Traveller is obliged to contact the immediate service provider with his/her possible request/complaint. In case of a delay of a connected flight that affects the missing of the basic flight, the airline is solely responsible. For any irregularity in air traffic, the Organizer cannot assist, but the Contractor/Passenger must submit a request/complaint directly to the airline company. If overbooking occurs on the flight, the Contractor/Passenger is obliged to cooperate with the representatives of the airline and must try together with them to find an appropriate solution, since the airline is solely responsible for such circumstances. The occurrence of any of the above situations is not considered a change to the Travel Program.
The organizer is not responsible for changes in the Travel Program due to extraordinary circumstances arising during the realization of the trip. In this case, all incurred costs are borne by the Contractor/Traveller. Exceptionally, in the event of a change in the Travel Program due to extraordinary circumstances arising during the realization of the trip, the Organizer can only be responsible for those incurred costs in relation to which the Contract expressly stipulates that the Organizer will bear them in such circumstances. In the event of a change in the Travel Program due to extraordinary circumstances arising during the realization of the trip, the Contractor/Traveler has no right to a refund or any compensation for the services consumed.
If it is necessary to change the Travel Program during the realization of the trip, which cannot be attributed to the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, the Contractor/Traveler has no right to a refund or any compensation for the services consumed.
Od sklapanja Ugovora pa do početka putovanja, Ugovaratelj može raskinuti Ugovor i time odustati od putovanja. Kako bi raskinuo Ugovor Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx na trajnom nosaču podataka dostaviti Organizatoru pisanu obavijest o raskidu Ugovora a Ugovor se smatra raskinutim tek s danom kada Organizator zaprimi pisanu obavijest.
U slučaju raskida Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja odnosno njegovog odustanka od putovanja, Organizator ima pravo naplatiti 100% iznosa ukupne cijene za Program putovanja i/ili charter leta i/ili dodatno ugovorenih usluga.
Ugovaratelj nema pravo na povrat iznosa troškova eventualnih viza, osiguranja, cijepljenja i sl.
Ako se Ugovaratelj/Putnik ne pojavi na ugovorenom mjestu u ugovoreno vrijeme na xxx početka putovanja („no show“) smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor te će Organizator prema njemu primijeniti naplatu naknade u 100% iznosu ukupne cijene Programa putovanja i/ili charter leta i/ili dodatno ugovorenih usluga.
U svrhu možebitnog umanjenja rizika i posljedica potencijalne potrebe Ugovaratelja/Putnika za raskidom Ugovora, Organizator predlaže Ugovaratelju/Putniku sklapanje police putnog osiguranja. Organizator posebno naglašava kako su svi uvjeti i rokovi police osiguranja izravno ugovoreni između Ugovaratelja/Putnika i osiguravajućeg društva te Organizator ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost za bilo kakav prigovor i/ili nepriznavanje prava xx xxxxxx osiguravajućeg društva prema Ugovaratelju/Putniku temeljem njegovog zahtjeva za isplatu po ugovorenoj polici osiguranja.
From the conclusion of the Agreement until the start of the trip, the Contractor may terminate the Agreement and thereby abandon the trip. To terminate the Agreement, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Organizer with a written notification of termination of the Agreement on a permanent data carrier, and the Agreement is considered terminated only on the day the Organizer receives the written notification.
In case of termination of the Agreement by the Contractor or his cancellation of the trip, the Organizer has the right to charge 100% of the total price for the Travel Program and/or charter flight and/or additionally contracted services.
The contractor is not entitled to a refund of the cost of any visas, insurance, vaccinations, etc.
If the Contractor/Traveler does not appear at the agreed place at the agreed time on the day of the start of the trip ("no show"), he will be considered to have terminated the Agreement, and the Organizer will charge a fee in the amount of 100% of the total price of the Travel Program and/or charter flights and/or additionally contracted services.
To possibly reduce the risk and consequences of the Contractor's/Traveler's potential need to terminate the Agreement, the Organizer suggests the Contractor/Traveler take out a travel insurance policy. The Organizer especially emphasizes that all the terms and conditions of the insurance policy are directly agreed between the Contractor/Traveler and the insurance company,
and the Organizer bears no responsibility for any complaint and/or non-recognition of rights by the insurance company towards the Contractor/Traveler based on his request for payment at the agreed insurance policy.
Organizator može raskinuti Ugovor prije početka putovanja u kojem slučaju će Ugovaratelju vratiti plaćanja primljena za Program putovanja i/ili charter leta, bez obveze naknade štete i/ili bilo kakvih drugih plaćanja Ugovaratelju/Putniku. O tome će Organizator obavijestiti Ugovaratelja unutar roka utvrđenog u Ugovoru, a ako rok nije posebno naznačen, ne kasnije od:
● 48 sati prije početka paket-aranžmana
Ako za paket-aranžman nije prijavljen dovoljan broj putnika Organizator zadržava pravo, ukoliko uvjeti pojedinog paket-aranžmana to omogućuju, realizirati putovanje i s manjim brojem putnika od propisanog minimuma. Ukoliko xx xxxxxx potrebno izvršiti rekalkulaciju cijene, Organizator će po izračunu dostaviti ponudu nove cijene prijavljenim Ugovarateljima/Putnicima.
Organizaotr može raskinuti Ugovor prije početka paket-aranžmana i Ugovaratelju vratiti plaćanja primljena za paket-aranžman, bez obveze naknade štete i/ili bilo kakvih drugih plaćanja Ugovaratelju/Putniku ako Organizatora u izvršenju Ugovora spriječe izvanredne okolnosti koje se xxxx xxxxx izbjeći, a o čemu će Putnika obavijestiti bez nepotrebnog odgađanja prije početka paket-aranžmana.
Ako je Organizator primoran raskinuti Ugovor za vrijeme realizacije putovanja, Ugovaratelj ima isključivo pravo na povrat novčanih sredstava koja se odnose na neiskorišteni dio ugovorenih usluga.
U bilo kojem od slučajeva raskida Ugovora xx xxxxxx Organizatora Ugovaratelj nema pravo na povrat i/ili naplatu eventualno nastalih troškova putnog osiguranja, viza, izrade ostale dokumentacije potrebnih za ulaz u, boravak i/ili izlaz iz pojedine zemlje, cijepljenja, testiranja, troškova, naknada i provizija nastalih u vezi novčanih transakcija i/ili kartičnog plaćanja i sl.
Organizator može raskinuti Ugovor za vrijeme realizacije putovanja ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik svojim postupanjem ugrožava, otežava ili onemogućava redovnu provedbu Programa putovanja i/ili nanese štetu Organizatoru, pružateljima usluga, Putnicima i/ili trećim subjektima. U xxx
slučaju primijeniti će se uvjeti koji vrijede za raskid Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja a Organizator zadržava i pravo naknade štete od Ugovaratelja/Putnika.
The Organizer may terminate the Agreement before the start of the trip, in which case it will return to the Contractor the payments received for the Travel Program and/or charter flight, without the obligation to compensate the Contractor/Traveler for damages and/or any other payments. The Organizer will inform the Contractor about this within the deadline established in the Agreement, and if the deadline is not specifically indicated, no later than:
48 hours before the start of the package arrangement
If a sufficient number of passengers is not registered for the package arrangement, the Organizer reserves the right, if the conditions of the individual package arrangement allow it, to realize the trip with a smaller number of passengers than the prescribed minimum. If it is necessary to recalculate the price, the Organizer will submit a new price offer to the registered Contractors/Passengers based on the calculation.
The Organizer may terminate the Agreement before the start of the package arrangement and return the payments received for the package arrangement to the Contractor, without the obligation of compensation for damages and/or any other payments to the Contractor/Traveler if the Organizer is prevented from executing the Agreement by extraordinary circumstances that could not be avoided, which Inform the passenger without undue delay before the start of the package arrangement.
If the Organizer is forced to terminate the Agreement during the realization of the trip, the Contractor has the exclusive right to return funds related to the unused part of the contracted services.
In any of the cases of termination of the Agreement by the Organizer, the Contractor has no right to a refund and/or payment of the possibly incurred costs of travel insurance, visas, preparation of other documentation necessary for entry into, stay in, and/or exit from a particular country, vaccinations, testing, costs, fees and commissions incurred in connection with monetary transactions and/or card payments, etc.
The Organizer may terminate the Agreement during the implementation of the trip if the Contractor/Traveler endangers, hinders or prevents the regular implementation of the Travel Program and/or causes damage to the Organizer, service providers, Travelers and/or third parties. In this case, the conditions applicable to termination of the Agreement by the Contractor will apply, and the Organizer reserves the right to compensation for damages from the Contractor/Traveller.
Organiztaor je odgovoran za provedbu Programa putovanja odnosno za pravilno izvršenje svih usluga putovanja iz paket-aranžmana koje je Ugovaratelj ugovorio s Organizatorom. Organizator odgovara za eventualno neispunjenje, djelomično ispunjenje i/ili neuredno ispunjenje usluge koja proizlazi iz paket-aranžmana, osim kada iz Ugovora, Programa putovanja, Posebnih uvjeta, ovih Općih uvjeta i/ili pozitivnih propisa proizlazi da Organizator ne snosi odgovornost.
Organizator xx xxxxx čuvati kao poslovnu tajnu sve podatke koje je saznala o Ugovaratelju/Putniku. Organizator nikome ne smije priopćiti podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika (adresu, mjesto i vrijeme putovanja, boravka, uplaćenu cijenu, imena i prezimena suputnika) bez odobrenja Ugovaratelja, osim xxxx xx to potrebno u svrhu izvršenja Ugovora kao i u slučajevima koji su propisani pozitivnim propisima.
Organizator nije odgovoran za nesukladnost niti za Organizatora nastupaju bilo kakve dodatne obveze, posljedice i/ili troškovi povezani sa nesukladnošću ako do nesukladnosti dođe uslijed nastupa izvanrednih okolnosti koje se xxxx xxxxx izbjeći, ako se nesukladnost može pripisati trećoj osobi koja nije povezana s pružanjem usluga putovanja obuhvaćenih Ugovorom a nesukladnost je nepredvidiva ili neizbježna, te ako se nesukladnost može pripisati Ugovaratelju/Putniku.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo na naknadu izgubljene dobiti te naknadu nematerijalne štete i troškova koji iz nje proizlaze.
Ako se međunarodnim konvencijama koje obvezuju Europsku uniju ili zakonskim propisima koji se temelje na njima ograničuje opseg naknade štete koju xx xxxxx platiti pružatelj usluge putovanja xxxx xx dio paket-aranžmana ili ograničuju uvjeti pod xxxxxx xx on xxxxx tu štetu nadoknaditi, u xxx slučaju iste se pretpostavke, ograničenja i isključenja na odgovarajući način primjenjuju na Organizatora i on se u odnosu na Ugovaratelja/Putnika može pozvati na to.
Pravo Ugovaratelja/Putnika na naknadu eventualne štete ili sniženje cijene ne utječe na prava Ugovaratelja/Putnika u skladu s:
● Xxxxxxx (EZ) br. 261/2004 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 11. veljače 2004. o utvrđivanju općih pravila odštete i pomoći putnicima u slučaju uskraćenog ukrcaja i otkazivanja ili dužeg kašnjenja leta u polasku te o stavljanju izvan snage Uredbe (EEZ) br. 295/91
Ugovaratelj/Putnik može podnijeti zahtjev za sniženje cijene i/ili naknadu eventualne štete sukladno Ugovoru i Zakonu i u skladu s navedenim međunarodnim konvencijama i uredbama.
Naknada štete ili sniženje cijene na koje Ugovaratelj/Putnik ima pravo u skladu s Ugovorom i Zakonom i naknada štete ili sniženje cijene na koje ima pravo u skladu s navedenim međunarodnim konvencijama i uredbama oduzimaju se jedne od drugih kako bi se izbjegla prekomjerna odšteta i/ili prekomjerno sniženje cijene.
The Organizer is responsible for the implementation of the Travel Program, i.e. for the proper execution of all travel services from the package arrangement that the Contractor has agreed with the Organizer. The Organizer is responsible for possible non-fulfilment, partial fulfilment and/or irregular fulfilment of the service resulting from the package arrangement, except when it follows from the Contract, Travel Program, Special Conditions, these General Conditions and/or positive regulations that the Organizer is not liable.
The Organizer is obliged to keep as a business secret all the information it has learned about the Contractor/Traveler. The Organizer may not disclose the details of the Contractor/Passenger (address, place and time of travel, stay, xxxxx paid, names and surnames of companions) to
anyone without the approval of the Contractor, except when it is necessary for executing the Contract and in cases prescribed by positive regulations.
The Organizer is not responsible for non-compliance, nor shall any additional obligations, consequences and/or costs related to non-compliance arise for the Organizer if the non-compliance occurs due to the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances that could not be avoided, if the non-compliance can be attributed to a third party that is not related to the provision of travel services covered by the Agreement and the non-compliance is unforeseeable or unavoidable, and if the non-compliance can be attributed to the Contractor/Traveler.
The Contractor/Traveler has no right to compensation for lost profit and compensation for non-material damage and expenses resulting from it.
If international conventions that bind the European Union or legal regulations based on them limit the scope of compensation for damages that the travel service provider that is part of the package arrangement is obliged to pay or limit the conditions under which he is obliged to compensate this damage, in that case, the same assumptions, limitations and exclusions apply to the Organizer in an appropriate manner and it can refer to it in relation to the Contractor/Traveler.
The right of the Contractor/Traveler to compensation for possible damages or price reduction does not affect the rights of the Contractor/Traveler in accordance with:
Regulation (EC) no. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 11, 2004, on establishing general rules for compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and cancellation or long flight delay in departure and on the repeal of Regulation (EEC) no. 295/91
The Contractor/Traveler may submit a request for a price reduction and/or compensation for possible damages following the Agreement and the Law and following the aforementioned international conventions and regulations.
Damage compensation or price reduction to which the Contractor/Traveler is entitled following the Contract and the Law and damage compensation or price reduction to which he is entitled following the aforementioned international conventions and regulations are subtracted from each other in order to avoid excessive compensation and/or excessive price reduction.
Ugovaratelj je obvezan sve Putnike iz svoje prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana upoznati s Ugovorom, Programom putovanja, Posebnim uvjetima (ukoliko se primjenjuju) i ovim Općim uvjetima, a uplatom ukupne cijene Programa putovanja i/ili charter leta Ugovaratelj izričito potvrđuje Organizatoru xxxx xx tu svoju obvezu izvršio. Ugovaratelj je ujedno obvezan upoznati Putnika/Putnike sa svim dodatnim informacijama koje dobije u daljnjem kontaktu s Organizatorom.
Ugovaratelj prijavom za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana izričito potvrđuje Organizatoru xxxx xx ovlašten djelovati u ime i za račun Putnika obuhvaćenih prijavom te da je u cijelosti odgovoran prema Organizatoru za njihovo poštivanje Ugovora.
Osim ako nije drugačije određeno, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx izvršiti sva plaćanja temeljem Ugovora (za sve Putnike iz prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana).
Kad god Ugovaratelj daje neku izjavu, jamstvo, odricanje i/ili preuzima neku obvezu, smatra se da to čini u svoje ime i za svoj račun ali i u ime i za račun svakog Putnika iz njegove prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana. Kad god Xxxxxx daje neku izjavu, jamstvo odricanje i/ili preuzima neku obvezu, smatra se da to čini u svoje ime i za svoj račun ali i u ime i za račun Ugovaratelja koji ga je prijavio za putovanje, kao i, xxxx xx to primjenjivo, u ime i za račun ostalih Putnika iz Ugovarateljeve prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana.
Sve što se temeljem Ugovora primjenjuje na Ugovaratelja na odgovarajući način primjenjuje se i na Putnika kojeg je Ugovaratelj prijavio za putovanje, osim ako nije drugačije određeno.
Prilikom prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx dostaviti Organizatoru sve točne podatke i priložiti dokumente Ugovaratelja/Putnika koji su potrebni za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja. Dostavljeni podaci i dokumenti moraju odgovarati valjanim osobnim dokumentima Ugovaratelja/Putnika koje će koristiti prilikom realizacije putovanja. Organizator nije odgovoran za zaprimanje, korištenje i/ili prosljeđivanje netočnih ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika. Ugovaratelj koji prilikom prijave ne stavi na raspolaganje Organizatoru točne i/ili potpune podatke i/ili dokumente Ugovaratelja/Putnika, odgovara za sve posljedice i troškove proizašle iz korištenja netočnih i/ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata. U slučaju dostave netočnih ili nepotpunih podataka i/ili dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika Organizator može raskinuti Ugovor s učinkom kao da ga je raskinuo Ugovaratelj i od
Ugovaratelja zahtijevati isplatu svih nastalih troškova i štete. U slučaju da Ugovaratelj ne dostavi podatke i/ili dokumente u skladu s uvjetima i rokovima Ugovora smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja.
U slučaju bilo kakve promjene podataka Ugovaratelja/Putnika a koji su potrebni za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja i/ili dokumenata koje će Ugovaratelj/Putnik koristiti prilikom realizacije putovanja, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx bez odgađanja dostaviti Organizatoru nove podatke i/ili dokumente.U suprotnom će se smatrati xxxx xx dostavio netočne podatke i/ili dokumente te će se primijeniti pravila koja vrijede za dostavu netočnih podataka i/ili dokumenata.
Ukoliko je to potrebno za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja, Organizator može zadržati preslike dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx informirati se i poštovati sve važeće propise o putnim ispravama, vizama, deviznim, graničnim, carinskim i zdravstvenim propisima, te se brinuti da on osobno, njegovi dokumenti i prtljaga odgovaraju uvjetima predviđenima graničnim, carinskim, zdravstvenim i drugim pozitivnim propisima, kako matične države, tako i države tranzita, te države odredišta.
Ukoliko Ugovaratelj/Putnik uslijed nepoštivanja propisa bude spriječen u mogućnosti odlaska na putovanje ili u nastavku putovanja, smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U takvom slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik odgovoran je i za sve nastale troškove i posljedice.
U svrhu putovanja, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx imati važeću putovnicu ili drugu odgovarajuću važeću ispravu temeljem koje mu se može odobriti ulazak u pojedinu zemlju, a sve sukladno važećim propisima o putnim ispravama. Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx samostalno o svom trošku pribaviti putovnicu ili drugu odgovarajuću ispravu temeljem koje mu se može odobriti ulazak u pojedinu zemlju. Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx tijekom cijelog trajanja putovanja imati važeću putovnicu ili drugu važeću odgovarajuću ispravu temeljem koje mu se može odobriti ulazak u pojedinu državu. Ukoliko nije drugačije određeno Programom putovanja, minimalno važenje putovnice jest 6 (slovima: šest) mjeseci od xxxx izlaska iz države u koju i/ili kroz koje se putuje. Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xxx vodi računa o svojoj putovnici ili drugoj odgovarajućoj ispravi temeljem koje mu se može odobriti ulazak u pojedinu zemlju i xxx odgovara za njihovo posjedovanje i ispravnost te snosi svu odgovornost za posljedice koje mogu proizaći iz neposjedovanja i/ili korištenja nevažeće putovnice ili druge isprave.
Ukoliko tijekom putovanja dođe do krađe putovnice ili druge odgovarajuće isprave Ugovaratelja/Putnika, iste budu uništene, izgubljene i/ili otuđene na bilo koji drugi način, Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx o svom trošku ishoditi novu putovnicu ili drugu odgovarajuću ispravu ukoliko je to nužno potrebno za nastavak putovanja i/ili povratak u državu polaska. Osim troškova ishođenja novih dokumenata, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xxxxx xx snositi i sve dodatne troškove i naknade koji proizađu iz takve situacije (gubitka dokumenata).
Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik zbog krađe, uništenja, gubitka ili bilo kojeg drugog otuđenja putovnice ili druge odgovarajuće isprave xxxx prekinuti putovanje, nema pravo na povrat uplaćenog putovanja xxxx xxxx kakvu naknadu troškova. U xxx slučaju smatrat će se da je Ugovaratelj/Putnik raskinuo Ugovor te se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U takvom slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik odgovoran je i za sve nastale troškove i posljedice.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx samostalno o svom trošku u roku određenom Programom putovanja pribaviti xxxx xxx i ostale dokumente određene Programom putovanja, ako i xxxx xx to potrebno za realizaciju putovanja.
Organizator ni u kojem slučaju ne jamči odobrenje viza niti ostalih dokumenata, xxx xxxx povrat uplaćenog iznosa za njihovo pribavljanje. U slučaju pribavljanja vize i/ili ostalih dokumenata, Organizator ne odgovara za ispravnost istih. Organizator ne jamči za točnost informacija koje je zaprimila od nadležnih diplomatskih predstavništava, a koje je proslijedila Ugovaratelju/Putniku.
Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik uslijed neodobravanja vize i/ili nepribavljanja nekog drugog dokumenta bude spriječen u mogućnosti odlaska na putovanje ili u nastavku putovanja, smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U takvom slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik odgovoran je i za sve nastale troškove i posljedice.
Ukoliko je za organiziranje i realizaciju putovanja obvezno imati i/ili pribaviti odgovarajući zdravstveni dokument, obaviti cijepljenje bilo kojom vrstom cjepiva i/ili je potrebno ispunjenje bilo kojeg drugog uvjeta određenog zdravstvenim propisima (npr., no ne i isključivo pribavljanje potvrde o preboljenju određene bolesti, potvrde da Ugovaratelj/Putnik nikada nije imao određenu bolest, potvrde o cijepljenju, negativan PCR test i sl.), Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx samostalno o svom trošku u roku određenom Programom putovanja pribaviti odgovarajući zdravstveni dokument, izvršiti cijepljenje i o tome pribaviti odgovarajuću potvrdu xxxx xx u skladu s propisima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i drugim zdravstvenim propisima i/ili ispuniti drugi uvjet određen zdravstvenim propisima.
Organizator ni u kojem slučaju nije ovlašten davati upute i preporuke bilo kojem Ugovaratelju/Putniku da primi određeno cjepivo, poduzme bilo koji drugi medicinski zahvat i/ili koristi bilo koje lijekove, već u svrhu pribavljanja svih informacija, uputa i preporuka po xxx pitanjima, upućuje Ugovaratelja/Putnika da se isključivo obrati ovlaštenom liječniku.
Organizator ni u kojem slučaju ne preuzima bilo kakvu odgovornost za posljedice koje bi za Ugovaratelja/Putnika xxxxx proizaći iz cijepljenja, poduzimanja drugih medicinskih zahvata, uporabe lijekova, i/ili slično.
Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik uslijed neposjedovanja odgovarajućeg zdravstvenog dokumenta, necijepljenja/neposjedovanja odgovarajuće potvrde o cijepljenju i/ili neispunjenja drugog uvjeta određenog zdravstvenim propisima bude spriječen u mogućnosti odlaska na putovanje ili u nastavku putovanja, smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U takvom slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik odgovoran je i za sve nastale troškove i posljedice.
Osim dužnosti brige i osiguranja Ugovaratelja/Putnika da on osobno, njegovi dokumenti i prtljaga odgovaraju uvjetima predviđenim graničnim, carinskim, zdravstvenim i drugim propisima, kako matične države, tako i države tranzita te države odredišta, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx osigurati da on osobno, njegovi dokumenti i prtljaga ispunjavaju uvjete koje određuje prijevoznik.
Organizator ni na xxxx xxxxx nije odgovorna za odluke službenih osoba kojima se Ugovaratelju/ Putniku uskraćuje prijevoz, odbija izdavanje viza i/ili ostalih dokumenata potrebnih za putovanje i/ili ulazak/boravak/izlazak u/iz pojedine zemlje, xxx xxxx za troškove i/ili druge posljedice koje iz takvih odluka proizlaze. Ukoliko Ugovaratelj/Putnik zbog takve odluke nije u mogućnosti otići na ili nastaviti putovanje, smatrat će se da je raskinuo Ugovor, u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju odredbe o raskidu Ugovora xx xxxxxx Ugovaratelja. U takvom slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik odgovoran je i za sve nastale troškove i posljedice.
Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx prilikom prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana obavijestiti Organizatora o svim činjenicama vezanim za zdravstveno stanje, navike i sl. Ugovaratelja/svih Putnika obuhvaćenih njegovom prijavom za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana ako bi takvo zdravstveno stanje, navike i sl. moglo ugroziti i/ili znatno otežati realizaciju putovanja i/ili zdravlje/život Putnika (npr., no ne i isključivo, potreba za posebnom prehranom, informacije o kroničnim bolestima, alergijama, invaliditetu i sl.). Ako su takvo zdravstveno stanje, navike i sl. xxxxxxx xxxxx izvršene prijave, Ugovaratelj xx xxxxx o tome obavijestiti Organizatora bez odgađanja.
Organizator će zahtjev Ugovaratelja/Putnika za posebnim uvjetima putovanja po primitku zahtjeva uputiti pružateljima usluga no ne odgovara za neispunjenje zahtjeva u slučaju da isti nisu u mogućnosti ponuditi tražene uvjete ili ukoliko su pružatelji usluga kod realizacije zahtjeva učinili propuste.
Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik na bilo xxxx xxxxx ugrožava sigurnost, mir i/ili udobnost ostalih Putnika, trećih subjekata i/ili ugrožava, otežava ili onemogućava redovno odvijanje Programa putovanja, Organizator ima pravo prekinuti putovanje za tog Ugovaratelja/Putnika u kojem slučaju Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo na naknadu i/ili povrat bilo kakvih novčanih sredstava uplaćenih za putovanje a odgovoran je i za naknadu štete koja bi mogla proizaći iz njegovog postupanja.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik se obvezuje pridržavati svih razumnih naputaka voditelja putovanja ili drugog predstavnika Organizatora. Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx tijekom putovanja xxxxx pridržavati se pravila o osobnoj sigurnosti u stupnju koji bi primijenila svaka prosječna osoba. Organizator ni na xxxx xxxxx ne odgovara za radnje Ugovaratelja/Putnika koje se tiču njegove osobne odgovornosti.
U slučaju bilo kakve povrede Ugovora i/ili pozitivnih propisa, Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx odgovoran za nastalu štetu kao i za bilo koju drugu štetu koju prouzroči a koju pretrpi Organizator, drugi Putnik, pružatelji usluga i/ili treći subjekti. Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx svaku štetu koju prouzroči podmiriti na licu mjesta izravno subjektu kojem xx xxxxx nanio. Za svaku takvu štetu koju bi Organizator eventualno podmirila u njegovo ime, Organizator ima pravo naplate. U slučaju povrede Ugovora i/ili pozitivnih propisa te počinjenja štete xx xxxxxx Putnika, utvrđuje se solidarna odgovornost Ugovaratelja za njezinu naknadu.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx provjeriti svu putnu dokumentaciju koju mu Organizator dostavi. Ukoliko Organizator unutar 24 sata od dostave putne dokumentacije ne zaprimi od Ugovaratelja/Putnika reklamaciju ili zahtjev za ispravkom, smatrat će se da je sva putna dokumentacija valjana i ispravna. Troškove nastale po zahtjevu i/ili potrebi za bilo kakvom izmjenom i/ili ispravkom putne dokumentacije nakon proteka tog roka snosi Ugovaratelj/Putnik.
The Contractor is obliged to familiarize all Passengers with the Contract, Travel Program, Special Conditions (if they apply) and these General Conditions from their application for booking a package arrangement, and by paying the total price of the Travel Program and/or charter flight, the Contractor expressly confirms to the Organizer that there fulfilled his obligation. The Contractor is also obliged to inform the Passenger/Passengers of all additional information obtained in further contact with the Organizer.
By applying for the reservation of a package arrangement, the Contractor expressly confirms to the Organizer that he is authorized to act in the name and on behalf of the Passengers included in the application and that he is fully responsible to the Organizer for their compliance with the Agreement.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor is obliged to make all payments based on the Contract (for all Passengers from the package-arrangement reservation application).
Whenever the Contractor makes a statement, guarantee, waiver and/or undertakes an obligation, it is considered that he is doing so in his own name and on his own account, but also on behalf of and on behalf of each Passenger from his application for booking a package arrangement. Whenever the Traveler makes a statement, warranty waiver and/or undertakes an obligation, it is considered that he does so in his own name and on his own account, but also on behalf of and on behalf of the Contractor who registered him for the trip, as well as, when applicable, in the name and on behalf of the other Travelers from the Contractor's application for booking a package arrangement.
Everything that is applied to the Contractor according to the Agreement is also applied to the Traveler registered by the Contractor for the trip unless otherwise specified.
When applying for a package-arrangement reservation, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Organizer with all correct information and to attach the documents of the Contractor/Traveler that are necessary for the organization and implementation of the trip. The submitted data and documents must correspond to the valid personal documents of the Contractor/Traveler that will
be used during the trip. The Organizer is not responsible for receiving, using and/or forwarding incorrect or incomplete data and/or documents of the Contractor/Traveler. The Contractor who does not make available to the Organizer correct and/or complete data and/or documents of the Contractor/Traveler during the registration is responsible for all consequences and costs arising from the use of incorrect and/or incomplete data and/or documents. In case of delivery of incorrect or incomplete data and/or documents by the Contractor/Traveler, the Organizer may terminate the Agreement with the effect that it was terminated by the Contractor and demand payment of all incurred costs and damages from the Contractor. If the Contractor does not submit data and/or documents following the terms and conditions of the Agreement, he will be considered to have terminated the Agreement, in which case the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply.
In the event of any change in the information of the Contractor/Traveler, which is necessary for organizing and realizing the trip and/or documents that the Contractor/Traveler will use during the realization of the trip, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Organizer with new information and/or documents without delay. Otherwise, he will be considered to have submitted incorrect data and/or documents, and the rules applicable to the submission of incorrect data and/or documents will be applied.
If this is necessary for the organization and implementation of the trip, the Organizer may retain copies of the Contractor's/Traveler's documents.
The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to inform himself of and comply with all valid regulations on travel documents, visas, foreign exchange, border, customs and health regulations, and to ensure that he personally, his documents and luggage meet the conditions stipulated by border, customs, health and other positive regulations, both the home country, the country of transit, and the country of destination.
If the Contractor/Traveler is prevented from going on the trip or continuing the trip due to non-compliance with the regulations, he will be considered to have terminated the Agreement, in which case the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply. In such a case, the Contractor/Traveler is also responsible for all incurred costs and consequences.
For travel, the Contractor/Traveler is required to have a valid passport or other corresponding valid document based on which he can be granted entry into a particular country, all in accordance with the valid regulations on travel documents. The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to obtain a passport or other appropriate document based on which he can be granted entry into a
particular country at his own expense. The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to have a valid passport or other valid appropriate document for the entire duration of the trip, based on which he can be granted entry into a particular country. Unless otherwise determined by the Travel Program, the minimum validity of the passport is 6 (literally: six) months from the day of departure from the country to and/or through which the trip is made. The Contractor/Traveler himself takes care of his passport or other appropriate document based on which he can be granted entry into a particular country and is himself responsible for their possession and correctness and bears all responsibility for the consequences that may arise from not having and/or using an invalid passport or other documents.
If during the trip the passport or other appropriate document of the Contractor/Traveler is stolen, destroyed, lost and/or misappropriated in any other way, the Contractor/Traveler will obtain a new passport or other appropriate document at his own expense if this is necessary for continuation of the trip and/or return to the country of departure. In addition to the costs of obtaining new documents, the Contractor/Traveler is also obliged to bear all additional costs and fees arising from such a situation (loss of documents).
If the Contractor/Traveler has to interrupt the trip due to the theft, destruction, loss or any other misappropriation of the passport or other appropriate document, he has no right to a refund of the paid trip or any reimbursement of expenses. In this case, it will be considered that the Contractor/Traveler has terminated the Agreement, and the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply. In such a case, the Contractor/Traveler is also responsible for all incurred costs and consequences.
The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to independently obtain visas and other documents specified in the Travel Program at his own expense within the period specified in the Travel Program, if and when this is necessary for the realization of the trip.
The organizer does not under any circumstances guarantee the approval of visas or other documents, as well as the refund of the amount paid for obtaining them. In case of obtaining a visa and/or other documents, the Organizer is not responsible for their correctness. The Organizer does not guarantee the accuracy of the information it received from the competent diplomatic missions, and which it forwarded to the Contractor/Traveler.
If the Contractor/Traveler is prevented from going on the trip or continuing the trip due to visa disapproval and/or failure to obtain another document, he will be considered to have terminated the Agreement, in which case the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply. In such a case, the Contractor/Traveler is also responsible for all incurred costs and consequences.
If to organize and realize the trip it is mandatory to have and/or obtain an appropriate health document, to be vaccinated with any type of vaccine and/or it is necessary to fulfil any other condition specified by health regulations (e.g., but not exclusively obtaining a certificate of recovery from a certain disease, certificates that the Contractor/Traveler has never had a certain disease, vaccination certificates, a negative PCR test, etc.), the Contractor/Traveler will independently, at his own expense, within the period specified in the Travel Program, obtain an appropriate health document, carry out vaccinations and obtain an appropriate certificate is in accordance with the regulations of the World Health Organization and other health regulations and/or fulfil another condition determined by the health regulations.
In no case is the organizer authorized to give instructions and recommendations to any Contractor/Traveler to receive a certain vaccine, undertake any other medical procedure and/or use any medicines, but to obtain all information, instructions and recommendations on these issues, he directs Contractor/Traveler to exclusively consult an authorized doctor.
In no case does the Organizer assume any responsibility for the consequences that the Contractor/Traveler may have from vaccinations, taking other medical procedures, using medications, and similar.
If the Contractor/Traveler, due to not having an appropriate health document, not being vaccinated/not having an appropriate vaccination certificate and/or not fulfilling another condition specified by health regulations, is prevented from going on the trip or continuing the trip, it will be considered that he has terminated the Agreement, in which case apply the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor. In such a case, the Contractor/Traveler is also responsible for all incurred costs and consequences.
In addition to the duty of care and assurance of the Contractor/Traveler that he personally, his documents and luggage meet the conditions stipulated by the border, customs, health and other regulations of both the home country, the country of transit and the country of destination, the Contractor/Traveler is obliged to ensure that he personally, his documents and luggage meet the conditions set by the carrier.
The Organizer is in no way responsible for the decisions of officials who deny the Contractor/Traveler transportation, refuse to issue visas and/or other documents necessary for travel and/or entry/stay/exit to/from a particular country, as well as for costs and/ or other consequences arising from such decisions. If the Contractor/Traveler is unable to go on or continue the trip due to such a decision, he will be considered to have terminated the Agreement,
in which case the provisions on termination of the Agreement by the Contractor shall apply. In such a case, the Contractor/Traveler is also responsible for all incurred costs and consequences.
(affecting the trip)
When applying for the reservation of a package arrangement, the Contractor is obliged to inform the Organizer of all facts related to the state of health, habits, etc. of the Contractor/all Passengers included in his application for the reservation of a package arrangement, if such health condition, habits, etc. could endanger and/ or significantly complicate the realization of the trip and/or the health/life of the Passenger (eg, but not exclusively, the need for a special diet, information about chronic diseases, allergies, disability, etc.). If such a state of health, habits, etc. arose after the application was made, the Contractor is obliged to inform the Organizer about it without delay.
Upon receipt of the request, the Organizer will forward the request of the Contractor/Traveler for special travel conditions to the service providers but is not responsible for non-fulfillment of the request if they are unable to offer the requested conditions or if the service providers have made omissions when implementing the request.
If the Contractor/Traveler in any way endangers the safety, peace and/or comfort of other Travelers, third parties and/or endangers, hinders or prevents the regular development of the Travel Program, the Organizer has the right to terminate the trip for that Contractor/Traveler in which case the Contractor/Traveler has no right to compensation and/or refund of any funds paid for the trip and is also responsible for compensation for damages that could result from his actions.
The Contractor/Traveler undertakes to comply with all reasonable instructions of the tour leader or other representative of the Organizer. During the trip, the Contractor/Traveler is obliged to comply with the rules on personal safety to the extent that any average person would apply. The Organizer is not responsible in any way for the actions of the Contractor/Traveler that concern his personal responsibility.
In case of any violation of the Agreement and/or positive regulations, the Contractor/Traveler is responsible for the resulting damage as well as for any other damage caused and suffered by the Organizer, other Travelers, service providers and/or third parties. The Contractor/Traveller will pay for any damage he causes on the spot directly to the entity to whom he caused the damage. The Organizer has the right to charge for any such damage that the Organizer might settle on its
behalf. In case of violation of the Agreement and/or positive regulations and damage caused by the Passenger, the Contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for its compensation.
The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to check all the travel documentation provided by the Organizer. If the Organizer does not receive a complaint or a request for correction from the Contractor/Traveller within 24 hours of the delivery of the travel documentation, it will be considered that all travel documentation is valid and correct. The costs incurred due to the request and/or need for any change and/or correction of the travel documentation after the expiration of that period shall be borne by the Contractor/Traveller.
Ako nije drugačije određeno, prijevoz prtljage zrakoplovom, do težine koju odredi avio prijevoznik je uključen u cijenu. Svaki dodatni kilogram prtljage (višak prtljage) Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx podmiriti izravno avio prijevozniku prema pravilima i važećem cjeniku avio prijevoznika.
Za prijevoz posebne prtljage (npr. no ne i isključivo, surf daske, bicikli, ostala sportska oprema, glazbeni instrumenti i sl.) Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx provjeriti mogućnost prijevoza kod Organizatora, prije prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana. Ukoliko mogućnost prijevoza takve prtljage postoji, isto će se vršiti prema pravilima i važećem cjeniku pojedinog prijevoznika. Bez obzira na navedeno, prijevoznik zbog ograničenog kapaciteta ili drugih razloga u svakom slučaju ima pravo odbiti prijevoz posebne prtljage. Sve troškove odnosno štetu koja može nastati zbog toga snosi xxx Ugovaratelj/Putnik.
Prijevoz i smještaj kućnih ljubimaca nije dopušten.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx tijekom putovanja samostalno voditi brigu i imati nadzor nad svim svojim stvarima te ih xx xxxxx samostalno preuzeti i ponijeti sa sobom. Posljedice koje bi xxxxx proizaći iz propusta da to učini, isključiva su odgovornost Ugovaratelja/Putnika.
Prijevoz prtljage bilo kojim prijevoznim sredstvom provodi se xx xxxxx Ugovaratelja/Putnika. Iz tog razloga Organizator savjetuje Ugovaratelja/Putnika ugovaranje odgovarajuće police osiguranja kojom se osigurava prtljaga.
Organizator nije odgovorna za uništenu, oštećenu, izgubljenu prtljagu niti za krađu i/ili bilo kakvo drugo otuđenje prtljage, drugih dragocjenosti i/ili bilo kakvih dokumenata Ugovaratelja/Putnika, a do kojih dođe prilikom prijevoza, u smještajnom objektu, ugostiteljskom objektu i/ili na bilo kojoj drugoj lokaciji, xxx xxxx za troškove i/ili posljedice koje iz toga proizlaze. Nastup takve situacije Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx prijaviti izravno neposrednom pružatelju usluge (npr., no ne i isključivo, avio prijevozniku, drugom prijevozniku, smještajnom objektu, ugostiteljskom objektu i sl.), odmah po nastanku takve situacije, temeljem čega će Ugovaratelj/Putnik i neposredni pružatelj usluge zajednički nastojati riješiti problem. Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik ima ugovorenu odgovarajuću policu osiguranja kojom se osigurava prtljaga, xxxxx xx poduzeti i radnje propisane odredbama te police.
Unless otherwise specified, baggage transportation by plane, up to the weight specified by the airline, is included in the price. The Contractor/Passenger is obliged to pay each additional kilogram of baggage (excess baggage) directly to the airline according to the rules and valid pricelist of the airline.
For the transportation of special luggage (e.g., but not exclusively, surfboards, bicycles, other sports equipment, musical instruments, etc.), the Contractor/Traveler is obliged to check the possibility of transportation with the Organizer, before applying for a package-arrangement reservation. If the possibility of transporting such luggage exists, it will be carried out according to the rules and valid pricelist of the individual carrier. Regardless of the above, the carrier has the right to refuse the transport of special luggage due to limited capacity or other reasons in any case. All costs or damage that may arise as a result shall be borne by the Contractor/Traveller.
Transportation and accommodation of pets are not allowed.
The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to independently take care of and supervise all his belongings during the trip and is obliged to collect and take them with him. The consequences that could result from failure to do so are the sole responsibility of the Contractor/Traveler.
Baggage transport by any means of transport is carried out at the risk of the Contractor/Passenger. For this reason, the Organizer advises the Contractor/Passenger to take out an appropriate insurance policy that ensures the luggage.
The organizer is not responsible for destroyed, damaged, or lost luggage or for theft and/or any other misappropriation of luggage, other valuables and/or any documents of the Contractor/Traveller, which occur during transportation, in the accommodation facility, catering facility and/or in any other location, nor for the costs and/or consequences arising from it. The Contractor/Traveler is obliged to report the occurrence of such a situation directly to the immediate service provider (e.g., but not exclusively, an airline, other carrier, accommodation facility, catering facility, etc.), immediately upon the occurrence of such a situation, based on which the Contractor/Traveler and the immediate service provider to jointly try to solve the problem. If the Contractor/Passenger has contracted an appropriate insurance policy that insures luggage, he is obliged to take the actions prescribed by the provisions of that policy.
U slučaju pojave bilo kakve nesukladnosti u izvršenju usluga putovanja obuhvaćenih Ugovorom, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx, bez nepotrebnog odgađanja i vodeći računa o okolnostima, obavijestiti Organizatora o postojanju nesukladnosti.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik svoj će prigovor uputiti neposrednom pružatelju usluga a xxxxxx xx xxxxx o tome obavijestiti i Organizatora korištenjem sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka (putem elektroničke pošte ili broja telefona koji su navedeni kao kontakt Organizatora).
U slučaju da Ugovaratelj/Putnik ne podnese svoj prigovor na licu mjesta a na opisani način, smatrat će se da u potpunosti prihvaća pruženu uslugu/nastalu situaciju, te time gubi bilo kakvo pravo na naknadno podnošenje prigovora i/ili zahtjeva za sniženjem cijene usluge i/ili naknade eventualne štete.
Po podnošenju prigovora, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx u dobroj volji surađivati sa neposrednim pružateljem usluga, sve kako bi se uklonili uzroci prigovora. Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik na licu mjesta ne prihvati ponuđeno rješenje prigovora koje odgovara ugovorenoj usluzi, Organizator neće uvažiti naknadne prigovore Ugovaratelja/Putnika, niti je dužna na njih odgovoriti.
Nakon povratka s putovanja, Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx najkasnije u roku od 8 xxxx od završetka putovanja podnijeti Organizatoru xxxxxx prigovor i to: preporučenom poštom s povratnicom na adresu Organizatora, ili adresu elektroničke pošte: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Uz xxxxxx prigovor Ugovaratelj/Putnik xx xxxxx dostaviti Organizatoru dokaze koji potvrđuju osnovanost prigovora, račune povezane s dodatnim troškovima, pisanu potvrdu/zapisnik sastavljen na licu mjesta i sl. Organizator neće razmatrati prigovore uz koje Ugovaratelj/Putnik
ne priloži pisanu potvrdu/zapisnik iz kojeg xxxx proizlaziti da se uzrok prigovora nije mogao otkloniti na licu mjesta, kao ni prigovore podnesene nakon proteka propisanog roka. Organizator će razmatrati samo one prigovore kojima se uzrok nije mogao otkloniti na licu mjesta, a koji su podneseni na propisani način i u propisanom roku.
Organizator bez pisanog prigovora neće razmatrati zahtjeve za sniženjem cijene i/ili naknadu eventualne štete.
Organizator neće razmatrati grupno podnesene prigovore, svaki Ugovaratelj/Putnik ovlašten je svoj prigovor podnijeti pojedinačno.
U slučaju sklapanja Ugovora između Ugovaratelja i Organizatora a po „sistemu na neviđeno“, Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo prigovora na pružene usluge.
U slučaju da se na putovanju koristi charter let, Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo prigovora na eventualno skraćivanje boravka na odredištima koja proizlaze iz nepovoljnih vremena leta charter zrakoplova.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo prigovora na „Last minute“ paket-aranžmane.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik nema pravo na prigovore koji se odnose na prirodne pojave, vremensku prognozu/vremenske neprilike, čekanja, zastoje i/ili gužve u prometu, na graničnim prijelazima i/ili u mjestima/na lokacijama koja/koje su predmet posjete.
Organizator će bez odgađanja pisanim putem potvrditi primitak prigovora. Organizator će u roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx primitka pisanog prigovora odgovoriti Ugovaratelju/Putniku pisanim putem. Organizator zadržava pravo taj rok produljiti za daljnjih 15 xxxx, ukoliko je to potrebo radi utvrđenja činjenica i okolnosti bitnih za odgovor i/ili provjeru informacija kod neposrednih pružatelja usluga.
Kada tvrtka Jadranski skiperi d.o.o. nije organizator putovanja već samo posrednik, zaprimljeni prigovor proslijediti će odgovornom organizatoru putovanja te o tome pisanim putem obavijestiti Ugovaratelja/Putnika.
Kada Organizator djeluje samo kao informator, Ugovaratelj/Putnik mora sve svoje prigovore i/ili zahtjeve uputiti isključivo na licu mjesta neposrednom pružatelju usluge.
Tijekom cjelokupnog razdoblja rješavanja prigovora pa sve do odgovora Organizatora, Ugovaratelj/Putnik se obvezuje kako neće podnositi pritužbe i/ili zahtjeve trećim subjektima i/ili nadležnim institucijama, niti informacije povezane sa prigovorom učiniti javno dostupnima na bilo xxxx xxxxx, a ujedno se u xxx vremenu odriče i prava na tužbu. Ugovaratelj/Xxxxxx xx
odgovoran za sve posljedice koje bi xxxxx proizaći iz nepoštivanja ove odredbe.
Najviši iznos naknade po osnovanom prigovoru može doseći iznos spornog/reklamiranog dijela usluge a ne može obuhvatiti uredno iskorištene usluge xxx xxxx cjelokupni iznos paket-aranžmana.
In the event of any inconsistency in the performance of travel services covered by the Agreement, the Contractor/Traveler is obliged, without undue delay and taking into account the circumstances, to inform the Organizer of the existence of inconsistency.
The Contractor/Traveller will send his complaint to the direct service provider and is also obliged to inform the Organizer about this using means that have the character of a permanent data carrier (via e-mail or phone number listed as the Organizer's contact).
If the Contractor/Traveler does not submit his complaint on the spot and in the manner described, it will be considered that he fully accepts the service provided/the resulting situation, thereby losing any right to subsequently submit a complaint and/or request for a reduction in the price of the service and /or compensation for possible damage.
Upon submitting a complaint, the Contractor/Traveler is obliged to cooperate in good faith with the immediate service provider, all in order to eliminate the causes of the complaint. If the Contractor/Traveler does not accept the proposed solution to the complaint on the spot that corresponds to the contracted service, the Organizer will not consider the subsequent complaints of the Contractor/Traveler, nor is it obliged to respond to them.
After returning from the trip, the Contractor/Passenger is obliged to submit a written complaint to the Organizer within 8 days of the end of the trip at the latest: by registered mail with return receipt to the Organizer's address or email address: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx With a written complaint, the Contractor/Traveler is obliged to provide the Organizer with evidence that confirms the validity of the complaint, invoices related to additional costs, written confirmation/minutes drawn up on the spot, etc. The Organizer will not consider complaints that the Contractor/Traveller does not attach a written confirmation/minute from which it must appear that the cause of the complaint is he could not eliminate on the spot, as well as complaints submitted after the prescribed deadline. The organizer will consider only those complaints whose
cause could not be eliminated on the spot, and which were submitted in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed period.
The organizer will not consider requests for a price reduction and/or compensation for possible damages without a written complaint.
The Organizer will not consider complaints submitted as a group, each Contractor/Traveler is authorized to submit their complaint individually.
In case of the conclusion of the Contract between the Contractor and the Organizer and according to the "unseen system", the Contractor/Traveler has no right to complain about the services provided.
In the event that a charter flight is used on the trip, the Contractor/Passenger has no right to object to a possible shortening of the stay at the destinations resulting from unfavourable flight times of the charter aircraft.
The Contractor/Traveler has no right to object to "Last minute" package arrangements.
The Contractor/Traveler has no right to complaints related to natural phenomena, weather forecast/weather problems, waiting times, stoppages and/or traffic jams, at border crossings and/or in the places/locations that are/are the subject of the visit.
The organizer will confirm receipt of the complaint in writing without delay. The Organizer will respond to the Contractor/Traveler in writing within 15 days from the day of receipt of the written complaint. The organizer reserves the right to extend this deadline for a further 15 days, if this is necessary to determine the facts and circumstances important for the response and/or verification of information with the direct service providers.
When the company Xxxxxxxxx skiperi d.o.o. is not a travel organizer but only an intermediary, the received complaint will be forwarded to the responsible travel organizer who will inform the Contractor/Traveler about this in writing.
When the Organizer acts only as an informant, the Contractor/Traveler must direct all their objections and/or requests exclusively on the spot to the immediate service provider.
During the entire period of complaint resolution until the Organizer's response, the Contractor/Traveler undertakes not to submit complaints and/or requests to third parties and/or competent institutions, nor to make information related to the complaint publicly available in any way, and at the same time also waives the right to sue. The Contractor/Traveler is responsible for all consequences that may arise from non-compliance with this provision.
The maximum amount of compensation for a well-founded complaint can reach the amount of the disputed/complained part of the service, and it cannot cover properly used services or the entire amount of the package arrangement.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik i Organizator će sve nesuglasnosti nastojati riješiti sporazumno, prema propisanoj proceduri, a ako to ne bude moguće ugovara se nadležnost suda u Zagrebu, s primjenom hrvatskog prava u postupku.
The Contractor/Traveler and the Organizer will try to resolve all disagreements by agreement, according to the prescribed procedure, and if this is not possible, the jurisdiction of the court in Zagreb will be agreed upon, with the application of Croatian law in the proceedings.
Ugovaratelj/Putnik dobrovoljno daje svoje osobne podatke Organizatoru. Organizator koristi osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika prilikom organizacije i realizacije ugovorenog paket-aranžmana te pružanja ostalih usluga Organizatora.
Organizator prikuplja, obrađuje, koristi i xxxx osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika u skladu sa svim pozitivnim propisima. Osobni podaci Ugovaratelja/Putnika čuvaju se u bazi podataka Organizatora, sukladno odluci Organizatora o načinu prikupljanja, obrade, korištenja i čuvanja osobnih podataka.
Prijavom za rezervaciju paket aranžmana, Ugovaratelj daje privolu (u svoje ime i u ime svih Putnika obuhvaćenih njegovom prijavom za rezervaciju paket aranžmana) Organizatoru da
prikuplja, obrađuje, koristi i xxxx osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika u svrhu sklapanja Ugovora, organizacije i realizacije ugovorenog paket-aranžmana te pružanja ostalih usluga Organizatora. Radi ostvarenja tih svrha, Organizator je ovlašten prenositi osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika ovlaštenim trećim subjektima. Organizator neće iznositi osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika iz zemlje, osim xxxx xx to potrebno za organiziranje i realizaciju ugovorenih usluga.
Upitom ili prijavom za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana Ugovaratelj može dati privolu Organizatoru da prikuplja, obrađuje, koristi i xxxx osobne podatke Ugovaratelja u marketinške svrhe (npr. slanje obavijesti, promocija, newslettera, akcija i sl.) te za direktnu prodaju, istraživanje tržišta, provođenje analiza poslovanja, segmentaciju kupaca, statističke obrade i sl. Ugovaratelj tu privolu može u bilo kojem trenutku uskratiti i/ili povući slanjem obavijesti Organizatoru korištenjem sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka.
Sklapanjem Xxxxxxx, Ugovaratelj daje privolu (u svoje ime i u ime svih Putnika obuhvaćenih njegovom prijavom za rezervaciju paket aranžmana) Organizatoru da osobne podatke Ugovaratelja/Putnika poput fotografija i/ili video materijala na kojima se nalazi Ugovaratelj/Putnik i sl. nastale i prikupljene tijekom putovanja, može bez bilo kakvih daljnjih upita, privola i/ili ograničenja, koristiti u marketinške svrhe. Ako Ugovaratelj/Putnik iz bilo kojeg razloga ne želi biti na takvim fotografijama, u video materijalima i sl., to će posebno naglasiti voditelju putovanja ili drugom predstavniku Organizatora, te snimatelju/fotografu, a ujedno će se samostalno izuzeti iz kadra uređaja za snimanje/slikanje prilikom nastanka fotografija, video materijala i sl.
Politika zaštite podatka Organizatora dostupna je na mrežnim stranicama Organizatora. Sklapanjem Xxxxxxx Ugovaratelj potvrđuje xxxx xx pročitao Politiku zaštite podatka, xxxx xx s xxx pravilima upoznao sve Putnike iz njegove prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana, te da Ugovaratelj i svi Putnici iz njegove prijave za rezervaciju paket-aranžmana u potpunosti razumiju i prihvaćaju Politiku zaštite podataka.
The Contractor/Traveler voluntarily provides his personal data to the Organizer. The Organizer uses the personal data of the Contractor/Traveler during the organization and realization of the contracted package arrangement and the provision of other services of the Organizer.
The Organizer collects, processes, uses and stores the personal data of the Contractor/Traveler following all positive regulations. The personal data of the Contractor/Traveler are stored in the Organizer's database, following the Organizer's decision on the method of collection, processing, use and storage of personal data.
By applying for the reservation of a package deal, the Contractor gives consent (in his own name and on behalf of all Passengers included in his application for the reservation of a package deal) to the Organizer to collect, process, use and store personal data of the Contractor/Traveller for the purpose of concluding the Contract, organization and realization of the contracted package- arrangements and the provision of other services by the Organizer. To achieve these purposes, the Organizer is authorized to transfer the personal data of the Contractor/Passenger to authorized third parties. The Organizer will not disclose the personal data of the Contractor/Traveler from the country, except when it is necessary for the organization and implementation of the contracted services.
By inquiring or applying for the reservation of a package arrangement, the Contractor may give permission to the Organizer to collect, process, use and store personal data of the Contractor for marketing purposes (e.g. sending notifications, promotions, newsletters, campaigns, etc.) and for direct sales, market research, conducting business analysis, customer segmentation, statistical processing, etc. The Contractor may withhold and/or withdraw this consent at any time by sending a notification to the Organizer using means that have the character of a permanent data carrier.
By entering into the Agreement, the Contractor gives consent (in his own name and on behalf of all Passengers included in his application for booking a package tour) to the Organizer to provide personal data of the Contractor/Traveler, such as photos and/or video materials on which the Contractor/Traveler is located, etc. created and collected during travel, can be used for marketing purposes without any further inquiries, consent and/or restrictions. If, for any reason, the Contractor/Traveler does not want to be in such photographs, video materials, etc., he will specifically emphasize this to the tour leader or another representative of the Organizer, as well as to the videographer/photographer, and at the same time will independently exclude himself from the frame of the recording device/ painting during the creation of photos, video material, etc.
The Organizer's data protection policy is available on the Organizer's website. By concluding the Agreement, the Contractor confirms that he has read the Data Protection Policy, that he has familiarized all Passengers from his application for booking a package arrangement with these
rules, and that the Contractor and all Passengers from his application for booking a package arrangement fully understand and accept the Data Protection Policy.
Xxxx xx Ugovorom određena obveza komunikacije pisanim putem ili korištenjem sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka, dostava obavijesti između Ugovaratelja/Putnika i Organizatora valjano je izvršena xxxx xx Ugovaratelj/Putnik obavijest poslao preporučenom poštom s povratnicom ili elektroničkom poštom. Valjanom adresom za dostavu obavijesti poštom i/ili elektroničkom poštom smatraju se one adrese koje su si Ugovaratelj/Putnik i Organizator dostavili međusobno. U slučaju bilo kakve promjene adrese za dostavu pošte i/ili elektroničke pošte, subjekt kod kojega xx xxxxx do promjene xxxxx xx bez odgode podatak o novoj adresi dostaviti drugoj strani pisanim putem ili korištenjem sredstava koja imaju karakter trajnog nosača podataka. Ako isti tako ne postupi, odgovoran je za sve posljedice koje iz toga proizađu.
Očigledne greške i neispravne informacije (kako na internetu, tako i u tisku) nisu obvezujuće za Organizatora. Ugovaratelj/Putnik ne stječe nikakva prava prema Organizatoru radnjama poduzetim na temelju očiglednih xxxxxx i neispravnih informacija. U slučaju sklapanja Ugovora temeljem očigledne greške i/ili neispravne informacije, Organizator može, bez bilo kakvih obveza i/ili posljedica po nju, raskinuti takav Ugovor, isključivo uz obvezu povrata uplaćenih novčanih sredstava, sukladno odredbama ovih Općih uvjeta. Organizator će po uočavanju očigledne greške i/ili neispravne informacije iste ispraviti.
U slučaju overbookinga (dvostruke rezervacije/rezervacije preko maksimalnog broja raspoloživih mjesta) za bilo koju uslugu iz ponude Organizatora, po uočavanju overbookinga Organizator će bez odgode obavijestiti Ugovaratelja o nastaloj situaciji. Ako Organizator zbog nastale situacije nije u mogućnosti pružiti Ugovaratelju/Putniku uslugu, može, bez bilo kakvih obveza i/ili posljedica po nju, raskinuti Ugovor, isključivo uz obvezu povrata uplaćenih novčanih sredstava, sukladno odredbama ovih Općih uvjeta.
Organizator zadržava pravo raskinuti bilo koji Ugovor u roku od 15 radnih xxxx od xxxx njegove potvrde, bez bilo kakvih obveza i/ili posljedica po nju, isključivo uz obvezu povrata uplaćenih novčanih sredstava, sukladno odredbama ovih Općih uvjeta.
Fotografije i video materijali objavljeni na mrežnim stranicama, u reklamnim materijalima, te na društvenim mrežama Organizatora informativne su i neobvezujuće prirode.
Ako bilo koja odredba Ugovora i/ili ovih Općih uvjeta jest ili postane ništetna, nevaljana ili neizvršiva, ili ako Ugovor sadrži nenamjeravanu ugovornu prazninu, to neće utjecati na valjanost ili izvršivost ostatka Xxxxxxx. Bilo koja takva ništetna, nevaljana ili neizvršiva odredba će se smatrati zamijenjenom, a praznina upotpunjenom, odgovarajućom odredbom xxxx xx sukladno gospodarskoj svrsi i cilju te odredbe i/ili Ugovora, u mjeri u kojoj je to zakonski dopušteno, najbliža izvornoj namjeri ugovornih strana.
Na sva pitanja koja nisu uređena Ugovorom, primjenjuju se odredbe Zakona, te drugi hrvatski pozitivni propisi.
Ovi opći uvjeti stupaju na snagu 9.7.2024. godine. Organizator zadržava pravo izmjene ovih Općih uvjeta u bilo kojem trenutku objavljivanjem izmijenjenog teksta Općih uvjeta na web stranicama Organizatora.
U Samoboru, 9.7.2024. godine
When the Agreement stipulates the obligation to communicate in writing or using means that have the character of a permanent data carrier, the delivery of the notification between the Contractor/Traveler and the Organizer was validly carried out when the Contractor/Traveler sent the notification by registered mail with return receipt or by electronic mail. A valid address for the delivery of notifications by post and/or electronic mail is considered to be those addresses that the Contractor/Traveler and the Organizer have provided to each other. In case of any change in the address for the delivery of mail and/or electronic mail, the entity with which the change occurred is obliged to provide information about the new address to the other party without delay in writing or using means that have the character of a permanent data carrier. If he does not do so, he is responsible for all the consequences that arise from it.
Obvious errors and incorrect information (both on the Internet and in the press) are not binding for the Organizer. The Contractor/Traveler does not acquire any rights against the Organizer by actions taken on the basis of obvious errors and incorrect information. In the event of concluding an Agreement based on an obvious mistake and/or incorrect information, the Organizer may, without any obligations and/or consequences for it, terminate such an Agreement, solely with the obligation to return the paid funds, in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and
Conditions. Upon noticing obvious errors and/or incorrect information, the organizer will correct them.
In case of overbooking (double booking/reservation over the maximum number of available places) for any service offered by the Organizer, upon noticing overbooking, the Organizer will notify the Contractor of the situation without delay. If, due to the situation, the Organizer is unable to provide the Contractor/Traveler with a service, it may, without any obligations and/or consequences for it, terminate the Agreement, solely with the obligation to return the paid funds, in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.
The Organizer reserves the right to terminate any Agreement within 15 working days from the date of its confirmation, without any obligations and/or consequences for it, only with the obligation to return the paid funds, in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.
Photos and video materials published on the website, in advertising materials, and on the Organizer's social networks are informative and non-binding in nature.
If any provision of the Agreement and/or these General Terms and Conditions is or becomes void, invalid or unenforceable, or if the Agreement contains an unintended contractual gap, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement. Any such void, invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be replaced, and the gap filled, by a suitable provision that is in accordance with the economic purpose and objective of that provision and/or the Agreement, to the extent legally permitted, closest to the original intention of the contracting parties.
The provisions of the Act and other positive Croatian regulations apply to all matters not regulated by the Agreement.
These general terms and conditions enter into force on 7/9/2024. years. The Organizer reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing the amended text of the General Terms and Conditions on the Organizer's website.
In Samobor, Croatia, 9th of July, 2024